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"Hatty! Hatty! Hey calm down it's me Ambrose!"
Hatty turns and freezes. Percy climbs in next to him. I look down.
"It's okay now. I promise!"
I nod.
"He's just scared rm."
I nod. Hattie, upon hearing, Percy talk to me starts to calm. I sigh.
"Ambrose trusts you."
"I'm a trustworthy person."
"I know! But he warmed up to you pretty quickly."
"You trust him."
I nod.
"Ah... well do i can't feel my legs yet do you mind if RM helps you with a bath tonight?"
"You trust him?"
"Do you want me to help you?"
"I like someone with me during bath time," Hattie says softly.
I nod.
"Plus he always needs help with his hair."
I nod. Percy smiles and nods for both Hattie to go and me to help him as Percy falls back asleep. I help him to the bathroom. As we get into the bathroom he yawns slightly.
"Are you tired?"
"I didn't expect to take a hike to get to a bathroom!"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay but will you carry me back to bed?"
"I can."
I start the bath water. He puts a foot in it.
"Is this good?"
I smile. He strips taking everything but his hat off. He remembers then takes it off before cannonballing in. That's when I realize how damned long his hair is. Should we cut it? Maybe I'll ask him though.
"Should we cut your hair? It's a little long?"
He grabs it and shakes his head no. It must be why it takes so hard. I nod.
"Wash and dry! Only Percy can trim or cut my hair."
Completely understandable.
"Oh okay I understand."
He nods looking tired and cute. I help him bathe. And spend nearly an hour drying his hair.
We also need to get him more— huh? Oh he's on my back. I smile.
"Back to Ambrose!"
I take him back to Percy. He needs more clothes. I watch as he lets Ambrose braid his hair and puts the hat back on hiding almost all of it. I sigh. Hattie falls asleep. Lorenzo soon joins us.
"How are you?"
"... a wee bit sore but fine other than that."
I smile. Lorenzo nods and pats both of our heads then slides a teddy bear into Hattie's arms. I look over.
"Just get some rest Percy."
"Yes uncle."
I yawn softly.
"Namjoon... go on as well."
I nod. I go to bed. I find Kaimana already in my bed. I get in bed. She tucks herself around me. I smile.
"Night night."
"Good night."
She cuddles up to me.

Jin's POV

Who is that kid? I've never seen him before. He's asleep on Percy. Strange. He wakes up and sees me. He trembles and buries himself under the blankets.
"Hey it's okay." I whisper.
He doesn't move, he starts crying harder.
"What's wrong?"
Percy wakes up.
"He's scared of stranger, Jin."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I just letting you know."
I nod.
"Hattie come out."
"It's okay." I whisper.
I smile. We eventually coax him out. I smile again. He slowly waves.
"Hattie meet Jin Jin meet Hattie."
"Nice to meet you."
"Y—you too."
I smile. He gives a weak one back. I look around.
"Thank you."
I nod.
"Okay I hide now."
Hattie dives back under next to Percy. I chuckle. Percy sits up weakly. I look over.
"It'll be all right."
I nod.
"We're both alive."
"That's true."
He slowly drifts back off. I'm glad he's okay. And the kiddo is too. I smile. I should let them sleep. I walk out. I hear sighing. I look around. I don't immediately see any one. Who is there? Eventually I see yunnee.
"Oh it's you."
"How are you?"
"I'm okay how are you?"
"All right how are they?"
"They're fine."
I smile.
"How are you?"
"I'm okay."
I sigh.
"I'm glad you're okay."
I nod. He sighs and pokes his head into the room before leaving. I can tell he's worried. I sigh.
"Sorry for worrying."
"I understand."
Yunnee sighs again then stretches. I look over.
"Sorry again. I'm just going to go to bed."
I nod. He leaves quickly. I wonder what that was about. I don't know but that was weird. I sigh.
"Hey Jin."
"Oh hey."
It's uncle. He's smiling awkwardly.
"How are you?"
"I'm okay. You?"
"I'm all right."
I nod.
"We should probably get some sleep."
I nod.
He leads me to bed then goes himself. I go to sleep.
The next morning
I feel something weird is going on. I look around. It's coming from uncles room. I go check on him. He's leaning against the wall gasping.
"Are you okay?"
He nods tiredly. I nod.
"I'm just out of it."
I nod. He calms down.
"Are you better."
I nod.
"Anyways I'm going to go cook."
I nod. He leaves. I sigh. He's got a deal doesn't he? I think he does. Well then... I sigh. That or he's actually cooking. I go follow him. He's cooking. I sigh. He gives a tired smile, "you okay?"
"Yes I'm okay."
"Okay good well I need to finish cooking."
I nod. He sighs.
"Is everything okay?"
I nod.
He sighs, "and you?"
"I'm okay."
"That's good!"
I smile and nod. He sighs softly as he finishes. I smile. He sighs softly. I look over.
"Sorry just thinking...we need to find a way to return Percy and Hattie home."
I nod.
"It's starting to worry me."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's not your fault."
I nod.
He sighs, "you take rm and Suga and try to find out what you can about their home world."
I nod.
"Do you want me to now?"
"As soon as you can."
"Actually take Kooksie with you."
I nod. I find Jungkook. He's got Chrystal in his arms.
"Hey Jungkook?"
"I need your help."
"Okay...mind if I carry her?"
"I don't mind."
"Yayyy!" She says.
"Oh you're awake!"
"Yes I am. I was pretending to sleep." She giggles.
He shifts her to his back.
"Whelp you're coming with us."
She giggles.
"we have to go with rm and Suga to find out about Percy and Hattie's home." Jin says.
They go to Suga and rm. Blair is awake...and staring us down.
"Um we need Suga and rm.@
"Okay I'll wake Suga up."
I nod.
She kisses his lips, "hey sleeping beauty time to wake up."
He pushes her away.
He continues to sleep. She lifts him up and French kisses him. He whines.
"Come on... it's time."
She picks him up. He sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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