❆ chapter twenty-one

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Hyerim took a seat in her lecture the next day

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Hyerim took a seat in her lecture the next day. She had arrived 3 minutes late, but thankfully her professor wasn't here yet. Pulling out her laptop and setting up her stuff on the desk, she busied herself with checking emails, and pulling up the class content when she felt someone pull out the chair next to hers.

Odd. Normally no one sat next to her in this particular class. However, she ignored the person, not wanting to stare, and continued taking out her textbook, flipping to the correct page when she heard a voice.

"Not even gonna look at me?"

Hyerim's heart skipped a beat. Swivelling a head slightly to her right to look at the person, her eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

There, in all his glory, sat Haechan, in his hockey jersey, an annoying smile on his face. He was a senior, and most definitely did not do journalism or media.

"You don't even take this class, you're gonna get in trouble," she told him, frowning as the boy leant back on his chair, swinging back and forth haphazardly. "No, don't do that, you're gonna tip over and crack your skull."

"You sound like my mom," Haechan whined, pouting comically. Hyerim ignored him, turning back around to focus on organising her materials.

Thank god her professor walked in at that moment, because Hyerim couldn't handle the boy anymore. She watched as he put the powerpoint on the big screen, starting the lecture with the roll call.

But Hyerim realised that the boy beside her wasn't leaving. She turned to him, quizzically. 

"Aren't you leaving?" she asked in a hushed whisper. He shook his head.

"Nah. I'm staying," he said in his normal voice, and Hyerim hurried to shush him, raising her finger to her lips aggressively.

"You're going to get in trouble, oh my god," she complained, turning back to her laptop screen to focus on the lecture, not wanting to deal with the boy any more.

During the whole lecture, he fiddled with her pencil case, digging out her stationery and going through them. He also doodled in her books, writing little messages and drawing penises everywhere. Hyerim had to tell him several times that he wasn't funny, but he only giggled in response like a 12 year old pre-pubescent boy.

She thanked the gods when the lecture ended and the professor walked out after assigning them with a group project. Nervously, she stood up after packing her stuff, smacking Haechan's hand out of the way, trying to see who her groupmates were.

In her peripheral vision, she could see a boy walking towards her.

"Hi, are you Hyerim?"

Turning to him, she nodded politely, bowing. "Yes, and I'm guessing you're Heeseung?" She could only guess that he was one of her two group members, the other being a girl.

The boy nodded, but his eyes widened as he spotted the boy stood behind Hyerim.

"Oh, aren't you Haechan? You're in this class? You're a year older than us though," Heeseung mused, obviously very starstruck by the appearance of Haechan.

Hyerim could hear the older boy behind her scoff.

"Yeah, I am. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have somewhere to get to." And with that, Haechan grabbed Hyerim's hand and dragged her out of the lecture room.

"Haechan, I need to get his number for the project," she protested, looking back at the room to see if Heeseung was following, but Haechan didn't respond.

"Haechan!" She called his name louder, making the boy finally look back at her. She frowned, pissed off that he had dragged her off.

"What the hell are you doing? I have to talk to Heeseung about the project - I need a good grade," she reprimanded, shaking off the boy's grip to fold her arms, glaring at him.

"Come to my game tonight," Haechan suddenly asked.

"No, I'm busy." The girl was about to leave when Haechan stepped in front of her, blocking her path.


She stared at the boy, who had his hands clasped in front of him, eyes sparkling as he pleaded her. Grudgingly, she gave in, huffing as she nodded.


Immediately, a smile spread across Haechan's face as he whooped, punching his fist in the air ridiculously.

Hyerim shook her head. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find Heeseung."

She turned on her heel to leave, and of course Haechan tailed behind her like a lost puppy, not wanting to leave her side.

i wanna write a mark ff so baaddddddd but ik if i start writing a new book i wont be able to finish this one so i gotta push out the chapters for this book before i publish a new one

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i wanna write a mark ff so baaddddddd but ik if i start writing a new book i wont be able to finish this one so i gotta push out the chapters for this book before i publish a new one

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