chapter 7

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Next few day's:

Minho pov: Its been a few days and I

have gotten to know y/n, more than

before and she's a very kind hearted

person who know what she want's. And

I have been wanting to go on a date

with her but I've been to afraid to ask

her since were both filled with work

but I have been staying late at work so I

can finally have atleast two days off with her.

Know the hard part is asking her which I plan to do today.

Minho: morning kitten

Y/n: morning minho

Minho: what do you have planned today.

Y/n: work and back home I have a boring routine what can I say.

Minho: h-hey by any chance would you be willing to come out early from work.

Y/n: um sure but it depends by when cause I have a meeting to attend.

Minho: would 3:40 be fine or laters fine to just let me know.

Y/n: Sure but what's the occasion if it's alright to know?

Minho: have patience kitten you'll find out soon enough. (Laughs)

Y/n: (Rolls eyes) ok

Minho: (kisses her lips)

Y/n: what was that for

Minho: (smirks) bye all be waiting.

Y/n: aish! Ok

Time skip:




Y/n pov: The meeting had taken a turn

thanks to the fact that one of the

companies had forgotten some of the

information and by the time they got it

it was already three I felt bad if I didn't

come out in time so I decided to message lino.

Y/n: calls lino*

Y/n: hey

Minho: hi everything ok

Y/n: yeah for the most part but I might be late by like 5 minutes, am really sorry.

Minho: it's ok all be waiting outside ok.

Y/n: bye lino.

Minho: (blushes) bye.

Y/n pov: Aah! The meeting was finally

done, I felt like I could breath I was

siting in my chair, until I stood up so

fast because I remembered Lino. I was

running into the elevator and finally I

made it outside and I called him.

Y/n: hey am out sorry.

Minho: ok am in the parking lot just wait there all go to you.

Y/n: ok.

Little time skip:

Y/n: where we going hmm.

Minho: somewhere

Y/n: it better not be a family meeting.

Minho: (Laughs) you really hate family gatherings.

Minho: ok were here.

Y/n: (looks around) minho?


Y/n: is this the cat cafe.

Minho: (laughs) yeah

Y/n: ahh! There so cute, hey why did you say you would never come here

Minho: because I would want to take them all.

Y/n: oh makes sense. ( Smiles)

Minho pov: while we were at the cat

cafe we both were talking a lot and

sharing food taking photos, I felt so

lucky to have someone who understood me.
Later we went to the park and we

walked and bought some stuff for the house.

And eventually sat down and I ended

up telling her that to me it meant a date

which I got embarrassed about but she pecked my lips.

Y/n: Me to lino don't feel embarrassed it was very kind of you.

Y/n pov: This was the first time I felt

cared for and I was genuinely happy no

one had ever taken a day of work to be

with me but he did (laughs). On our

way home as we entered the house we

decided to watch a movie and cuddle.

But along the way he kissed my lips and

eventually turned into a makeout but

he was very gentle and would make

sure I was comfortable we were there

for awhile he was touching my thighs,

kissing my neck, I felt comfortable and

safe with him so ofcourse I didn't stop

him while we were kissing but

eventually we stopped and he smiled at

me and told me if I was willing to be his

real girlfriend although were already

married but I still said yes.


"My Lovely Lover".. Leeknow X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now