Chapter 2

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The girls got ridden off, Arya could barely walk straight even after sneaking water more than she drank her drinks.

This was truly something out of a teenage movie where the broken girl gets her good karma and lives her best life. Arya was finally happy for the first time in weeks, the music played amazing remixes, her favorite people in the world right next to her, and plenty of men to fool around with.

Arya and Bridget left the group to go to the bathroom as the line had finally died down. They just went in together.

"This place is dirty" Arya giggled looking around at the empty bottles, cans, and used condoms on the floor and wet toilet paper on the roof like they were in a primary school boys' bathroom.

Bridget laughed "Babe, if you think this is bad you should see the bathroom at the club outside of town"

Arya chuckled her bobbing her head along with the song as she washed her hands.

Then it stopped and the colored lights that were coming through the door stopped and white lights shined.

Arya looked over at Bridget "Should we go out, what's the time?" Arya asked moving to the door. As she put her hand on the door handle a loud bang rang in her ears and the screams of people outside the door filled the room.

Arya jerked her head at Bridget who was holding her mouth and curled up on the toilet seat. Arya got into the corner of the room after making sure the door was locked.

But their luck ran out quickly.

The door handle rattled "Someone's in here" a deep man's voice said from the other side of the door.

Arya breathed unevenly as she looked up at her friend. Bridget was shaking on the toilet seat, the hand she had over her mouth was shaking so hard her hand was hitting her face.

Arya tried to breathe herself calm again but the pounding in her chest continued when the man on the other side of the door bashed on the door.

She heard the click of a gun "Just to let you know if I shoot you, the bidding won't be very high for yourself" The bidding? Are they freaking selling us?

Bridget shook her head like she read Arya's mind, a really bad friend move came to mind. She has control of the door, she could open it and they might not see Arya because he's only looking for one girl.

But since it was Bridget Arya didn't, she's grown up with every man for themselves but Bridget is the only person Arya wouldn't screw over like that.

So both girls sat in silence praying they would go away. But they didn't, as the guy said they broke down the door after a few shots were fired far away from the girls.

Two very large men walked in, one walked straight to Bridget and grabbed her by the arm "This one will sell for millions" the man said running a hand down her chest between her boobs.

The other man stood not looking at Arya, he walked toward the mirror and somehow didn't see Arya again.

"Mathew don't be an idiot" he held his head for a second then locked eyes with the teary-eyed Arya circled up in the corner with a hand over her mouth.

A twinkle of sympathy formed in his eyes and for a split second Arya thought he would leave her. But that soon left him and she was forced off the ground and the man pinned her to the wall.

"Oh god, what I would do to duck that pussy" the man holding Bridget said as he walked over smacking Arya's ass.

Arya faced away from the man's face with her cheek pressed to the wall as he smelled her throat.

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