Chapter 3

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I stood there, frozen to the floor. I have never felt genuine fear like this before and I've seen some shit.

A women's voice sounded over my head "Name" she demanded "Arya" She said like a computer.



"Sexual Orientation"


"Sexual activity"

"I'm a virgin," I said almost ashamed.

Then lights flashed in my face and I saw a sea of men. They all looked desperate and looked sleep deprived.

"Arya, she's slim, good features mean good genes" the men shuffled in their seats "Which means her price is high, yet new information of her virginity being untouched has made that price double" My stomach felt uneasy.

I couldn't hear the men, but they kept raising something, I also couldn't hear the girl anymore but by the looks of their faces I'm assuming she said some high-ass price.

"Sold!" She yelled and I heard. It's funny I think, how as a teenager I would say I couldn't go clubbing because I'd end up being sold and sent to some foreign country to be used for children, now that is a possibility because I am being sold, or am sold.

The same man that I was with before came to get me I looked up at him and he smirked "I guess we will see each other again" he mumbled under his breath "The boss liked you, too bad I was slightly hoping you would be given to someone nicer than him" he chuckled. I looked up at Luca "Is he really that bad?" He smiled "If he likes ya, you'll be fine, but if he doesn't then you'll be left to the wolves" My body shivered as he led me down the hallway thinking of the horrible things he could have in store for me. 

Luca walked me to a door and threw me into what looked like a metal storage unit with only one light in the corner "Hello?" I  heard a small voice say from the darkness as the door was slammed "Hello, my names Cassie" an almost childish voice said and I heard her walking towards me "Back up" I said holding my hands up now being able to see the figure of her "calm down, I've been in here for three days" the girl said coming my way, she stopped and I could just make out her face, she didn't look a day older than seventeen. 

She smiled "I've been bounced around these places since I was fourteen" She smiled now standing not three feet from me "What's going to happen?" I asked regretting the question scared of the answer "I'm not sure, I haven't served this guy before but before because I was a child I only made drinks and used them as a cleaner" She shrugged as if it was something casual. 

She walked me towards the lighter area and I saw many girls, a lot looked much older than me and a few younger, but no one younger than Cassie. A woman moved over for me "your still a child" she said putting a blanket over my shoulders "I'm twenty" I replied dryly, its not her fault but they are all acting as if this is normal.  

Cassie sat me down "Today is the last day and considering how much I'm assuming he spent on you he won't buy anymore" she shrugged "Where are we going?" I asked the older woman next to me "Somewhere no one wants to end up, I would sugarcoat it for you but the truth will do better, this place is a hell hole, I've been there for years and if you become a regular they become nicer but new blood, they become savages" I nodded swallowing down a sob. 

It's not like I want to go back home, I don't want to do that but I don't want to be here. I wonder what happened to the other girls, someone probably bought Bridget and getting the same talk I am right now. As the thought crosses my mind another girl is thrown in the room, I knew her. 

I stood and walked over to find the girl to be Kayla, I hugged her and she wrapped her arms around me tightly "I'm so scared" she whispered "I know, I am too, these girls are nice" I said leading her to the group I was sitting with before. 

As we sat down back where I was sitting before Cassie smiled "Cassie" she nodded to Kayla "Kayla" she smiled in return. 

The doors opened again and Luca stepped inside "Cassie" he nodded and she smiled tilting her head to him "Girls, you are now the property of the Romanian mafia" he announced as if we won the lottery "You will be transported to our headquarters and then split into groups to sections of the house as whores" he said looking at something on his phone "Arya?" he asked looking into the darkness of the unit I sat in. 

I hesitated but stood when the woman nodded to me "Follow me" he said shaking his head and walking out the doors, I followed close behind praying for some hope of a refund or something, maybe trade with someone who isn't as evil as they make this guy out to be. 

But I was met with a blacked-out SUV with men in suits that looked like they could take on lions stood "The real boss is waiting for you inside" Luca said with slight empathy in his eyes before opening the doors and shoving me in the car. 

A clean-looking man sat in the backseat, he has tattoos everywhere, rings, and a clean suit. He flashed me a sinister smirk "So, Arya, you're a lucky girl" his face changed to being serious again "I need a more stable-looking Mafia, and right now with only a male leader I need a woman, you look young enough, and hot enough for it to be you, I knew it so, sit still and look pretty, there's a dress in the back we are heading to a dinner" he said getting out his phone and reading through what looked like emails. 

I sat in the chair across from him and rested my arm on the door watching the street lights as the man I was seated with played on his phone. After what felt like a whole day we reached a house that looked like something a prince would live in. 

The man opened the car door "The dress, change in the car, and act as if I didn't just buy you" he said then slammed the door shut. I reached behind me and found a lace dress with slits that doesn't look like it would cover much under my waist. 

I had to take a second and think about what I got myself into, I looked around to see lots of girls and highly fancy men walking into the room, and a few smug fat guys with girls smaller and younger looking than me. 

As if the dress wasn't bad enough, the heels that were at the bottom of the dress bag I will definitely fall in. Someone knocked on the door and then opened it "Boss told you to be quick, hurry up" he said looking me up and down and then shutting the door. 

Not wanting to piss anyone off so I quickly put the dress on and got out of the car to find two men in suits that looked like they could take down twenty guys each, nodding to me "Miss" one said then as we walked one stood behind me and one next to me. 

This was a building more than a house, as we reached the front door guards stood in our way "Names?" someone said "Cosma" the man on my right said "The girl?" the man at the door asked "Cosma's girl" he replied then quickly let us in. Inside there were a lot of people, many of which had women hanging off their arms clearly being paid to be here and acting their ass off. 

I looked around and found the man I was in the car with talking to another girl, she was elderly though, and since he said to me that she was younger enough I found it hard to believe he was interested in her. 

I walked over and found their conversation to be about a little boy "Ace, who is this young lady?" she asked "Mom this is Arya" he said putting his arm around my waist and smiling as if we've known each other for longer than a few hours. 

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