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He leaves to his room. I get up. He sighs.

The next morning.

I hear a knock at my door. I open it. It's Lorenzo. I smile.
"Well did you figure out what you wanted to do?"
"Okay which movie?"
"Meg 2?"
I smile. He nods to say get dressed. I go get dressed. He's waiting for me. I walk out.
"You ready for a movie?"
"You ready for a movie?"
I nod.
"Let's go then."
I follow him. He leads me to the limo and opens the door. I get in. We head to the movie theater.

Chrystal's POV

Kaimana is sitting next to me I can tell she's dreading going into work.
"I hope you have a good day!"
"Thanks... I wish I didn't have to go."
"Why don't you just quit?"
"I need the money."
I nod, "I'm sorry."
"You're fine it's not your fault."
I hug her. She hugs back looking exhausted.
"I hope it goes well!"
"Thanks," she leaves looking exhausted. I sit there alone until I hear a knock. I open the door. Jungkook is standing there awkwardly.
"Oh hi Jungkook. What are you doing here?"
"Came to apologize for yesterday."
"O-Oh it's fine." I look down.
"Yeah but I still did break into your house unannounced."
"It's ok. I know you're sorry."
"Yes but I still need to apologize."
"It's fine really. Do you want to come in?"
"If I could that'd be nice."
I let him in. He walks in and sits in the chair. I sit down.
"Um so what's your favorite color?"
"Oh pink what's yours?"
I nod, "that sounds nice."
I nod.
"Pink's a nice color too."
"No problem."
I smile. He smiles back.
"What's your favorite animal?"
"I like puppy dogs!"
"I like bunnies."
"That's cute."
"You're cute too!"
I giggle. He smiles cutely with a bunny smile. I smile and look down.
"Anyways do you live alone outside of people randomly crashing at your house?"
I nod.
"It gets lonely sometimes."
"I get it."
"You do? How?"
"I mean I live with a lot of people but being a lone would suck."
I nod. I look down.
"Hey at least they visit right?"
Yeah and stay over a lot. Blair finally stumbled outta the room she dragged herself off to. I giggle and nod.
"Hi Chrystal," she mumbles.
"Oh um hi," Jungkook says. She bolts up.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Jungkook."
I giggle.
"Oh I'm Blair... sorry Chrystal."
"It's fine."
I sigh.
"I'm making food."
I nod. She leaves to cook. I sit there. She comes back with lunch. Kaimana is only a quarter of the way through her first job. I look down.
"Food devour!"
I giggle.
"Seriously though, eat."
I go eat. She smiles watching us eat as she eats herself. I smile.
"You like it?"
I nod.
"Good. Don't cook enough."
I nod. She smiles and pats me. I smile.
"You hungry?"
I continue to eat.
"Thank you," Jungkook says taking the plate.
I continue eating. After we're done he takes our plates.
"Thanks Jungkook."
"Nice to meet ya."
I smile, "do you guys want to go do something? I'm bored."
"Sure sorry?"
"Sorry for what?"
"For all of it."
"You can stop apologizing. It's fine."
"So what should we do?"
"The game?"
"What game?"
"The game called sorry."
"Oh you want to play a game?"
"Yes it's a game called sorry."
"I don't know if I have that but I can look!"
I go look. Oh I do. I grab it. I come back.
I giggle. I put it on the table.
I nod. I open the game. It's sorry the game. I choose the red pieces. She looks at me but sighs and picks yellow.
"What's wrong?"
"I normally choose red."
"Oh I'm sorry! You can have it! I'll choose blue!"
"No it's fine."
"Are you sure?"
I keep red.
"Is it okay?"
"Is it okay?"
"Is what ok?"
I nod.
"Okay let's get started."
I get everything set up. We start playing. I'm losing.
"It's all okay."
I pout.
"You're doing okay."
"No I'm not. I'm losing!"
She smiles tiredly. I smile.
"You okay?"
I nod.
I smile. She smiles back. I do my turn. We continue playing.

Rm's POV

The movie's over.
"Where do you wanna go now?"
"Out to eat?"
I smile.
"Let's go."
I nod. I follow. We head to the restaurant I see a familiar face. Who is that? It's that girl that was at Chrystal's house I think her name was kaimana. She works here? Apparently. But she doesn't seem the happiest. I sigh.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing."
He looks at me but nods. We get seated. She said walks over to the stage area as the waitress takes our order. What is she doing? She sighs almost sadly. Who knows... I sigh. She looks down. I look at the menu. It's comfort food mostly. I sigh.
"I'll just have a cheese burger."
"I will too."
"Okay,"the waitress says leaving.
I look down.
"You okay?" Lorenzo asks.
I nod.
"Okay just checking."
I smile. He smiles back. I look around.
"What's up?"
"Oh nothing."
I sigh. He pats my shoulder.
"You can tell me anything."
I nod.
I smile.
I look away.
"You okay?" I nod. 
I look over. We hear a noise. I look around. I see her now in a fancy dress. She looks pretty. She looks sad. I look down. She puts on a fake smile. I turn away.
"You can fit everything you know... in a bottle for you to show," she's singing it's really pretty.
I wonder why she's not happy. I watch some of the older patrons walk over to her. What is happening?
"Pick your brain apart and put it in
And build it again with needles and pins," she sings walking across the stage.
"Everything you have earned is a ship
With blue waves crashing into it," she summons water allowing it to flow around her.
"But nothing can touch your happy thoughts anymore
With your glass ceiling, walls, and floor," she backs away singing.
She's a good singer. She continues to sing and dance around the stage. At the end one of them grabs her by the breasts and pulls her off. She screams getting Lorenzo's attention. I get up. He motions for me to sit down. He pulls out his gun and fires into the man's leg causing kaimana to scream and cry. He turns to her and gets up. She starts backing away. He coughs, "sorry doll didn't mean to scare ya... but you did give quite a shock with that scream."
The older patrons have backed as allowing Lorenzo free access to kaimana. I sigh.
"Get her shit RM."
"Huh?" She asks through shaking motions. He sits down beside her.
"I want the owner... NOW!"
I nod. One of the ladies leave. I look down. She comes back with owner as I find her stuff. I bring her stuff back. She looks up at me terrified. She's shaking.  Lorenzo takes off his jacket and puts it on her. I look over.
The owner looks angrily to Lorenzo, "what are you doing here?"
"I ordered food and watched your employee here get sexually assaulted."
"This doesn't seem like a safe work environment."
"She's the cursed one, idiots. Any time she sings... men drool over her," the owner says laughing, "and I can't help it if they get a little handsy with her."
I look at Lorenzo like really.
"That's a lie and you know it," Lorenzo says almost growls.
"This is unsafe."
"It's my business practice and you shot one of my customers."
"With a tranquilizer bullet."
"I think she quits."
"Well I don't think so."
"And why's that?"

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