The Workaholic/The Holy Nerd?

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[Tap] [Tap] [Smack] [Bang] The sound of keyboard starting from the simple typing to straight up banging the keyboard down as we see this is cause by the lady doing some computer work in a big dark room with her big computer screen lighting up her face as she can be seen with heavy big bags under her eyes, her hair is curly with some flicks of hair sticking out showing her being stressed is a understatement, she is wearing a one side headphone with a mic attached, and still punching down the poor keyboard rapidly [clack] [clack] as some of the pieces of the keyboard is being torn apart.

[Riing] [Riiing] [Ring] The women turn to her office telephone she sighed and picks it up. "HCSF aka Hell's Customer Service Facility, how can I help you?" She answered the phone with the best customer service voice she could provide. "Wah waah wa wa Waah!" The customer in the phone ranted. " Yes I see, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the constant robberies in your home, but you must know living in the Greed ring would consider that being normal. In fact today is a slow day for robbers y'kno-" "Wah! WAAAH WAH WAAH WAH WAH" She gets off her chair. " WELL EXCUSE ME IF YOU DO NOT LIKE LIVING THERE! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID OR SOMETHING?!" "Wah!" At this point a vein begins popping out of her head "HOW ABOUT THINK TWICE BEFORE MOVING TO GREED RING INSTEAD SLOTH RING YOU FUCKING RETAR-" The big double doors open as two figures enter the big cold dark room with the computer in the center is the only thing that is brightening the room.

"Hellloo Pandemonica!🎵" "Hellloo Pandemoni-Glahh!!" The Awesome Demon dodged the phone that was thrown by Pandemonica, but resulted the phone to hit Y/N in the face " The lady now knows as Pandemonica picked up her glasses that was clipped in her right chest pocket and adjusted it. " Your late." She said in a tired yet angry tone. "Well I am late because I had to deal with a certain three headed monster" Pandemonica  cross her arms and glare deeper into his eyes. "A..And dealing with two bitches of a sisters!"

(Meanwhile back in Y/N's house)

The trio demons are busy ripping off some random guy limb from limp as the blood gushes out from the limbs, and singing something about burgers and being lactose intolerant in the backyard. The two sisters in the living, Malina to busy playing the PlayStation 5, and Zrada next to her right side busy smoking try to make the puff of smoke block Malina's view, Much to her annoyance then suddenly...[ACHOoo!] Malina sneezed as Zrada puff another fog of smoke "Fuck you" "[sniff] Thank you bitch.

(Back to HCSF)

"Now now Pan give Y/N a little break, the poor guy even bring you some stuff from StarHades! Isn't that right Y/N" "[Choking] yes..!!" Y/N said as he is being choked by the tired demon and raising a finger up while his face turning blue. "Hmm, fine.".....Justice look at Pan like trying to say are you forgetting something which of course the tired women is still choking Y/N " Oh! I'm sorry force of a habit~" She said letting Y/N go as he collapses on the floor. Turns to her desk to see that Justice is right he did bring some StarHades goodies.

Right away she grabbed the coffee from the tray. She sips the steaming hot coffee, she took a minute to enjoy the warmth feeling she signed deeply in relief. " [Moans] fucking hell this what I needed." Y/N got up as he rubs his neck so we are good right Pan?" She looks at him then sighs.

"Yes for now~" She said in a very questionable tone then she put the coffee down on her desk, walking towards Y/N as she was walking to his way her horns begins to grow her facial expression sharpens. Grab and pull his tie closer to her. Now only less then a few inches away from each other then she whisper in his ear. "Shall I resume back choking you as a reward?~" She said in a low growl but yet a soothing voice in it as well. Now normally any masochist bastard [cough] Z. Would get flustered or turned on but for Y/N he is chill as the icy part in hell.

"Nah, I'm good Pan" Y/N turn and walk to the double doors, Pandemonica only pouts as she turns her head ,hiding her pouting face as she lets out a disappointing sigh. "We'll I best get to work then!" Justice sits on the couch and Pandemonica went to sit back down at her desk now getting ready to go back to work.

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