Chapter 11 - You

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"See, whatever is going on around them, titans are usually drawn to large groups of people. If enough of us collected in the corner away from the breach we could lure the titans out of Eren's path." Armin is saying, explaining his plan to a pair of Garrison officers.

"He could be discreet about moving the boulder, he also wouldn't have to slow his pace while we fight the others off of him. Since the titans will all be in one area, we can pick them off by canon fire without incurring casualties of our own." He gestures to a spot on a map spread over a box.

"Now I'm not saying we leave him defenseless, that would be too risky. We'll need a band of elites to act as his bodyguards. There's no way of knowing how many titans will come through the hole while he's trying too seal it."

"His security detail would need to be able to handle them." Armin finishes.
"Easy enough I think." One of the officers says. "We can retool the plan around that."

Armin stands up straighter. "The thing is, we're making a big assumption here, namely that Eren, even in full titan mode is strong enough to move the rock. To be perfectly honest there's very little reason for us to suppose he can."

"I have my doubts." Armin says honestly.
"As do I." The officer replies. "Sending people to their death on a whim, isn't a tactic I'm fond of. Uncertainty has killed too many already, but the Commander's right, we must do this."

"Agreed." The second officer nods. "We're working against the clock here. Titans are still lumbering into Trost as we speak. There may already be more than we can handle and the longer wait the less chance of success there is." She says, looking down at Armin's plan.

"And there's something else too. Even the bravest of us can't indefinitely bottle our fear, not before something gives." She states.


What the hell are we doing.

Pinning all hopes on Eren in one last final plea of desperation.

Not like we have much choice anymore. Trost is about to be overrun with titans and Commander Pixis seems to be on board with the mission.

Can't say I'm completely against it either. Maybe I have faith in Eren, or maybe I'm just as desperate as the rest.

I lean against a stack of supply boxes, observing Eren, Mikasa and Armin as the three converse between themselves.

"I'm sorry Eren, it was just something I said, it wasn't my intention to get you pulled into this." Armin says, talking with his friend.
"Stop apologizing, you have a gift for strategy and you know it. I believe in you Armin." Eren replies.

Mikasa nods. "Eren, I really think I should -"
"You're not coming with me." He says firmly. "You're on the decoy squad."
"No way, I can't leave you alone." She argues.

"Knock it off. Get it through your head that I'm not your responsibility. You're not my mother." Eren says lowly. She nods, her jaw tensing. One of the officers from Pixis' squad heads over to us.

"Ackerman, I want you on the squad that's providing Jaeger with backup." He tells Mikasa.
"You too, soldier." He says, nodding at me. "We'll need both of your skills."

"Come on, let's get this started." He says, walking off. Eren, Mikasa and I both nod, heading after him. Two other soldiers join up with us, the short blonde woman from before, and a taller, bearded, serious looking man.

"Let's get this straight, I don't care what you are, just that you get that boulder in place." Says the officer in front.
"Can we count on you?" He asks Eren.
"Yes, sir." Eren nods, "I won't let you down."

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