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"Come on I got it for you."
"... no!"
"But I did get it for you."
"... fine..."
"Heheh I knew you wanted it."
"... maybe."
"Here though here It is!"
I smile. Lorenzo eventually joins us. Wait us? I realize that yunnee didn't actually leave.
"Hey... is he okay?"
"I think he's fine."
"Now he should be," Lorenzo says.
"Are you—?"
"Been tortured for years. Kindness and respect is deserved and should never have to be earned nor his needs be ignored. He needs to be alone right now Yunnee."
I nod agreeing.
"Okay... so long as he's okay," Yunnee says.
I nod. Yunnee heads off to the range for real this time. I sigh. Lorenzo looks over. I look over.
"Sorry. Pasta tonight?"
I nod, "that sounds good."
"Food good," he walks off to order the catering.
I chuckle. He starts ordering. I walk away. I eventually run into Jungkook.
"Oh hi jungkook."
"When did you get home?"
"A few minutes ago."
"Oh why?"
"Just because."
I nod. He walks on. I sigh.
"Sorry I thought you were following."
"Oh sorry." I follow him.
He leads me through the place. I sigh. He smiles. I smile.
"You feeling okay?"
"I am. Are you?"
"That's good."

Suddenly kaimana ends up at my waist she's crying.
"What's wrong?"
I rub her back, "what was it about?"
"The owner."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault."
I hug her. She doesn't wanna move. I hold her. She keeps there. I sigh. She looks up. I look at her.
"Don't let go."
"I won't."
She cries for a few more minutes before calming. I rub her back.
"I'm okay... right?"
I nod.
I smile.
I help her to bed.
"I'm not tired just calming."
"Oh sorry."
"It's... okay."
I smile.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I'm sorry."
"You're ok."
She shivers. I wrap her up in a blanket.
"I'm okay... I think"
I hug her. She tenses from the hug but soon relaxes. I sigh.
"For what?"
"It's fine."
I sigh. She looks down. I look over.
"You're fine."
I sigh.
"You helped me..."

Suga's POV

"What is going on?"
I see Blair.
"Where the hell is kaimana?"She asks my little brother Kwan.
"I—I don't know! Wh—who is kaimana?"
"We're not sure."
She starts a fire. Kwan starts crying. He still remembers the fire.
"Can you please not?" I ask annoyed.
"Where is she?"
The girl comes running in.
"Blair! Blair! I'm okay."
Blair apparently stops. She runs to kaimana and hugs her meanwhile Kwan runs to me. I hug him.
"Not the fire not the fire!"
Kwan starts to cry. I can still see the burn scars. I rub his back.
"Hold me! Hold me! Please please don't let daddy kill me! Please!" He's flashing. I hug him.
He eventually calms as Blair realizes.
"Who did this?"
I sigh.
"I want answers who is your father?"
I look at him. He looks up me. He doesn't know our dad's name. Besides Lorenzo because that's our adopted dad.
"His name is Adamnsion."
She nods and leaves. Wait is she going after him? I follow her. I hand my brother to kaimana who holds him like a baby. I smile. As we head out she finds that cassia girl.
"Child abuse come on."
I sigh. Cassia nods and grabs a big knife.
"That's a big knife."
"Yes we like to torture child abusers."
I nod.
"Now let's go,"
I follow. They head to my dad's help one of the few people who can scare me. I can't show that I'm scared though! I take out my knife. Blair lights the house on fire. I sigh. Dad comes running out Blair is waiting. I hold my knife. She lights him on fire just like he did Kwan. He deserved that. He stands up angrily. He better not try anything.
"Ahhh Suga."
"Hahah... you know the boy was stupid for hanging around the fire."
"Shut up."
"What's wrong?"
"Fuck you."
I look away.
"Is that what you say to your father?"
I don't respond.
I still don't respond.
"Come on."
"Shut up."
I sigh. He walks towards me only to be restrained by plants. I look over.
I sigh.
"What?" Blair asks.
I don't respond. She looks awkwardly. I look down.
"Sorry... but are you not okay with us torturing him?"
"You can."
I look over. They begin to torture him. I smile.
I nod.
"Are you happy with yourself?" She asks. I realize she's asking my dad.
"Fuck you!"
"Awww how sweet!"
I sigh.
"Shut up."
"You shut up." I say to him.
"Shut up!"
I look away. He tries to break free or light the vines on fire but can't. I smile.
"Well then let's destroy him shall we?"
I nod.

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