Chapter Thirteen

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I began to stand up I didn't want to encounter either one of them, but I was startled by fake ass Tiffany running up my stairs and wrapping her arms around frail Becky. As far as I could see Becky wasn't too amused by her sister's presence, Kevin joined us on the porch.

"Hey there Becky" he smiled as she actually smiled back.

But Tiffany dragged her into the house, if I thought clearly Becky hadn't explained to me why she was running from Trevor or why she was so upset yesterday. Suddenly I realized I was standing on the porch with Kevin.

"So I guess you're still mad at me huh?" he flashed a smile that melted my heart.

"No...I'm not mad...there is nothing to be mad at anymore." I took my seat again and turned to look at my new little friend.

"So that must be Becky's new baby?" he asked as he took a peak of her little face.

I smirked "No it's mine...of course it's hers. She came rushing here yesterday and had a baby in my virginal room. Well which isn't so virginal anymore." I looked away as I blushed.

He extended his arms "May I? I am her uncle, you know." I handed over Sandy and loved the way he cuddled her in his arms and talked to her in his baby voice.

Meanwhile I could hear a not so happy conversation between Becky and Tiffany going on in my kitchen. I was trying hard to make out what they were saying, but my radio active thoughts were interrupted by Kevin.

"Hey, have you seen my mom?" he asked as he bounced around a smiling Sandy.

"Yeah with my mom and dad in the back, they're checking out the horses. Daisy is sick and she might not make it. Then again, what do you care?" I crossed my arms.

"Jeez, are you always in such a bad mood?"

I gasped "Only around you."

Before he could answer Tiffany came storming out of the house "Come on Kevin..." she didn't even notice that he was holding her niece in his hands.

Just like a robot he handed over the baby and marched right behind her, as I turned to look at Becky I noticed that tears were now streaming down her face. "Are you ok Becky?" I asked more than curious.

She took the baby from my arms "She's so crazy...she wants to play off what I a saying that it was a misunderstanding. Kayla I saw them with my two own eyes...they were in my bed."

I was in awe, so that was what tormented her, no wonder that baby is a couple of weeks early. "So what did she say?" I asked as she took a seat next to me.

"She wants me to go back to Trevor, cause he's looking for me. And she said she was going to tell him that I was here. What am I going to do Kayla?" I sighed I didn't know what the hell to tell her, now I was afraid he would come after all of us.

Later that afternoon we headed out to the doctor for the baby's first check up. I felt so protective of both of these girls...I was going to take care of them, even if I had to give my life for them. I had fallen in love with Sandy from the moment I saw those cute beady eyes.

"Ok so you're gonna wait here for me and I will see you in a bit." I wanted to go with her, just to make sure, but I didn't want to scare her more than she already was.

I headed down the hall and into the bathroom, I remembered I hadn't gone to the restroom all day. As I sat there recollecting my thoughts, I heard the door open, it made me jump. I pulled up my pants quickly almost without wiping...I know too much info, but that's how it happened.

I sat back down and listened to the rough footsteps hit the floor one by one. They didn't sound like women's steps, whatever that sounds like. "Kayla I know you're in here" my heart fell out of my chest and onto the floor.

I wanted to jump into the hole of the toilet, but that was impossible. "Kayla..."

Tears began to escape my eyes as I heard him bashing in every door. I turned to make sure that mine was locked, but as I leaned over to check, it came slamming right into my face, knocking me on to the toilet.

"Aha...there you are." I saw the fury in his eyes. He's going to kill me I thought.

He pulled me out of the stall and threw me against the sink "What the fuck are you doing one wants you here." I blurted. He held my cheeks together "Don't get smart with me...bitch! Maybe I should finish what I started huh?" He licked my cheek, dirty bastard. Suddenly it occurred to me, to let him have a knee in the balls.

He folded in pain, and I began for the door, but that didn't stop him. He jumped on my back, knocking me to the ground and then he viciously turned me around. "You never give up, do you you want me to kill that what you want. I will kill that damn baby's mine anyways...and I'm going to take it away."

Where is everyone? I thought women came to the bathroom all the time. Not a soul in sight damn it!

I stared at the door waiting for a soul to come in. He laughed at me "The bathroom is getting cleaned, no one will be coming in. So how about we finish what we started...huh?" he now unzipped his pants as I struggled to get out of his grip. He let me have a fist in the eye, I shrieked in pain.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket as he struggled to unzip my pants. I felt my dad's keys and took them out and let him have a key on the side of the eye, although my intention was IN the eye.

He screeched in pain and I kicked him, he fell backwards. As soon as he let me go I dashed out the bathroom knocking over the cleaning sign and headed for the nurses office.

"Where is Becky and Sandy?" I huffed out of breath.

The nurse looked at me startled, it had to be the swelling in my eye. "Mrs. Please where are they?" I slammed my hand on the counter, startling the woman. Instead of helping me, she took the action of calling security to escort me out. I was acting crazy I know it, I was kicking and screaming and yelling that he was in the bathroom and he was going to kill us.

My display was too much for my parents, so much they called the doctor to check on me. They couldn't understand where I had gotten my black eye. Although I kept explaining that Trevor had done it and that we had to take extra care of the baby.

My father looked down on me, his look more concerned than angry. "Kayla what has gotten into you?"

I looked at him, and I looked around the room, all their looks were confused. "'s Trevor he was In the bathroom and I saw him...he hit me...he was going to rape me!" Now I was bawling...I was so scared.

"Oh god maybe we shouldn't go anymore...hun" my mother looked at my father concerned, with all the commotion I hadn't even noticed that Ann was sitting on the sofa waiting for them.

There I went acting like a crazy person, I sprung up and grabbed hold of my dad "No don't' leave us alone dad...he's going to come and get us...where is Sandy...Becky where is she? Don't leave her alone please." my dad sat me back down.

"Here take this it's going to make you feel much better" he handed me a pill and a glass of water.

I hesitated, but gave in as I saw his stern look "Kayla, Kevin is right here. I asked him to keep a look out for you ok." and before I could protest again, everything was fuzzy, I was high off that damn pill and before I knew it Kevin was tucking me into my bed.

I tried getting up, but I knew I wasn't moving. I could barely make out that the figure in front of me was him. "Don't leave me..." I whispered with all the fear in the world. "He's going to hurt her...Sandy..." then everything went black.

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