Chapter 2

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Mrs.lee: Hello y/n welcome dear come come take a seat next to leeknow.

Y/n head thought:  

(wow there's a lot of people more than I expected )

Y/n: Thank you mrs.lee (Smiles) y/n dear come with me for a second.

(Went to the wash room) Y/n what are you wearing I said wear a dress.
You look pathetic today your supposed

to look like a bride to be could you be more stupid the one thing 
you had to do.
You better but better please leeknow at whatever he say GOT IT! 

Y/n hello did you hear me.

Y/n:y-Yes ma'am Am walking away from you

know by the time I get to the table you better be with a happy

cheerful spirit got idiot aish!

Y/n's pov:    Wow thanks mom (sighs) I cleaned my face a bit and walked out like nothing happened.

I was about to sit down until bridal music started playing and servers were escorting me to the middle of the haul
at the Lee's house,
oh no there he was lee minho coming

towards me saying so many thing's

about me that he was told to say. But

before I could even fake a smile he was already on one knee.

Minho:Y/n would you make me the happiest guy and accept it.

Y/n: haha (Nervous laugh) y-Yes

Authors pov: leeknow got up put the

ring on her and grabbed her by the

waist and kissed her infront of everyone.

After the party:

Minho: (smirks at y/n)

Y/n: yah so rude

Minho: if I have to embarrasse myself atleast I deserve something out of it.

(Both laugh)

Y/n: I guess (smiles)

Minho:  All these years of being

eachothers shadows it finally came

what everyone wanted.

Y/n: you wanted this?

Minho: w-Well not exactly but it was

alway put on us so  I guess I just

learned to deal with it.

Y/n: yeah, well for what it's worth am sorry you kinda go stuck with me.

Minho:( Laughs)  same here partner.

Next week:

Y/n's pov: it's already been a week and

the wedding is coming sooner than I

wanted it to ahhhh!! I have 2 more

weeks of being free, I hate the idea that

I won't be able to keep my company if

both families find out aish!

My parents will kill me and if minho

knows he could tell his parents ahhh! I

need to breath and think smart I can do this I know I can.

Minho pov: The proposal wasn't as bad,

I got to talk to y/n after the party for the

first time in a really long time. Both her

parents everytime we meet all they do

is talk about how bad there daughter

and that I should have a hard hand

with her and blah blah! Sometimes I

don't know if there trying to make me

not marry her or am not sure but she's

not rude the various times I have

spoken to her she's really nice to talk to,

I hope I don't regret my words later.

Author's note: Hello hopefully there wasn't to many mistakes. I hope you enjoy and feel free to give me advice lol 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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