Chapter Three

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"Ok so don't let my sister get to you...she can really be a snob when she wants to" I nodded nervously.

We walked down the hall and into the ballroom it was spacious and very bright "Becky!" another blonde shouted as they squeezed each other tight. "Hey sister...I'm so sorry that I haven't been around to help you that much...but you know that he is working out in Florida really hard so we can get married by the end of the year" they both giggled and chatted for a while, I felt as though they forgot that I was standing there.

"Oh my god how rude look Tiffany this is my new friend and maid of honor Kayla" I was surprised, I knew I was in the wedding, but not that I would be her maid of honor

"Hi nice to meet you" I shook her hand waiting for her to respond.

"Hi, so Becky, what do you think of this place for our engagement party next weekend?" She sure was a snob; she didn't even really acknowledge my presence.

Becky gave me a comforting smile "Uh it's great you're getting engaged so soon?"

Tiffany twirled happily. "Yes I finally convinced him that we would be better off married. He's a good catch. I can't let anyone else try to snatch him." Well I couldn't wait to see whom she would torture for the rest of his life.

We reached home and for some reason I felt flustered, with all the wedding plans all around me. I felt lonely; I wanted to be in love.

I ran into the barn and hid behind a haystack, I giggled a little to see Kevin running around the barn looking for me. "I'm going to find you one way or the other?" he yelled with a chuckle.

I became so nervous that I ran right past him and out into the field, he ran right behind me yelling at the top of his lungs "You're a cheater your supposed to wait for me to find you"

I began to laugh so hard not noticing a small pot hole in my path, my foot slammed into the hole breaking it instantly.

I yelled with pain, as Kevin came to my aid once again "Kayla are you ok?"

I wailed with agony "No, I think I broke it..." He struggled to carry me the whole way home...

"Kayla?" Becky waved her hand in my face "Earth to Kayla...I've been talking to you for the past five minutes and I think you went to lala land."

I was very startled. "I'm sorry it's just that all this wedding stuff really gets me thinking."

She laughed "Well tell me, are you in love or are you trying to fall out of love?" She waited anxiously for my answer.

What kind of question was that? I had to pause for a few seconds and then I decided to tell her my little love story.

She nodded her head as I told her "Wow that is really deep...I was never in love at that age. I was playing with Barbie's."

We both laughed "Maybe you'll find him again some day, you never know. Right?" I nodded, she was right, maybe I would find him again one day and well maybe all this time apart helped him feel the same way I did and then we would kiss, make up for lost time and get married.

I sighed with frustration, who was I kidding. Obviously he had stayed away from his house for a reason; he had never visited me again, because he didn't want to see my face.

The week went by fast and before we knew it, we were out shopping for dresses. "Hey, how about this one?" Becky held a slinky black dress against her body, as she looked into the mirror.

"Try it on, it looks really nice" I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin, I couldn't stop wondering where he could be or what he was doing. I really wanted to see him, but I just couldn't get the nerve to call him.

I mean what would I say? Becky broke my chain of thoughts with a twirl "Well how does it look?" she smiled.

"That one is perfect..." I exclaimed trying to hide my pensive look, she seemed so happy and in love. I wanted to know what that feeling was like again. Last time I had that feeling it was crushed and I put it away somewhere in my heart.

The night of the party was here and I felt somewhat out of place, everyone was fancy and the food was unappetizing, at least to me.

I fiddled around with a glass of champagne.

Out of the blue Becky grabbed my hand and pulled me away, if only I could have been more prepared for what was to come.

"Hey come, I want you to meet my brother in law to be...he is very handsome and sweet." I walked over to her and scoped out the guy with short dark hair that stood his back facing us.

Then he turned around and all the memories, the feelings and that old heartache came back to me.

"His name is Kevin"

I stood my jaw slightly open "Kevin" I mumbled, Becky patted me on the back "I'll be right back...Kevin this is Kayla she is my roommate and maid of honor."

She swiftly left me standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?" he asked, a little surprised.

"What am I doing here?" I repeated the question somewhat in a daze, he shook his head.

"Yeah...I thought you were back in Kentucky"

I wanted to run, right back out the way I came in. I wanted to see him again, but not this way, I wasn't even prepared for what I was going to say and sadly it seemed he was to some extent annoyed to see me.

I recollected myself and answered timidly "I was but I'm going to USC with Becky" He took a deep breath and gulped down the glass of champagne that he had in his hand, I had so many damn questions for him as well, the best he could do was ask me what the hell I was doing here.

What did he expect for me to stay in Kentucky forever?

I was confused, could it be that deep down he was happy to see me, but he was getting married so he couldn't show it.

I wanted to know and unfortunately I got the impression he wasn't going to let me know. "So you never called, you never told me that you were going to get about the asked me not to forget you and you forgot about me"

He seemed irritated by all my questions, and not to sure what to answer "Wait a minute I...Have the right to get married"

I huffed with anger and disappointment, I decided to walk away and head outside to get some fresh air, unfortunately I couldn't hold the tears back and they came pouring out like rain.

I hadn't noticed that he followed me out "You never answered what I asked?"

I turned to look at him, wiping my tears away "Yeah well neither did you" 

His voice became angry "Well I had my reasons ok. Why can't you back off"

I threw my hands up in the air, really wanting to hit him. "It's a simple question. We were best friends, I would think I earned the right to know if you were getting married."

He laughed "No.... no you don't have the right to know."

"I just don't understand what happened. Why did you shut me out of your life!" I headed for the door and turned to look at him. "We were best friends."

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