Chapter 3

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Y/n: Today is supposed to be the best

day of my life according to fairytales

but instead am dreading to put on a

white dress that was chosen for me ay!

What a depressing day, I feel like I have

little butterflies in my stomach but am

not sure why, all my life my mom and

dad have always told me that it would

be chosen for me. Why haven't you put the dress yet?

Y/n: oh sorry mom I  couldn't  sip it up. That better be the problem

because your not ruining this day for

us  just because it doesn't fit.

Y/n: it does fit I can't sip it up.

Mrs.Lee: (Walks in) Hello dear you look beautiful, need help with the dress.

Y/n: y-Yes please (Smiles shyly)

Mrs.Lee: Fits like a glove wow! Minho will love it my dear.

Choose your dress:💥💥💥💥

_____________________________________Choose your dress:💥💥💥💥

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Minho's pov:

I was waiting  at the end of the altar for

my future wife. That felt werid to say

but it's what we were both told all our

life. After about 30 minutes it was

finally time that miss kim y/n was

finally  Lee y/n. (Laughs to himself).

I didn't know why my face felt burning

hot when I saw y/n she was very pretty

but I saw her like every single day of

my life I didn't know why today I felt

the way I felt. But behind all her beauty

there was for sure a little hint of

sadness but she still looked kind and

beautiful wow how the tables have turned. (Smirks)

After vows~

Priest: you may kiss the bride.

Y/n's pov: when it was time to kiss I felt

like I was sweating like hell but

ofcourse mister lee minho came closer

to me and cupped my face and did one

of the longest kiss he could have done.

And all his friends were screaming for

us to save it for the room and ahh!! It

was humiliating to make it worse he

grabbed my waist really tight and

walked me out of the venue.


Y/n: really minho

Minho: you can't blame me there was a

crowd I had to steal the show for atleast a second.

Y/n: (Laughs)  wow mister lee minho I

didn't expect that from you, your

usually really silent who new.

Minho's pov: what want me to do it

again, at that moment I didn't know

what happened I felt myself getting

closer and closer to her until she hit the

wall and she couldn't run off when I

was about to kiss her, someone showed up

which seemed to be her friends.

Jungkook: Y/n hey!!

Y/n: haha h-hi how have you been

Jungkook: I have been pretty bored without you. You ok your quite red.

Y/n: hmm! oh yeah yeah am fine. sorry 

I  haven't called you or messaged I have

been busy with the wedding and stuff (nervous laugh).

Jk:hmm alright alright ( smiles) see you later beautiful (kisses her cheek) bye.

Minho: well he's very touchy hmm y/n

(Turns around) y/n? Don't  run away tell me!!!!

Y/n: Ya!  Stop following me (tickles her)
Ow! stop (haha) ok ok all tell you.

Minho: ok speak you have the floor mrs. Lee (Dramatic hand gesture)

Y/n: first of all that sounded werid and second he is my friend minho.

Minho: A friend who clearly liked you hmm?

Y/n: he's my ex boyfriend

(she whispered)

Minho: And you invited him to our

wedding really wow y/n ( gets mad)

No it's fine it doesn't matter.( Head

thought) I don't care I shouldn't be acting like I do.

Y/n: no no no I promise I didn't am

really really sorry he's here, my dad did

his father is a partner of his. And I

never told him I dated him and plus we

dated in middle school minho he just

never moved on or idk aish! Please please

don't tell my parent's they will think I

did it on purpose which I didn't!

Minho: (Laughs) ok all forgive you if I get a kiss on the cheek easy as that my wife.

Y/n: ok but close your eyes your werid do it!!


"My Lovely Lover".. Leeknow X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now