Chapter 6

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Minho pov:
After we got home I was chasing after

y/n, so we could talk but ofcourse she's

trying to avoid our conversation. She

went into the bathroom and I decided

to just give her space. Like 30 some

minutes passed and she never came out

and I was really starting to get worried.

Until I saw the door open y/n was

coming out and,

We just made eye contact her eyes

were watery and she looked like she

had just cried. So I decided to get up

from were I was and I went to give her

a hug we were there for awhile until

she felt comfortable to perhaps speak.

Minho: hey Shsh, it's ok am here for you.

Y/n: am sorry ( crys)

After sometime:

Minho: After awhile y/n finally told me

what happened and I tried my best to comfort her.

I always new her parents were a bit

much but I never expected her mom to

treat her that way she deserves so
much better.

Later she washed up then we cuddled

a bit which I forced because I wanted her to feel safe with me.

Minho: All go get your medicine's ok don't fall asleep on me. ( Smiles)

(Comes back)

Minho: ok here

Y/n: thank you

Y/n: am sorry minho

Minho: no more sorry's y/n your my

wife know and I have to protect you and care for you ok.

Y/n:(little giggle) wow what a honor to have you.

Minho: (smirks) yeah I know love.

Minho: come here give me a kiss.

Y/n: yah! Stop no.

(Both laugh)

After a few seconds~

Minho: y/n.

Y/n: hmm?

Minho: would you e-ever consider

seeing me as more than a friend I know

we have always been together not by

choice but I find your company very

heart warming, (does his laugh) I sound

pathetic right. But point is I have

always seen you as mine not in a

creepy way I promise but y-you get the

point ahhh! Am blushing y/n.

Y/n: yah! Minho why are you blushing, What happened to your confidence.

Minho: fine bye.

Y/n: Fine fine wait am sorry don't be upset I won't make fun of you anymore please wait.

Minho: (smirks) fine but only because your sick.

Minho: yah! Sit down sorry for making you walk.

Y/n: ok.

Y/n: ahh! Am not good at this minho

Minho: if you want to say no I understand kitten.

Y/n: I do want to see you as more than

just my friend your they only person

who has alway understood me in every

way possible,

I'm very scared ofcourse cause that

would mean you and me would be in a

serious relationship...

soo you accept me

Y/n: (exhales) fine minho but

everything at its pace.

Minho little pov:

I was very happy she's going to give us

a chance, I don't know why but my

excitement got the best of me I kissed

her she kept pushing me but I hugged

her tightly..

Y/N: Yah! Stop am sick minho!!

Minho: wow! So that's the part that shocked you hmm.

Y/n: am going to sleep leave me alone idiot.

Minho: ok peace offering (hugs her)

Y/n: aish! Ok.


💗This chapter was a little mushy hope you like.!!!💗

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