Chapter Fourteen

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I was awakened by one of my random alarms, yet I could have sworn I heard the sound of breaking glass. Everything was still a little blurry, but as I looked around, my clock read ten.

As I settled myself in my bed...I saw someone standing over me, I smiled assuring myself that it was Kevin, but suddenly I felt a tight grip around my neck. I kicked and squirmed trying to break free from the hands that were suffocating me.

I could feel myself getting weaker and the oxygen draining from my body. My eyes began to water as I tried to make out anything useful around my room. I tried screaming but all I did was strain myself, I finally thought of knocking over the lamp on my table. It would crash and startle whoever was downstairs.

I still kicked and squirmed, now I was beginning to fall asleep again. I tried hard to get hold of the lamp, but my hands couldn't reach. I kept trying and finally the tip of my fingers made the lamp come crashing down. And almost instantly the hands around my neck disappeared and so did the person.

Kevin came flying into the room "What the hell is going on Kayla?" but I couldn't speak. All I did was squeal and hold my neck trying to catch my breath. I couldn't help, but be angry at the way that he was looking at me, as If I were crazy. "He was here...he tried to kill me...Trevor tried to kill me again. Where is Becky...and Sandy. Kevin!"

"Kayla I think that you are...uh...losing it. Did you do that to yourself? Why?" he sat next to me with a weird unrecognizable look on his face.

"What the hell are you talking about? You think I tried to kill myself. Oh my god...why would I do that?" I began to laugh hysterically, ok that wasn't helping him not think I was crazy. "Why? Because you screwed me the other day and just left. Is that what you think...what do I look like an idiot?"

He was so stupid! Why couldn't he believe me, that Trevor was now somewhere in the house. I was just praying that he wouldn't leave us alone.

"It's in there I saw Kevin" I was terrified I had just seen the little monster come out of my closet and go under my bed. Kevin was always tall, but now he was 15 and taller than usual boys. So I felt more than safe with him in my room.

He bent over my bed and laughed "Kayla their ain't shit under here" he came up and met my terrified eyes.

"But I saw was ugly and it was going to eat me Kevin. Please don't leave me alone." and of course that night he slept right next to me, well without my parents knowing of course.

I could see clearly now and he still had that startled look on his face. "Hey just stay here with me please." I practically pleaded, putting aside his last ridiculous comment.

Instead he stood up "Kayla I can't right now, I'm getting married tomorrow and I don't have time for your childish games ok. Tiffany is waiting for me at the house."

Oh he makes me mad sometimes then I shouted "She's cheating on you!" I instantly covered my mouth wishing to take those words back.

"What did you just say?" he pierced me with his look "That's not funny Kayla...your going too far with this stupid game of yours."

I stood up and clumsily met him face to face "It's not a game Kevin. She is cheating on you, why do you think she hasn't even bothered to cradle little Sandy in her arms, because she's fucking around with Trevor." my cheeks were hot and I felt like he just wanted to slap me.

"What the fuck are you saying? I hate you..." I felt so bad, because I knew I was hurting him. "You want me to prove it to you...Becky " I shouted. "Becky!"

Becky came rushing through the door, Sandy in arms. I felt a big relief to see them alive and breathing. "Becky tell him, tell him that your sister is cheating...that she is a liar and is screwing you over with Trevor. Please" I was sobbing like an idiot!

Becky looked at him embarrassed of the situation I was putting her in, but she knew it was nothing but the truth. She looked down at Sandy and back at me.

"Becky please just tell me what the hell this crazy person is talking about?" he looked at her so powerless and ridiculed.

She took a deep breath as she opened her mouth with hesitation "It's true Kevin...she has been cheating on you with my Trevor ever since we met. It's been years...and it was all because of my trust fund and your bank account. They were playing both of us, Kevin."

His jaw seemed to tense and his eyes water. I tried to touch him but he pushed me away "How long have you known." Oh this is backfiring, I'm wondering why that tends to happen to me, so often.

I was quiet, he would be so devastated, he yelled at me to answer, making me jump "I...uh..." I wanted to lie, just so he wouldn't be mad, but this was about the truth so I looked him in the eyes and answered, "That night we bumped into each other for the first time." I bit my lip.

He put his hands over his head "So you knew this whole time...after all the shit that happened you knew she was fucking me over and you played it off like nothing. What did you think? I didn't care or what?"

"I wanted to tell you, but I just couldn't. He was going to hurt me...or you. I didn't want to hurt you." Once again I tried hugging him.

"Get played me too Kayla. I can't believe you didn't tell me. I'm such a fool." Then he left, he walked out of my room.

Becky and I looked at each other, I understood his anger. 

"He'll be ok, things will be ok." She told me, placing Sandy in my arms to soothe me. "He'll come around."

"I hope so." I sighed staring down at the precious baby girl. 

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