Chapter 17

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"When are we going to get a real place?" Spinner complained. They had been jumping from place to place for a while and he was getting tired of the rain getting into the shed.

"I don't know," Shigaraki said, "Kurogiri was the one with the locations and know he's gone."

The rest of the League sighed, jumping when Dabi kicked the door open.

"Didn't find anyone to join, just useless scum but I did manage to steal some money from them," Dabi said as he sat down and put the bags in his hands on the floor, "so I bought some takeaway."

Everyone but Shigaraki and Dabi squealed in excitement and rushed forwards to claim what portions of the food was theirs. Dabi chuckled as he watched them dig in before settling into his own food. The League chatted with each other as they ate, discussing mundane things like the weather and who was getting cancelled.

"We should get a caravan," Dabi said and everyone turned to look at him.

"What, why?" Shigaraki asked as he slumped down into his chair.

"It'll be easier than living in run down buildings and sheds," Dabi replied.

There was silence for a moment before Shigaraki spoke saying, "And where exactly would we get one?"


Dabi wouldn't exactly call this a stealing, it was more like borrowing with no intent of returning it as one do to their siblings. The burnt villain watched as the homeowner left his house and picked up his hose before knocking him out. The old man was known to faint randomly at different times of the day so Dabi wasn't to worried about people being suspicious about that.

The League then jumped over the picket fence which was overgrown with moss and into the backyard. The group of hooligans then carefully made their way to the back of the garden, overjoyed when they saw the caravan just sitting there looking new as ever and it was also attached to a car. The misfits then realized that they would need a key so Toga and Dabi decided to enter the house and find them.

Dabi and Toga, snuck into the man's house through the window he kept open, they put on some latex gloves from a box that they had found in the garden and started rummaging through the place to look for the keys. Toga looking downstairs while Dabi looked upstairs.

Dabi slowly opened every door on the second floor, frowning when he saw that they were empty white rooms with different carpented floors. Finally, he made it to a room which had a king sized bed and a wardrobe. The young man entered the room and turned on the light before making his way to the wardrobe, he opened it and the top shelf immediately caught his eye. There was a framed picture of a young boy smiling and Dabi took it down from the shelf, causing a set of keys to fall onto the floor. He picked them up before smiling sadly at the framed picture and putting it back from where he had got it from. He then made his way back downstairs and dangled the keys in front of Toga before they both made their way back to the rest of the group.

Dabi threw the keys to Spinner who hopped into the front seat of the car and Mr Compress sat in the passenger seat as the rest of them got into the caravan. The bandits then drove away into a desolate area before resting for the night.

"I get top bunk!" Toga exclaimed as she began to climb up the ladder but was promptly pulled down by Twice.

"Nuh-uh," Twice said, wagging his finger in her face, "I get top bunk."

The two began to bicker but was shut down by Shigaraki who told them they could both get top bunk. The two shouted with joy while Shigaraki rolled his eyes before declaring he got the last top bunk bed as he was the leader. The other three members of the League didn't say anything and each chose who their bunkmate was going to be. They then soon fell asleep, all wondering what would happen next.

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