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The dinner

Once Aiko and Blake left I some how felt empty I haven't been away from them in quite a while and now I'm gonna be away from them for maybe hours

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Once Aiko and Blake left I some how felt empty I haven't been away from them in quite a while and now I'm gonna be away from them for maybe hours. "that's a nice family you have there Booker I can tell you really love your girls." i smile at me teammates. "well there my entire world." i smile. "i hope you know they were welcome to join aswell they didn't have to go home."

I nod "yeah I know that but Blake would get cranky in around an hour and Aikos not great with new people and isn't kean on eating out." she not kean on eating at all but I'm not gonna tell them that. He nods.

"so you guys ready for your first away games." My eyes widen. "what!?" everyone looks at me. "you didn't know." my coaches look at each other. "away games dude I have a kid I can't just leave! When is it? God I need to tell Aiko this is so fucked up." one of my teammates laugh.

"chill pussy whipped it's only for a few days." i glare at him "I'm not fucking pussy whipped but I have a daughter so it's not just my life I have to take care for also you try to look after a toddler in there terrible two stage who changes from angel to devil in 2.2 seconds for even a day now imagine a small pregnant woman who's in the toilet being sick for half the day and is so easily overwhelmed doing it for a few fucking days... How long even is a few days." i look at my coach.

"3 days in NYC 2 day rest period here before jetting to texas for 4 days" I pinch my temple a fucking week are you serious. "is this gonna be a problem for you Booker." coach baker says sternly.

"because I specifically remember asking you at the u20 try outs if you were gonna be able to juggle fatherhood and away games you said yes so either you lied to me or you changed you mind neither way if I knew It was gonna be a problem I would not have taken you in. I've already been questioning you Malik because outing with the team is mandatory for team bonding and you've denied every single one of them so far and I'm pretty sure you don't know half your teammates rolls or names you also get very distracted during practiced worried about your daughter bed time."

That's when the final straw snaps and my hands turn to fist as I try to compose myself ."i remember the tryouts very clearly seeing as it was the day my child was born thank you very much and yes I did say it wasn't gonna be a problem and it still isn't going to be one and last time I checked sir I'm here as a last resort so don't sit here and act like you want me here like I didn't run out half way through to help my girlfriend through labour and I'm so sorry that I don't go to 'team bondings' because it's a bunch of under age amateurs drinking at a run down pub twice a week hoping that a young junkie will give them a lap dance and sort out there irritating boner because there too fucking dumb to keep a girlfriend so maybe find a different way to 'bond' that is worth leaving my family at home and I might come once a week and I'll try my best to stop being a father during practice and start focusing on the field full of boys who literally look at me like the last resort that I am."

I give him a fake smile standing up and grabbing my phone. "thank you so fucking much for wasting mine and my girlfriends time today text me the away game dates so I can worn the mother of my child in advance and I'll see you at practice next week."

I walk out the restaurant leaning against the wall as I text Aiko to come get me and of course she replys I have to wait a bit because she not done feeding Blake and lisha not back from jordans. I sigh resting my head against the wall.

Alex one of the only people on the team that I like and also the coaches son comes out leaning on the wall next to me taking out a cig and lighting it in silence. He takes a puff before offering it to me and I take it without hesitating.

"i get why you angry I would be too. But you know your not a last resort right my dad rejected all the wide reciever cause he wanted you even if that meant he had to have a fill in before being able to reach out to you you know since the stuff that happened during your daughters birth I'm sorry about that by the way but because he didn't want to tell the other players your personal life they just thought you were a last resort don't let them pull on your leg to hard also if they keep calling you that at practice show them you ain't cool with that even if you have to knock them around a little."

I just hand him the cig back not interrupting him."and I get the whole going away thing with your daughter I'm having a daughter myself brooklyn shes due a little after Aiko my dad doesn't even know about her seeing as I live with my mom and I never built up the courage to actually tell me dad I know it's not the same but I could never imagine leaving her for a week  but the way my dad reacted to your reaction of leaving your daughter is the same reason I never told him about her."

I nod "I can't lie I wouldn't have either." he chuckles. "come back inside man... At least til your girls show up." i give in walking back in with him. I sit back down sipping my drink that I left. "I hope you know I'm not gonna apologise...i rarely apologies to my girl and she means the world to me."

I say playing with my phone and the table. "i know you don't seem like the apologising type." i take over a half hour for Aiko to pull up and she comes inside the restaurant and Blake was changed in a cute matching PJ set and her hair was out and free but not messy.

Aiko kisses me quick. "you have a cranky tired baby." she hands me the whining Blake. "i was hoping you'd be hours so your ma would be home whilst I pick you up so I didn't have to bring Blake and I could have one of my weekly showers so I can finally shave but I guess not."

I just glare at hair as I kiss my daughters head. "you can still have that shower of your you'll just have an audience" I say grabbing my phone and dabbing Alex up.

"fuck off perv." she Retaliates as we walk out the restaurant.

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