Chapter 5 - A new friend

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Something I mentioned in a post, but not directly on any of my books: I've not been into writing very much lately, so don't expect very many updates.

I was feeling up to doing a bit of writing, so decided to make another chapter for this. Hope you enjoy?


Oli shivered as he slowly made it past a small stone arch. He used his hand to try to wipe the rain from his eyes. Ah ha!

Oli quickly ran to a nearby bench that had a small cover over it. He sat, with a loud sigh. He still shivered, but it was much better without the constant pattering on his skin. His arms were fully exposed so that wasn't fun....

The blonde finally looked around the place he had ended up. It was a bit hard to see, since the sun had gone down a fair bit. It was dark, with rough rain pattering down hard. His eyes scanned over the sea of upright stones...

A graveyard.

Oli knew he should be glad this could be a possible information, but cemeteries gave him the creeps. He curled his legs up to his chest, shivering from the cold water that still mostly covered him. He never liked rain too much.... It was always so comfortable....

Oli felt the bench shift next to his, as his head snapped up to see who it was.

There was a boy, probably around his age. Green skin, and yellow eyes, the normally white parts black. A pair of goggles sat on the boy's head. A zombie, if Oli had to guess. Not a lot of people liked zombie's too much, but Oli didn't mind them. One of the hermits was a zombie in fact!

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable..." The zombie boy spoke. "There aren't too many benches around this area."

"No- No, it's fine..." Oli tried letting his legs drop back to the ground, to make himself have a more open and friendly pose, but it was too cold. "Just hiding from the rain... You?"

"Legs were a bit tired from walking around."

"Do... Do you go on walks around the cemetery?"

"Not too often, but sometimes. I mainly come around here to visit the grave of my old friend..."

The rain continued its harsh patter, silence falling over the two. Oli grabbed at the edge of his hat, pulling it down to cover his face. He didn't want to cry, he didn't even know why he was crying, but it just poured out. Maybe it was because of the unbearable cold, or just because of today's failure.

And now he was sitting in a graveyard, next to a boy he didn't know, scared to go home to a dad he knew would be angry.

"Are... are you okay...?"

Oli couldn't form words, but slowly shook his head.

"Just try to focus on the area around us... Not whatever's upsetting you."

Why was a stranger trying to give Oli advice...? He didn't know, but he was desperate for something to help him. He tried to focus on the bench beneath him. The cold wood against the fabric of his shorts. The cool wind around hin. The pattering of rain...

"Just... Keep your focus on the now."

"Th-thank you..."

"Huh- Uh- No problem...?"

Oli moved his hat away from his face, leaning up to look at the zombie boy. The boy's yellow and black eyes seemed nervous, and upset, darting away. "Ummm, question... What's your name?"

"My... name.... I'm Zloy.... You?"

"I'm Oli! Well- Orion Sound, but just call me Oli!" Tears still stained Oli's face, but at least he was now smiling.

"Nice to meet you Oli... So... You look around my age- what highschool do you go to?"

"Empires Secondary School. You?"

"Crafters high. Though, I'm probably switching soon..."

"Oh- cool! I have a group of friends who go there! Have you met 'the hermits'?"

Zloy tilted his head curiously. "Oh, you know the hermits too? Me and my friend occasionally hang out with them."

Oli smiled, happy he's found something in common with his new.... Friend? Was it too soon to call him that...?

"It's getting a bit late..." Zloy spoke slowly, before turning to Oli. "I should probably get going... It was really nice meeting you, Oli."

"Oh... Yeah... Nice meeting you too, Zloy." Oli watched as the zombie stood, waving as he walked off into the rain. The rain had gotten a bit more gentle, but it was still pouring....

Oli sighed, getting up. He would just have to suck it up through the rain....

(685 words)

A Ghost in the Attic - ESMP Highschool AU [Olix]Where stories live. Discover now