Chapter 4

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Disclaimer💥:maybe 18+
Y/n pov: As I was about to kiss his cheek

he turned around and kissed me in the

mouth, which eventually turned in a

little makeout session thanks to the fact

the he was touching my a$$ and

rubbing his hand all over back without

my permission. But I snapped out of it

and pushed him away from me and I

was trying to walk  fast because of

my flushed red face but he carried me

to a quiet place in the venue...........

Minho: Before I knew it I was touching

her inappropriately and I felt like a

idiot who disrespects woman but her

body her smell everything about her

turned me on horriblely. Y/n am so

sorry I didn't mean to touch you like

that I let the moment take over y/n you ok?

Y/n:(Laughs) It's fine atleast I got my

pay back. Dont worry about it honestly

am ok, why don't we get out of here and

go to were ever our shared home is am honestly tired

(Both laugh)

Minho: sounds good.(winks)

Y/n: (Rolls eyes)

Three weeks:

Y/n: It's been a week since minho and

me got married. He's actually pretty fun

to talk to he's very spontaneous yes we

sleep in the same room but one day he

sleeps on the couch then another day I

offer to sleep there it's just how we

were able to feel more comfortable. I

have been trying to tell him about my

company, so I can go without having to

sneak out like a child but it's much

harder than expected he's always busy

with work and I feel bad if I disturb

him given to the fact were not exactly close...

Minho: Y/n! Am home.

Y/n: Ok! Am in the kitchen.

Minho: am tired of work know that the

company's are starting to combine it's a


Y/n:Here eat.

Minho: oh thank you.
( Little smile)

Y/n: well when things get more settled

in than it should be better. Just take it at

your pace it will be fine.

Minho: yeah hopefully.

Minho: Hey by the way what have you

been doing these past few day since I've

been at work.

Y/n: w-Well pretty much nothing cleaning.

Y/n: minho can I tell you something.

Minho: yeah go ahead.

Y/n:ok so for the past few months like

way before the marriage I well started

A company that I decided to do behind

my parents back but I wanted to tell

you because I have to go to work so am

kinda asking you to please help me

keep it a some what secret, And to well

allow me to go. (Nervous laugh)

Minho: y/n first of all that was a brave

move, your parent's would kill you if

they found out. I have seen how they

are and no offense there a pain to work

And second I don't have to allow you

anything hmm, if you need help with

your company just let me know ok, and

thanks for telling me about your  little secret ( cute giggles).

Y/n: thank you so much (hugs him.)

Minho:  wow to have now I would get

this much attention I would have

agreed sooner (smirks)

Y/n: wow what a little perv, am leaving.

Minho: wow leaving me so soon come back!

Y/n: No.

Minho: fine watch a movie with me here am keeping your secret.

Y/n: fine but go wash up and all clean a bit.

Minho: yes kitten

Y/n: (copies him) yes kitten, idiot

Hours later:

Minho's pov: after awhile me and y/n

were watching a movie we both wore

comfortable clothes, she was laughing

very adorably we talked during the

movie and she was telling me about her

busines which I found that she was a

very intelligent person who knows

what she wants, and I will support her

if she need me. She eventually fell

asleep in my shoulder and I don't know

why but I had the temptation to touch

her lips her pretty hair I was so close to

y/n's face I couldn't stop staring. but her

eyes suddenly opened  and I froze without realizing it.


Author: I will continue in the next paragraph 😅

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