❆ chapter nineteen

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"Get your ass up

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"Get your ass up."

Hyerim groaned as her duvet was yanked off of her body, courtesy to her roommate, Jihee. Her amazing afternoon nap was rudely interrupted, and she was not happy.

"What time is it...?" Hyerim fumbled around her bedside table for her phone, finally picking it up. She rubbed her eyes blearily and focused on the bright screen, the time finally registering in her brain.

"Shit, 2:21? I have a meeting at 2:30!" Hauling herself up, she scrambled to pick up socks that were littered around the floor beside her bed, pulling her jacket that was discarded on her desk chair around her shoulders. 

"Did you forget to set your alarm again?" Jihee asked, folding her arms like a mother.

"I swear I set it!" the black-haired girl cried, shoving some necessities in her bag. She quickly bid farewell to Jihee, exiting the university dorm complex and quickly made her way over to the main campus.

"Sorry I'm late!" Hyerim apologised profusely, slipping into the club room. Thankfully her members were lenient, waving off the tardy and inviting her over.

After the Neoletter in high school, Hyerim began to develop a liking towards journalism and writing, leading her to choose her current course, and also join what they called the SCC - student committee club. It was comprised up of students who ran the school paper, helped coordinate events and festivals, and listen to student opinions and take them into consideration. 

Currently, they were in the process of coordinating S-Night, an evening festival that had several activities such as performances, food stalls, games and exhibitions. It was happening in two weeks. They had assigned each club with their own separate categories - for example, the music club was in charge of musical performances, the astronomy club had tarot readings and predictions, the robotics club had robots up on display. The SCC was in charge of a tteokbokki stand. Random, but many of the clubs were in charge of running random food and game stalls.

"We were just discussing volunteers and rosters for the night, Hyerim!" One of the cheery seniors, Daemun, beckoned her over. She was handed a sheet of paper with shifts for the night.

"What are you good at, Hyerim?"

"Um, I'm not very good at cooking," Hyerim told them apologetically, feeling useless. One of the other members, Soyoung, patted her kindly on the shoulder.

"That's okay, you can be a waitress! It's easy, all you have to do is write down the orders on the notepad, collect the money and bring the order back to the kitchen area for us to cook. Then bring the food to the person who ordered it."

Hyerim nodded, filling her name on the roster paper and selecting her shift, while the rest of the club talked about organisation stuff for the night.

She tuned out of the meeting, picking at her cuticles, until it was dismissed.

PUCKER UP ❆ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now