The start of the end

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Peppermentmaid arranged the meeting if the kingdoms.
*prince Gumball eneters the conference room*
"hello everyone so we all know what this meeting is about... we are here
To discuss all the disturbances that have happened recently so who's first"
*the room goes into a ruckus*
Cranberry prince "all of my meats have rotted even some that were fresh my freezer even was on and yet it seemed like they were left outside for months"
Lumpy space king and queen" are lumpy clouds are becoming unlumpy it is vulgar and disturbing even so people stopped floating lumpy space is pure chaos"
"All my plants have died"
*suddenly the doors slam open*
Everyone gasp
"Nice to see you too" said the queen of the nightosphere herself, Ms. Abadeer .
"What are you doing here" said one of the princes with fear in his tone.
"I am a queen am i not... i have my own kingdom do i not" abadeer said
"I know this May sound funny to you but the nightosphere is in complete chaos from my eyes yes its the nightosphere its supposed to be but its different instead of the "good" chaos its like someone is sabotaging everything they keep creating holes to this world whoever it is needs to stop before they do something they really dont want to do like create a second apocalypse i close them up but they just keep getting bigger and bigger unleashing more and the only thing i know would be able to do is the lich but he is supposed to be locked up in the candy kingdom so Gumball may i ask you is the lich here and may i talk to him?"
*gumball looked nervous and started to get the cold sweats*
gumball "we can check right now but i do know i have the best security system" as everyone stood up to go to meet him the gummachine guardians started making a loud siren alarm.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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