Something Restored, Something Taken and Discovered

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One thing to imbed, Gellert, you guys and I know that Harry is Albus and Gellert's grandson, no one else knows.

                        Music is not mine!!

Also I am back from the dead. I had started college. Sorry for this wait. I hope you guys enjoy!

The Great Hall was in chaos. Students screaming, crying, running and cuddling for a safety. Magic flying almost everywhere. It was a great panic causing the biggest maelstrom of accidental magic.

Professors were in a rush trying to calm them down. Clenching down their own fear. A headmaster's seat sitting empty. In this maelstrom of chaos, Hogwarts picked up the distress of her students that is when everyone in the Great Hall would tell you the night sky reached down to them.


Harry James Potter appeared to office he recognized far too well. An office however that was left with one document of parchment.

                    Hogwarts Staff Directory
Headmaster(Current): Crowned Lord/Heir Harry James Potter-Black-Dumbledore-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Peverell-Ollivander

Former: Albus Wulfric-Brian(Has been Illegally Against Magic Headmaster for 40 years)(Decreased)

Harry quickly picked up a quill. His eyes across his glasses staring at the parchment with an annoyance. This document would soon be updated in the Ministry of Magic which would screw his plans for puppet of a wizard.

Oh the joys of being forced into a magically binding tournament. One major variable, Albus forgot to remove from him was fact that although legally he is still a minor. By magic and a damn goblet of fire, he was already an emancipated adult.

So by magically world affairs, as some countries run by the rules of magic alone, Harry was free to every liberty of a grown adult Archmage. Albus had no right to continue any of his meddlings. That's how for all of last year at least, by magic he had no right to be Headmaster. But the other 39 years?

Oh wait.

Harry stares down at the Twinkling Eyed portrait. He flicks his hand causing the portrait to fall down from its spots. Emerald flames quickly burning the portrait into ash. The other headmasters who had been deadly silent previously quickly erupt in shouts.

"OH FINALLY! We speak of what that fool did!", one starts as the room clatters around in a joy. Headmaster Dippet being the loudest of the room. Screaming about how he was murdered.

But one problem of being a powerful Empathy Mage. You can sense the feelings of portraits. However the main power of one is fact that you can use legitimacy like breathing. You can see out mindscapes, souls and more importantly memories.

Harry didn't excalty know he can hear the portraits' thoughts and see their memories. But right now he knows he can and it's too much. "QUIET PLEASE!", Harry bellows as the portraits fall silent seeing a student clearly stressed from the sheer number of criminal memories he has witnessed in the past minutes of Albus's deeds.

However thankfully to techinally of Wizarding Britain, Harry could give himself time to finish his studies before becoming Headmaster. But he wasn't going to let the same mistake Dippet made happen twice.

"Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts, I am appointing Deputy Headmistress Mcgongall as Regent Headmistress until I reach the Wizarding Britain's standards of the appropriate age of Headmaster. However please one at a time tell me everything else of the fool's manipulations and schemes I have missed, And please inform Professor Mcgongall of everything.", Harry states as he writes declaration into the quill. Just to ensure everything of Albus's plans are undone he wrote out an order as the Magical Crowned Lord. Which to make it point blank, everyone of the faulty is magically bound to. Refusing so would result in them losing their job and magic. Practically a death sentence.

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