Chapter Eighteen

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"You're too chicken, you wouldn't hurt Kevin here. Would you?" I pointed the gun at Kevin and then at Trevor, the tears started fogging up my sight.

"Kayla Just give me the gun...I told you I wouldn't let him hurt you" Kevin took a step towards me but I pointed the gun at him. "You wouldn't shoot me Kayla. This isn't my fault...I was just put into this situation like you" he continued mumbling as he drew closer. I shot the gun at his feet "What the hell Kayla" He yelled a little annoyed.

"I said don't move." I continued to take steps backwards as I went up the stairs and into the house, my hand trembling as I watched the two men frozen. I quickly turned to look at Becky "I'm going to untie you and you have to run as fast as you can. OK" she nodded with terror in her eyes.

"Now I'm going to untie her and don't fucking move or I will shoot you." I yelled at them as they stood outside arguing amongst each other. As fast as I could I began untying her, too focused on the task at hand, I put the gun to the side and as I came back up.

The same gun was put to my head. "Now, why in the hell would you point a gun at me and not shoot. I mean you have to be dumb, not to know if I had another chance I would kill you." Trevor's voice rang in my ear as he lifted me up, roughly.

He grabbed me as Becky fearfully began her way out the door, opposite of what I told her, she stammered. He held me tight, pressing my back against him, the gun at my temple. "Becky get back here, you don't want your friend to die because of you.."

"Just go Becky, Please let her go." but instead of an answer I got a whack on the head with the gun. I wailed in pain as I fell to the ground, quickly I was helped to my feet by Kevin, "Please let them go..." I still pleaded, as I watched Trevor trying to take the baby away from the frightened woman.

Finally he had the tiny baby in his arms and Becky was now being pointed at with the gun. "Do said you wouldn't let him hurt us." As I turned back to see Becky a shot was fired. I let out a scream as my eyes stayed on Becky, waiting for her to fall to the ground, but instead, Kevin fell next to me.

My instinct was to kneel down next to him "Ah shit!" he held his side.

As I looked towards the open back door, Tiffany stood a gun in her hand, her hands shaking as much as mine had. What was it with the damn guns? "What did you do?" I asked, still holding on to him.

"I...I thought he was going to hurt you" I looked at her puzzled, why did she care again?

"Kevin..." but he just held his side with small whimpers escaping his mouth. I was more confused than ever, I wasn't understanding a damn thing, just a couple of days ago, she had threatened both Becky and I. "Trevor..." she yelled as she stepped over me.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Becky ask, a tremble in her voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Trevor asked, taking turns pointing the gun at the sisters. "I told you to wait for me at the airport," he said.

"You bastard...I almost believed you about flying to Mexico. Then I realized the ticket was fake. You played both of us, all this time I felt guilty. I thought you loved me."

Trevor laughed, "Well you thought wrong."

Tiffany was now in tears, "You're going to give my sister back her baby...and you can let us walk away...or I can kill you right here right now."

As I was watching the whole family ordeal, trying to storm up a plan to save us. Including Kevin who seemed to be going unconscious "Kevin. Stay with me!" I whispered as he opened his eyes slowly.

He panted "I'm sorry...I didn't plan this. I just happened to be in the middle..." he gasped as he held his side. "Tell me you forgive me..."

"I forgive..." Out of the blue there was a scream cutting my sentence short and I ran towards the door. Trevor had a hold of Becky and the baby.

"You know me Tiffany...I will kill them both if I have to. But none of you are leaving with this baby, but me. It's my child" he yelled as he held Becky almost in a headlock. "Now put the gun down..." he demanded, but Tiffany hesitated "NOW" he yelled, making her jump.

Tiffany obeyed, putting the gun down by her feet and kicking it towards him. "Just let them go Trevor." she pleaded. She looked so different as a protective older sister. Maybe the circumstances that I had seen her in only made her look mean and bitchy.

At this point I had realized that Trevor was definitely the bad guy. That somehow along the way he had added Tiffany and Kevin into his plan. I didn't know what to do, I could see Kevin losing consciousness, Tiffany and Becky being held at gun point, and baby Sandy in the arms of a monster.   

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