Chapter Eight

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After an hour of conversation with Kevin, Becky came running towards us "You guys won't believe what is happening?" I was worried.

What the hell could be happening?

"What? What is it?"

Then she blurted it out "We might be moving the wedding to tomorrow night...I know it's a Sunday but it will just be family...Trevor says that it's better...he wants to marry me right away." She turned my stool around and wrapped her arms around me; I patted her back and was once again speechless as I looked at Kevin.

"But what about all your guest for next weekend...and your reservation here?"

She smiled enthusiastically "Trevor has it all worked out...apparently he had it all planned"

Apparently he did!

She ran off leaving me more than worried, now I was trying to plan out stopping a wedding.

"You don't seem to be happy about the news?" Kevin looked at me concerned.

"Oh, no it's just that..." I couldn't tell him, it was his fiancé causing my agony. "Listen I have to go...everything is ok between us...ok!"

I walked away and headed for the garden, I had to sit and think really hard about what to do. As I sat on a bench, Trevor approached me.

"Hey their big mouth."

"Shouldn't you call me names once I open my mouth..." I stood up "Cause don't think for a second that I wont try to keep you from hurting her."

I began to walk away but he grabbed my arm hard "Go ahead try it and you'll be sorry"

I yanked my arm out of his grip "I'm not afraid of you...pig!" I sounded strong, but deep down I was scared out of my wits.

I decided to head to the room and take a nap. I had way too many things to think about and I truthfully didn't want to. As I began to sink into a dream, Becky came rushing into the room "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." She swung the closet door open, she turned to smile at me embarrassed as it crashed against the wall "I'm so sorry, it's just that I'm really nervous about tomorrow you know"

I sat up on the bed and cleared my throat "Yeah about tomorrow. Are you sure about it? You said the other day...that..." I must have had a really concerned look on my face, because she took a seat next to me.

"I was just getting cold feet. Um...are you ok?"

No, not really your man is a scumbag and your sister is a conniving bitch, of course that was said in my mind "Oh well it's just that..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, just to see her concerned face and how excited and nervous she was about such a big day.

"I'm just really home sick lately that is all...seeing you with your family really makes me miss mine."

She slapped my knee playfully "Oh silly you're like family help me fix everything for tomorrow..." once again stopping the wedding, tormented me.

"Well, do you want to do it tomorrow? I mean you were happy that it was going to happen in a couple of weeks" I said.

Becky sighed as she looked out the window "Marrying him any day...would be fine with me...I mean now I know that he really loves me. You know my last roommate had said that he was after my trust fund" She laughed loud as she went back to rummaging the closet.

A trust that was it.

I leaped out of the bed and headed to the door "I need a walk..."

She smiled "I know that he is your Kevin...but listen my sister loves him and your going to find someone to really love you Kayla."

Huh? How do you know this?

I stood in the doorway dumbfounded and speechless, as she laughed "You gave it away that day I introduced you...and I heard you guys talking the other day too..."

I didn't know what to say "Oh...well you've been so busy..."

She smiled reassuringly "I know, I haven't had time to talk to you about it...I'm just sorry that he is already taken by my sister, but I can reassure you that they are very happy."

Yeah sure they are, that's why your sister is sleeping with your fiancé. I felt like she was telling me they were happy, so that I wouldn't in between them. 

I sighed heavily in frustration, I just couldn't understand. Why was this happening to me... "Right...he told me he is very happy and I'm happy for him, you know. That was so long ago and I am over it. I'm just happy for him. So don't worry about me...I'm gonna get some fresh air."

I walked out into the hallway, I just needed to be away from all that tormented me...including Kevin. I headed up to the roof, only there could I be alone and at ease.

I was huffing and puffing by the time I reached the roof, a sigh of relief escaped me as I saw the city lights. Never had I noticed that I was so out of shape, I laughed at myself for being so lazy. I leaned over the rail and gazed at the garden, it was so beautiful and peaceful, nothing like I was feeling.

Maybe I should just run away, go back home without telling anyone and I won't have to worry about this dark secret that I know.

I hadn't been standing there for too long when I was startled by Trevor holding me from behind. "Hey there..." I tried wiggling away from him, but he compressed me over the ledge.

"Do you want me to be afraid of you?" I managed to voice.

"Of course...I'm not going to let no ranch girl come and fuck up my plans...I've been waiting for this for to damn long..." I was starting to hurt, my body was pressed against the ledge and his body weight.

"Why her...why can't you just marry her slutty sister?"

He laughed as he now turned me around "She's flat broke that is why she is marrying hard working Kevin...he's saved all his money for a family. What an idiot." My eyes grew wide. I really had to do something.

"Now listen I don't trust maybe if I do something to you now...tomorrow you won't be at the wedding"

Wait! What? Do something to what?

He finally let me go and turned around and before I could do anything he let me have one right in the face.

I must have fallen back, cause the next thing I recalled was him on top of me, he had his hands up my skirt. Kayla Marie out of all the days you had to wear a skirt today and make it easy for him. I couldn't even yell, his hand was right over my mouth, as I could feel his other sleazy hand all over me.

I closed my eyes waiting for it to happen, but he was startled by the noise of a door closing and suddenly he was standing and giving me a hand.

I smacked it out of my way and stood up on my own, I was so violated I wanted to cry, but I couldn't show him any weakness. 

"This is just another warning...but next time I will do it!" he grunted nastily.

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