❆ chapter four

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three days later

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three days later...

Feeling energised and motivated, Hyerim strode to the club room, laptop in hand, and made her way to her cubicle, when she was stopped by Mark's voice.


She turned to look at the club leader, who motioned for her to come over. She obliged, walking over to him.

"Is something wrong?" she asked cautiously.

Mark shook his head. "Not really. Just wanted to check in on you about the photos from last week's hockey game. Your article is great, everything looks good, but I noticed you didn't include any pictures of Haechan?" He looked up at her quizzically.

"Oh, that's because he didn't want a picture," Hyerim replied unbothered. She didn't know why it was such a big deal.

Mark looked disappointed, as he "ooh"d and frowned.

"Many people are probably only interested in the article for Haechan. The girls, in particular." Mark sighed, and Hyerim felt a twinge of guilt in her chest. "Do you know why he didn't want a pic?"

"I don't know," Hyerim shrugged. "He just told me to take a pic of Jeno instead. Didn't give me an explanation."

Mark nodded. "We'll publish this week's edition anyway, but in the future, do try to get some shots of Haechan. He's very popular, and we need the readers."

Glumly, Hyerim agreed. She felt bad, like she let the team down, but vowed to do better at the next match on Friday. Maybe he would be up for a picture then. Maybe he just didn't feel like taking a picture that day. It was understandable.

Friday rolled around, and Hyerim found herself on the bus, on the way to the game. This time, it wasn't at their school, but at a local ice rink as it was an away game, not a home game. She checked her phone. Still early. She had plenty of time to catch Haechan, and ask him for a picture.

A notification lit up her phone, and she swiped to read it.

sooyeon 🎞️ (@__syeon01)
hyerim :(( i'm sorry, my train got delayed so i might be late!!! u might have to talk to haechan by urself, at least until i get there
so sorry😭😭🙏🏻i'll try to be there ASAP!

hyerim 🌑 (@hy_moon)
oh, that's fine sooyeon :)
no worries
take ur time, don't rush
travel safe


Hyerim had initially been less anxious as someone was with her, but now that she was diving into the task alone, she suddenly felt the urge to throw up.

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