Chapter 6 - The Journal

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The blonde's thoughts were jumbled... All his brain was on with this. Pix. Trying to help the poor ghost. Oli groaned, pulled his hat farther onto his head as he walked the halls. He didn't know what to do... Really, what was he supposed to do!? He hadn't found out anything. The police station wasn't able to tell him anything. It would take hours upon hours to look through every gravestone to get what.... A death date? Maybe a cause of death? He didn't even dare trying a hospital.

He would need to figure out more about this spirit through some way else.... Someone would have had to know him when he was alive.... But how would he find a person like that?

Oli was pulled out of his thoughts, as he almost fell from someone jumping at him from behind. Tight arms wrapped around him in a hug. "GAH-"

"Oli! You ran off yesterday!"

Oli turned to see an annoyed Lizzie, a grumpy frown on her face.


"Why did you even run off? Why is this 'research' thing you're doing so important? And why does it have something to do with someone who died a while ago?" Lizzie looked at him curiously.

Would Lizzie believe him...? Was it even a good idea to tell her the truth? "You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

Oli opened his mouth to speak-


"Oh- see you after class, Oli!!!" Lizzie bolted off surprisingly quickly. Why? Oli thought she didn't like school- Oh, wait. Lizzie's science class was the class she shared with Joel.... Of course.

Oli sighed, staring down the empty hallway. WAIT- he was going to be late!

Oli carefully climbed the now familiar staircase. He slipped past the door, shutting it behind himself. He glanced around, before taking a seat on the floor. He let his eyes close.

"Oli...? Is something wrong...? You seem... I don't know the word for it-"

Oli chuckled, opening his eyes to glance at the translucent being, "Upset? No- it might see like it, but I'm not actually upset. Well...." Oli sighed. "I haven't been able to find anything about your death- or well, previous life.... And I am just worried it won't go anywhere! And I'll let you down...."

The ghost tilted his head, "I wouldn't get upset at you... Yeah, I'd be a bit let down, but I'm already prepared for that... I just want you to try... Try to help. That's all I ask! Okay, Oli?"

"Yeah, okay..." Oli smiled softly at the kind ghost.

"OH- And Oli, I just remember!" Pix floated up, towards a collection of boxes. He gestured to an item that rested at the top. Oli stood, walking over to climb up to take a lot at it.

"Woah...." Oli stared at the gorgeous flute, black with gold accents. It looked to be in insanely good condition, only a bit dirty. Their school's band program was abandoned years ago, so that flute could have been from that. But... such a pretty flute? It looked expensive.

"I don't really know what it is exactly, but it looked like a musical instrument. So I thought you might know."

"It's a flute... A really good looking one...." Oli picked it up carefully, wiping off the little bit of dust. He placed his fingers, and positioned the flute correctly lined up. And he tested it...

High pitched... Way too high pitched.

"Is it supposed to be like that...?" Pix squinted at the instrument.

"It's not tuned. I should be able to tune it pretty easily..."

The two of them chatted, as Oli slowly tuned the gorgeous instrument. It was weird... You'd think chatting with a ghost would be strange.. But at this point it just felt so natural for Oli. Like an old friend. Or- a new friend, but with the comfortability of an old friend?

It just... was nice.

Oli took a new walking route to get to Lizzie's house. He glanced at the unfamiliar houses. It felt like a short adventure! Or was Oli just looking for something to be interesting..?

The blonde noticed a small collection of furniture outside of someone's house. Oli tilted his head, glancing at the two people moving a dresser beside the other things. They looked like bedroom items. Bedframe, bookshelf, desk, dresser, bedside table.

The female brunette noticed Oli, as her maybe husband headed back inside. She walked over to the young boy.

"I couldn't help but see you eyeing up the furniture. For your information, it's all free. We're getting rid of things before we move."

"Oh?" Oli glanced past her at the stuff. He was looking for a new desk..? His old one was kinda falling apart. "I guess I'll take a look..."

The woman nodded, walking back towards the house as Oli awkwardly walked over to the desk. He glanced over the desk. Pretty basic wooden desk. There were three drawers. Deciding to be dramatic, like the theatre kid he is, he opened the top drawer quickly. Seeing nothing, he opened the second the same way, even though he hadn't closed the top one.

He heard a small thunk...?

No- was he imagining something?

He closed the top drawer, taking a quick look in the second drawer. Nothing as well, so he closed that too and looked in the last one.


A journal..? A leather bound journal. Was that there always? Or was that thunk... They wouldn't have purposely left a journal in the desk, right!? RIGHT!?

Oli bit his tongue. Was it any of his business...? Maybe he should just- Well, she said it was all free.... Sooooo...

He grabbed it, hiding it behind his back right as the woman exited the house.

"Like anything?"

"Ehh- I might come back for the desk, but I'll need to talk with my dad..." After the woman nodded in acknowledgement, Oli turned and walked away...

He held the journal close to his chest, his heart beating fast. Did he do something he shouldn't have? Should he go return it?

Oli shook his head. Whatever.... He just tried not to think about it too much. He glanced down to the book in his arms, flipping it over to finally look on the front.

'Pix's Journal'

"Sorry Lizzie, I can't make it... Why- uh, I just... I'm not feeling the best, and think it could be the start of a sickness.... So don't want to get you sick. Mhmmm, that's it."

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A Ghost in the Attic - ESMP Highschool AU [Olix]Where stories live. Discover now