Chapter 7

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It's the day of the Election. Dream and I are on the way to L'manburg on horseback. I'm still not even sure how I managed to convince him to bring me along, but I'm glad I did. I see the walls as we near L'manburg and memories of Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and I flood into my mind.

"Stay close at all times, you can't leave my side," he warns, looking back at me. I roll my eyes, but nod all the same as we reach the entrance. I feel excitement warm my body as we make our way inside. I notice a few new building that have been added and there are a couple new faces that I don't recognize within the crowd. I frown at the fact that I haven't been able to be a part of the progress, but I'm happy L'manburg is growing either way.

We approach the stage and take our seats but not before dismounting the horse and tying it to a nearby tree. I suddenly feel Dream's fingers wrap around my arm. I resist the urge to flinch away, but I know I made a deal and I won't back down on that. My eyes scan the crowd again and my eyebrows furrow as I hear my name being called. I shift my gaze and see Tubbo jogging towards me, a look of relief and excitement on his face.

I shake my head at him before putting a hand up in warning. Dream hasn't explicitly said anything about me not be able to talk to my friends, but I don't want to take that chance. Tubbo nods and turns away, but not before looking down between me and Dream, staring at the way his hand was protectively wrapped around my arm. I suddenly remember what Dream had said to me before.

"Your Wilbur's sister, Tommy's friend, and Tubbo's crush." At first I had though Dream was just messing with me, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. I feel guilty at the fact that I could never return his feelings if they're true, he is one of my best friends. Either way, it's not like there's anything going on between Dream and I to be jealous of.

I forget about the matter as I look up and see Wilbur walk onto the stage. I see his eyes wander across the crowd of people before eventually landing on me. His eyes widen and a small smile spreads across his face. I give him one in return, I wish I could speak to him and tell him that I'm okay.

Everyone starts to quiet down as each party gives their respective speeches. Finally, after what seems like hours, Wilbur starts announcing the results.

"In fourth place, Coconut 2020, with 9% of the votes," he states. Coconut 2020 was Fundy and Nihachu's campaign. "In 3rd place... Schlatt 2020, with 16% of the votes!" There are a few gasps, and I sigh in relief. I look over at Dream who seems completely unfazed. "In second place..." Wilbur pauses, letting the suspense rise. "Is Swag2020 with 30% of the votes!" Tommy immediately starts yelling in triumph.

"We did it, Wilbur! We won! Pog2020 won! L'manburg is ours!" He cheers and I grin, sparing a glance at Dream. He still seems fine, what's happening with him? I thought he wanted Schlatt to win.

"Tommy, Tommy!" Wilbur repeats, placing a calming hand on the other. "Tommy, stop! Stop celebrating, we haven't won." The other's cheers instantly die down as he turns to Wilbur with a confused look. "Quackity agreed to pool his votes with Schlatt's no matter who wins or loses." I gasp along with the rest of the crowd, surprised at Quackity's betrayal. He was once a party of L'manburg, how could he ally with Schlatt?

"That means that because of the combination of Schlatt2020 with Swag2020, their combined votes came out to be 46%, therefore Quackity and Schlatt win the presidency by 1%," Wilbur finishes with a defeated sigh as Quackity and Schlatt appear triumphantly. Dream still has not moved a single inch and Tommy lets out a yell in disbelief.

"What the fuck? Are you sure you counted right, Wilbur? By 1 fucking percent?" He shouts and I can't believe it either. Schlatt confidently steps onto the podium with a wide smirk on his face, his arms spread wide.

"Thank you, thank you," Schlatt pauses, his eyes sweeping over all of us as he takes control of the stage. "As my first act of presidency I would like to banish Tommy and Wilbur!" My jaw drops and I stare at my friends in horror as Schlatt lets out a low laugh. I hear Tommy shriek and Wilbur yelling out commands to run. Tubbo quickly throws a potion at them and they disappear.

"No Schlatt, you can't do this!" Tubbo yells from the crowd, his voice frantic and scared.

"Looks like I already have," he says with a raspy laugh. My brother and my best friend, banished from L'manburg, from the nation they created, just like that.

This was what Dream and Schlatt had planned, to take over L'manburg. Schlatt's voice booms over the microphone. "As my second act of presidency, let's change the name of this damn country! L'manburg is no more." He grins at the crowd, his eyes falling onto me. "Welcome to Manburg!"

How could he? Changing the name of our nation, and banishing its own founders?

"I know you're still here Wilbur and Tommy!" Schlatt's voice echoes. "You have two options, run or be killed!" He snaps his fingers at Punz and Quackity. "Go show them to the door," Schlatt orders, sending them to search the area. Tubbo starts trying to search for his friends in a panic, but freezes as Schlatt calls his name.

"Tubbo!" He says, clasping his hands together with a laugh. "C'mon up here!" Tubbo reluctantly approaches the stage and Schlatt places his arm around him, guiding him up to the podium. "How would you like to be my Secretary of State?" Schlatt asks and Tubbo knows he doesn't have a choice.

"Sure," he replies shakily. My heart swells with worry, he shouldn't have to do this. He isn't safe here with Schlatt, we don't know what he's capable of. Schlatt declares George as a cabinet member despite his absence. Dream's head snaps up for the first time since the election started. He doesn't seem to like the fact that George will be working for Schlatt.

"Now!" Schlatt's voice bellows once more. "Let's take these fucking walls down! Every single person here is required to take the walls down, no more being trapped here. I want them all down!" My eyes widen. The walls Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and I spent so long building are going to be destroyed.

"But-" Tubbo stutters in an attempt to counter, but Schlatt interrupts him.

"Start mining, Tubbo!" He says, pushing a pickaxe into Tubbo's arms. Schlatt whispers something to Tubbo, but I'm too far away to hear. Tubbo shakes his head and rushes to the walls to start mining them down. From the look of terror on his face it couldn't have been willingly. Schlatt has Tubbo wrapped around his finger, he's banished Tommy and Wilbur, and he's renamed L'manburg.

Dream's hand tightly wraps around my arm. I know he's just going to take me back to the cell and I'm completely helpless there. I somehow manage to wiggle out of Dream's grasp. I feel my pocket and grab the spare pearl I have been saving before throwing it into the forest. The familiar purple particles float around me once again and I grin. Dream's head turns towards me and I can almost see his confusion.

"Sorry, Dream."

A/n: school just started so sorry for the random updates

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