Chapter 10

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Tubbo's POV:

I quietly make my way through the dark halls. The walls of the White House are covered in framed photos of Schlatt. I slow to a stop as I notice a sliver of light cutting across the floor from an open door. I recognize the sound of two voices speaking as I carefully move closer.

I press myself against the wall next to the door, sparing a quick glance inside. My suspicions are confirmed when I notice Schlatt sitting at his desk, legs propped up, and Quackity standing before him. Schlatt seems to be arguing, as always, but what sets this moment apart from the many others was the fact that Quackity was arguing back.

"-own son?" I only manage to catch the end of Quackity's sentence, his tone full of disbelief.


"What the fuck is wrong with you, Schlatt?" Quackity yells, startling me slightly.

"If he can prove he's innocent before the festival, I won't do it."

My heart pounds harder in my chest, a sick feeling in my stomach. Is Schlatt catching on to what I'm doing? Is this plan about me?

"You mean Technoblade won't do it, you coward."

"Shut up, Quackity," Schlatt huffs. "God knows if he'll even agree."

What is Schlatt's plan for this festival, and why does it involve Technoblade? Is Technoblade betraying Pogtopia? No, not yet at least, Schlatt said that they don't know if Techno will agree.

"I doubt it."

There's a brief pause before Schlatt speaks again, his tone threatening. "Who's side are you on, Quackity?"

Quackity is teetering towards the edge, he'll want to betray Schlatt, and it's be best to get him on our side as soon as possible.

"... Yours. I just... I don't know if we're doing the right thing here, Schlatt."

"Just trust me, okay? Everything will be fine."

I leave before I can catch Quackity's response, the last thing I want to do is get caught and prove Schlatt's accusations correct, if I'm the traitor he's referring to. I hurriedly walk down the hall, stepping into the nearest room and closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief as I hear footsteps receding down the hall and the sound of Schlatt's office door slamming shut.

I wish I hadn't agreed to Wilbur's plan, I know Schlatt's hot on my tail. If what I assume is correct, he has something planned against me at that festival. I have to prove to him I'm not the traitor.

A few moments later, once I'm finally sure Quackity's left the hall, I open the door. I nearly fall back in surprise as I come face to face with Schlatt, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey, um. What're you doing here, Schlatt?" I manage to stutter out, my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

"Going to sleep." Schlatt glares down at me, his low voice making fear swirl through my mind.

I look around the room, noticing that out of all the places I could have stepped into, it had to have been Schlatt's bedroom.

"Oh..." I gulp, my hand shaking around the door handle.

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