Chapter 20

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Tomorrow is the war.

I let my head fall backwards as I sigh, blinking as it hits the headboard of my bed. Anxiety creeps inside of me. Tomorrow I have to fight against Dream, we'll be enemies again. No, we've always been enemies and that won't change just because he's been acting a bit nicer recently. I think of the way he treated his friends just because of me, just because he likes me. Schlatt calling him 'Lover Boy' makes a lot more sense now that I know his secret.

There's a uneasy tension between Dream and I now, more obvious than it had been the days before I spent time with George and Sapnap. He basically kicked them out after having promised to spend the day with them. I'm not sure if he's as good as I had slowly started to believe.

My mind wanders to Pogtopia and my own friends. I have to convince them that I'm not the traitor, and I'm not sure how. I feel my stomach twist. I still don't like Dream, and I don't think he's so obsessed with me that he'd switch sides. I don't have any advantage against him in this war besides the fact that I know he has feelings for me.

A more pressing matter corners my mind. If I'm not the traitor... then who is? Dozens of worrying thoughts overcome me but I'm suddenly startled out of them when a loud voice booms from outside of the cabin.

"Y/n!" I hear rampant knocking on the front door. "I know you're in there!" I immediately get up from the bed, cautiously opening the door and stepping out of the room. That isn't Dream's voice...

I carefully approach one of the windows near the front door and part the curtains slowly, peering outside. My heart nearly stops when I realize it's Schlatt.

"Y/n, I just want to talk! Open up!" He bangs the door with his fists again. He'll probably force his way in if I don't open the door. I bite the inside of my cheek as I reach for the knob, Dream's bound to come back soon anyway.

"What do you want, Schlatt?" I snap, cracking the door slightly. He smiles as he pushes it wide open and steps inside.

"No need for the attitude, y/n," he raises his hands with a chuckle and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want? How did you find me?" I repeat warily, stepping away from him, he reeks of alcohol. Had Sapnap or George told him I was at the lake house? It wouldn't make sense if they did. They said they had nothing against me, after all.

"I came here to ask if you'd like to join Manburg, it's my final offer," Schlatt says in a low voice.

"Schlatt, I already said no," I say as he walks closer to me, not breaking eye contact.

"Y/n. Your friends don't care about you. They think you're the traitor. Why help them?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I said no," I repeat between gritted teeth and Schlatt clenches his jaw, shaking his head.

"Don't come crawling back, begging for my help when you need it, y/n, you're making the wrong
choice!" He spits, stabbing a finger at my chest.

"Schlatt, you're nothing but a coward!" I say angrily, "Did you ever think that maybe Wilbur betrayed you for a reason?" I raise my voice, stepping closer to him. Schlatt's eyes flare with rage and he suddenly pushes me back with such force that I fall to the ground. He pulls out a sword from behind him and approaches me slowly. I curse under my breath, scrambling back and realizing I have no weapon.

"Who's the coward now, y/n?" He grins, dragging his sword across the ground. I quickly get up and he laughs mockingly. "Aw, is Lover Boy not here to save you?"

"Schlatt." I hear the icy voice before I see it. "Step away from her, right now." Dream's voice sends shivers down my spine, it's dangerously calm. Schlatt turns to meet Dream.

"Dream, she's the enemy!" He shouts, motioning an exasperated hand towards me.

"Not until tomorrow," Dream says firmly. "If you lay so much as a finger on her, the deal's over." Dream threatens, swinging his ax over his shoulder. Schlatt gives me a glare before pushing past Dream and storming out of the cabin.

"I meant what I said, y/n," he says. I look at him, confused.

"What?" I ask and he turns towards the doorway, his back facing me.

"Tomorrow we're enemies again," he says, closing the door behind him as he leaves. I sigh, knowing Dream and I are going to be against each other for the war. There's nothing I can do to stop that. I wonder how my friends are... are they even my friends anymore? They have no clue that I'm on their side. The most I can hope for is that they're ready.

Tubbo's POV:

Tomorrow is the war. The war against Schlatt, the war against Dream, the war against Manburg. Or, rather, for Manburg.

"Do we have everything ready, Techno?" I ask, the pink-haired man nods in response.

"We've got everything, Tubbo," he assures me. "Full enchanted netherite for all of us. Arrows, potions, weapons..." He trails off, continuing to sharpen his sword.

"We're gonna win, we've got The Blade!" Tommy shouts. I can't help but worry, tomorrow L'manburg might be burnt to the ground or exploded to bits. I feel sick to my stomach, tomorrow might be the end of it all. Tomorrow, we'll have to fight against y/n. I still can't believe she's the traitor Dream warned us about. I wanted to believe her, I did, but the evidence was so clear. I just never would've thought she'd do that to us, after everything. I don't know what I'll do if I see her on the battlefield tomorrow.

"Are you ready, Tubbo?" Techno suddenly asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ready?" I ask, confused. Techno stops sharpening his sword, looks up at me, and grins.

"Ready to win?"

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