Chapter 2:a continue of where we found love

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Fionna POV
Im awaken by cakes tiny paws squeezing my cheeks "wake up babycakes i made you some breakfast im gonna be staying at lord monochromicorns for a while"
"Yeah...ok...why do i need to be awake for that?" I asked.
"Because you need to eat your breakfast before it gets cold"
*knock knock knock*
I turn to my window to see marshall lee. I go to open the window where he greets me
"hey bunny"
"hi have you ever heard of a door cuz we have one if you would like to use it" i say sarcastically.
"When you come later wear nice clothes k" he says with a smirk. I know a lot about him since we have been friends for so long. He can do some pretty weird stuff so i kind of have a bad feeling about this. What if he is planning something evil or peverted. Im just going to hope for the best and just roll with it since he is my friend I dont think he will do anything. "Why are you staring at me like that" i say noticing ML looking at me,"i promise im not gonna do anything inappropriate" he says with a slight giggle. "huh"
"Isnt that what you were thinking just now"
"Yeah but how did you know"
"Well as the vampire king i have powers one of them is reading minds"
"O yeah" i became flustered,then out of all times i just had to imagine him kissing me, i became even more flustered."When did u start thinking like that " he says with a crooked smirk. "Like what ... I dont know what your talking about..." ,I say looking away and blushing like crazy, "what are you going to do later anyway"
"You will have to wait and see ... see you later" he said while climbing out the window and dropping straight down. I rush to the window worried for some reason and see him with his black umbrella floating casually away. I dont know why I was worried he is a vampire he cant die.
Marshall's POV
Ok this it. For a while now i have had feelings for fionna i don't know when they started but i just cant stop thinking about her. She is constantly in my mind. I hope today i can confess all of my feelings for her and that she will accept them. I go into my room put on a black and suit and added a red rose in to pocket.
Fionnas POV
"Yes sugarcakes"
"Can you help me with something before you go to lord monochromicorns please it'll be real quick"
"Of course sweet cheeks what you need"
"Uhh...marshall lee said to come by his place later...and to dress nice but i dont know what to wear" *i begin turning bright red*
"Oooooooooo my little babycakes is going on a date!!"
"I am not!! ... He didn't even say it was ... I dont think it is... Oh my glob what if it is... would that ruin our friendship... what do i doooooo!!!!"
"Oh quit worrying and put this on... i gotta head out now i will be back in about a week I'll call ok... and don't let that vampire do anything that isnt wanted ok... and if he does tell me and i will teach him a lesson he'll never forget". She handed me a casual baby blue dress that clings to the waist and is loose at the bottom that stops right above my knees. She put a light brown belt with and the same color brown wedges.
"Thanks cake see you later"
"Bye bye babycakes"
Instead of wearing my normal bunny hat that i wear everyday i French braided my hair and left some bangs out. I then grab a small clutch and put my retractable sword that cake got me after the ice queen tricked me with the other one. Please let this be a good day.
The table is set up. Everything is ready i hope this goes great. I hear foot steps entering the cave i at the mirror real quick to make sure i am still suitable and then head to the door to open it for her. Im so nervous. I've never been this nervous about a girl in my life neither have i had such feelings for one either, well besides Ashley that no good demon skank. I dont what i ever saw in her but not even for her have i felt this way. I'm wearing a suit for the first time on my own doing. Otherwise i would never be in this monkey suit its do uncomfortable, i prefer my skinny jeans and red and black shirt.
I just about to until the door opened up to my eyes seeing marshall lee in a suit. A SUIT!! The vampire king , the prince of the nightosphere is wearing a suit. I cant help but stare because of how handsome he is. The rose compliments his red eyes perfectly. He looks so handsome.
"Thank you" he says.
"Huh for what"
"The compliment and trust me i never thought I'd actually be wearing a suit either but it just seemed appropriate for the occasion. Oh crap he can here my thoughts i totally forgot so that means he just heard everything that i was just thinking ... thats so embarassing.
"By the way you look great also"
*i bursted red ,blushing uncontrollably*
" Th-th-thank you"
"Are you hungry"
" No not really cake made me breakfast "earlier"
"Ok well i want to take you somewhere"
"Uhh ok where"
"You'll see when we get there"
"Uh ok". He turns arond back facing me and is gesturing for me to hop on.
"Uhh oh its ok i can walk"
" We will get there faster if we fly"
I then get on his back blushing bright red i feel his hand on my thighs holding me up. He smells good.
"Really i was trying out a new cologne" he says smiling looking back at me. I am now blushing uncontrollably my face is more red than a tomato. He really needs to stop reading my mind.
"Sorry it just kid of happens"
"I guess i just have to stop thinking then". He flys out into the woods because the trees cover from him from the sunlight. I never noticed how tall the were. He was flying so fast that my braid had come out and my long blonde hair was just flying in the wind. Like 10 minutes later we get to the place he was talking about we walk inside and my eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing.
"Th-this place... its beautiful" im looking around at the magnificent cave the top of the cave looked like a night sky that had a billion stars.
"Isnt it? I found it couple of days ago and i really wanted to show you... this is gonna be our secret place ok? Promise" he has a soft smile while saying it.
"I promise" i return a smile.
"I've been meaning to tell you something actually"

The story of our loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant