Chapter Nine

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I couldn't even speak, the knot in my throat was just too big. I hugged myself and headed back to my room, I looked down watching the pattern of the carpet with every step.

Where could I go now? Trevor was serious, he would hurt me in a heartbeat and I wasn't going to let that happen.

I made my way back to the room and was startled to find Becky and Tiffany sitting on the bed, Tiffany was in tears and as I entered I found my things scattered all over the bed and Becky had an angry face.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"No, you are a backstabber, how could you do that to my sister..."

Ok...what did I do...wait a minute it was her, she had to be screaming at, not me. 

"What are you talking about?" I questioned really confused.

She stood up and suddenly let me have a slap in the face "You kissed him the other night, you didn't even have the decency to tell me"

Oh god, she was turning the tables around so I could look like the bad guy...girl...whatever...

Tiffany gave me a look, she grinned and stood up, her fake tears running down her cheeks. "No matter what you do, we are happy and we are going to get married, you know. You can't just come and think you can change everything." Was there a use in trying to explain myself? I doubt it...I couldn't rat her out now...Trevor was probably waiting for me with his pants half down out in the hall...and I was not going to have that happen.

"Well it was really not just happened and it meant nothing." I snapped back at her.

Tiffany went on with her act "Oh now you're going to blame him for it huh?"

Becky looked at me with disappointment "You need to leave Kayla...we are no longer friends or roommates. Come on Tiffany...when I come back I want you gone."

I swallowed the knot in my throat "Ok..." I know...lame, but that was all I could say.

I struggled with my luggage out to the front, there was a taxi waiting for me. Talk about getting rid of me. The driver took my bag and threw it in the trunk, was he mad at me too...did it really matter. I looked back at the hotel and could have sworn I saw Kevin's face in the lobby window, but as I double checked there was no one there.

Maybe I wanted someone to care. Was that what hurt the most? Finding him, knowing that I still loved him and now I was losing him again. That maybe he never cared.

All I could think of was that I would go back to Becky's to get my things and head back home, there was nothing for me to do out in California anymore and that was exactly what I did.

When I came to realize a taxi was dropping me off in the front of my house, I sighed with frustration yet relief. There was no Kevin, Trevor, Becky or Tiffany to worry about.

As I took my luggage from the driver, my name was called out. "Kayla..." I turned to look and there stood Kevin many years older...well not Kevin, but his dad.

"Mr. Jerald! How are you?" he hugged me tight, "Oh it's nice to see your shining face. I'm fine thank you...but what brings you back?"

I sighed and unfortunately the memories came back "Oh just California isn't my thing" he smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Wish my boy would of said the same didn't happen to see him...he has forgotten about us, been waiting for his call for days"

Why am I not surprised!

I sighed "Yes I did...he is actually attending a wedding today...for his sister in law, he is doing good...soon he will get married too."

Mr. Jerald didn't seem to be convinced about it "I don't know that girl doesn't strike a bit of trust in me. But I love him and respect his decision." He smiled warmly.

After my small conversation with Mr. Jerald I headed for my house, finally I would see my mom and dad after a couple of months.

I opened the door slowly, a whiff of apple pie came my way. "" I yelled and before I knew it I had them both standing there with their jaws dropped and eyes wide open.

"What in the world are you doing here?" my mother blurted as she embraced me, I swallowed the knot in my throat.

"I decided that California isn't for me...I missed you guys." My dad still stood there looking at me in a daze "Dad are you ok?" after snapping out of it he hugged me tight.

"My little girl is back home. Why is that?"

Well where do I start... I made a best friend who led me to find Kevin, who kissed me, although he is my new...or ex best friends sister, whom now thinks I betrayed her trust, and is marrying a guy that Is screwing her own sister, and is after her money...I wanted to help but instead I was going to get raped or killed so...home was my best option. Oh shit!

"I just didn't like it out's nothing like here...and I'd rather be home." My dad smiled and was satisfied with my decision.

"Oh Kayla we are happy to have you back home...right honey"

He looked at my mother who nodded her head as she wiped her hands on her apron. "That is right! Come I have homemade pie."

I smiled, being home was very soothing and seeing my parents was comforting, for once I felt safe and no one could hurt me now and I didn't have the burden of that dark secret, although it wouldn't leave me alone.

Three weeks had already passed, but I couldn't keep Kevin out of my mind. It might have been the fact that my dad always insisted on having the Richardson's over for picnic dinners or coffee.

Just looking at Mr. Jerald reminded me so much of Kevin, the way he wrinkled his nose when he disagreed with something, or how protective he was of me, the way his eyes saddened when something was wrong or the way his smile was just like Kevin's and it melted my heart.

I wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek "You found him didn't you?" I was startled as I struggled for my eyes to swallow the remaining tears.

"Uh...kind of..."

She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder and giggled "I remember when you first told me about him, how you were so excited that he helped you with that bully...or those horseback rides you took at midnight...which your father knows nothing of..."

I smiled, yeah those were the days, but now they were gone. "Mom, he is getting married to a horrible woman...and I wasn't able to help him realize it." Now she took me in her arms and I couldn't help it...I just couldn't hold them back, I had been swallowing those knots for weeks and finally they couldn't hold back.

I cried like a baby. I was so devastated, not so much that he didn't love me and was getting married, but the fact that he was going to be used...and I knew it...and had done nothing about it.

"Oh Kayla...there is nothing you can do...he has to figure it out things on his own..." suddenly our conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Richardson's screams out in the fields and then I saw Mr. Jerald laying on the ground.

I ran as fast as I could.

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