Chapter 5

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Y/n pov:

When I opened my eyes I saw minho

really but really close to my face I

didn't know what to do, but he just

kissed my forehead and said, "Let's go

to sleep ok". Yeah haha (nervous laugh)

I was in a state of shock but I still

managed to hear what he had to say.

Next day:

Y/n pov: when I woke up I felt a hand

around my waist and it was minho I

flinched a little, we never sleep

together but I tried to ignore it  and get

out of bed and he just pulled me closer...

Y/n:Minho wake up !

Minho: hmm, oh sorry

Y/n: get up you have work.

Minho: yes am coming.

Time skip.. few months later:

Minho: After a few months the

company combination was on track,

Y/n's company was starting to be a little

competition to a lot of companies which

I was really impressed by. We have

gotten a little closer we sleep in the

same bed now but just as friends. Our

parents are hosting a party to celebrate

the company's success, and were both

expected to go know I just have to tell

Y/n, but she seems to have a little fever

she didn't have to tell me I can see her

eyes look really red, she has a runny

nose, and she keeps coughing. And if it

weren't any more obvious she didn't go

to work she stayed home and worked there...

Minho: here it's tea.

Y/n: oh thank you.

Minho: you know today is the family party?

Y/n: yeah I know.

Minho: your still going in your condition.

Y/n: Yes, I have to I have no option my
Mother dear already called me and sent me a stupid dress to wear.

Minho: What if I ask her for you hmm?

Y/n: thanks but its pointless all just drink medicine before going. (smiles)

Time skip:

Y/n pov:

When we arrived to the party minho

kept checking on me until I lost him

because he was talking to all the

business men. Which I understood so I

left to sit down for awhile, my mom

later came and told me to get up and

say hello to everyone but I felt terrible

like barfing. But she didn't care she

dragged me by my hand to say hi to

everyone until I couldn't anymore so I

ran of to the bathroom. After I came out

my mom was standing outside waiting to scream at me.... You done know with your little show of being sick hmm?

Y/n: mom am not faking I feel terrible. ahh! The only thing you have to do is sit down and look pretty! And apparently you can't even do that. (Slaps y/n)

Y/n pov: After that I fell down because I

lost my balance and I stayed there for a

moment because I needed to breath,

my mom kept screaming at me to get

up because if anyone  saw I would be in

trouble. But I really couldn't but I was

trying, but  minho came out of idk where and he helped me up.

Minho: what happened to your face your lip is bleeding

Y/n: n-nothing sorry, you can go know I tripped on my stupid dress.
(Fake laugh)

Y/n: (walks away)

Minho: excuse me misses kim. go ahead dear. (Smiles)

Minho: y/n slow down!

Minho: (grabs her by the waist)

Y/n: what

Minho: let's go home ok, well talk over there.

Y/n: No there's nothing to talk about am clumsy and I fell end of discussion know go with all the business men there looking for you.

Minho: You can't always just push me away  y/n your stuck with me. Well talk later when your more calm all be back.

Y/n: bye.
Y/n pov:

I didn't know why I was being so rude

but on the ride home we were both

quiet but I could see him glancing at me

when we were in red lights or

whenever he wasn't driving. That felt

like the long ride home, but as soon as

we got home he was chasing in back of

me to talk, which I wasn't in the mood

for so I locked myself in the bathroom

of our room and I told him to give me a

sec, which he was kind enough to wait

but soon I just started crying my eyes

out. I was so freaking mad that all my

life all I've been enough for was

absolutely nothing and neither did I

ever but ever get the chance to prove

myself ahh! I was crying  for a very

long time until I felt ready to go out although my face was all puffy.


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