Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV:

Dream was gone when I woke up this morning. He didn't leave a message or anything explaining why, but I have a feeling that he left to make amends with Schlatt. He had betrayed his only ally for me, he knocked Schlatt out for me. He's spent the last three days with me instead of preparing for war and now he needs to go get everything together.

I sit in the room Dream gave me, thinking about the last few days. They almost don't seem real, Dream's behavior leaves me feeling both wary and weirdly warm. His actions are starting to grow on me and this new side of him seems like a person I could actually be friends with. I'm just not sure how things will change once the war starts and I don't know if Dream's efforts are completely sincere. He'll be on the opposing side, fighting against me. Not only that, but if my friends saw me getting along with Dream they'd resent me.

A loud noise coming from outside shakes me from my thoughts, but I ignore it; Dream's probably back. I hear the front door open and multiple pairs of footsteps walking in. Two sets of voices—neither of which belong to Dream—ring out in the house. A pit grows in my stomach, panic flooding through me, but before I can get up to check who it is the door to my room swings open and I see Sapnap and George in the doorway, looks of shock on their faces. They're both dressed in Hawaiian shirts and swim shorts, sunglasses resting atop each of their noses.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sapnap shrieks, storming into the room.

"Dream's letting me stay-" I stammer, completely caught off guard by their appearance. Did Dream know they were coming? They clearly didn't know I was staying here. "Until the war starts..."

"Dream?" George furrows his eyebrows in confusion and what almost seems like jealousy as he clenches his fists at his sides. "He let you stay here?"

"I didn't have anywhere else to go and it's a really long story... Dream said it was his house, I'm sorry." I look at both of them, just as confused and slightly frightened. What didn't Dream tell me?

"Did he now?" I see Sapnap's jaw clench as he speaks, turning towards George as he shakes his head.

"I had no clue you guys were coming, I can leave if you want," I mutter, feeling embarrassed and angry at Dream for putting me in this situation. Though, something tells me not to be scared, they won't do anything bad if Dream's helping me, right?

"No, no..." George smirks, any previous signs of rage now erased from his features. His next words quickly confirm my suspicions. "You're Dream's guest, it's our job to accommodate you."

"What?" Both Sapnap and I yell simultaneously, snapping our heads toward George in indignation.

"We can't just kick her out," George shrugs, "Dream brought her here."

"We can kick her out, and we will! This is our house too!" Sapnap shouts and pushes George's shoulder, I silently pray that they do actually make me leave. I would rather die than be forced to hang out with these two.

"Y/n, would you please excuse us for a second?" George chuckles awkwardly before shutting the door once again. I hear the two of them screaming incoherently at each other from behind the door, their voices eventually quieting down into hisses that I can't make out. I hear Sapnap groan and a wince escapes my lips, knowing that George had most definitely won their argument.

"C'mon." George opens the door again, a grin on his face as he motions for me to come outside with them. I hesitantly follow, cursing Dream for leaving me alone. How have I reached the point where I miss being with Dream?

We walk out onto the dock, Sapnap grumbling the entire time while George laughs at his exasperation. I feel completely out of my element, George is basically forcing me to third wheel their hangout. Sapnap glares at me and I glare back, I'm not any happier about this than him.

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