17: A Brunchside Olive Branch

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The morning scramble after my sex marathon with my husband left me both tired and my body sore in the oddest but satisfying places. We weren't overly rough in our antics, and yet the personal clean-up from the sex was messy indeed. I was nicely sore between my legs. My nipples were perky from the stimulation. But despite my soreness, we had to have one another one last time in the bathtub as I rode him vigorously, our moans loud in the bathroom as we found satisfaction yet again.

"Do forgive the mess," He remarked, winking.

"Oh hush, you love not being careful."

"All by necessity. Still, I do enjoy it."
"Me too."

"Despite the obvious mess?"

"Am I weird for not wanting to wash it out?"

"No. It sounds oddly flattering the sentiment. We should eat breakfast despite the late time."

I looked at my watch. "But it's almost noon!"

He shrugged. "Do you still have your time turner?"

"Yes. But you told me not to use it."

"It is better that than detention with your Head of House. So, brunch then?"

"Since when do you break school rules? You sound suspiciously jovial."

"Never underestimate the endorphin highs of after sex, witch," He winked.

"Okay, brunch it is. But you're not getting out of work, mister. You still have to grade on that Shrinking Solution essay you assigned on Wednesday."

He lightly kissed my lips. "Ah, my insufferable know it all returns on the morning. Wherever did she go during our stimulating evening."

I smiled. "She was hiding in fear of your excellent pussy ministrations in the bathtub. Are you sure I can't return the favor?"

A wicked gleam flashed in his obsidian eyes. "I'm certain I will think of something. As I said, the time turner will be useful for our purposes today."

Translation: two Hermione's in the same classroom, one underneath the desk being naughty, the other being a dutiful, seemingly innocent student.

My cheeks flushed red. "W-What if we have to...um...finish?"

He smirked. "Ah. Yes, well, how fortunate it is that I am very familiar with the castle's dungeons."

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Gee, I wasn't aware. Still, this should be quite entertaining. Would we have been this spontaneous if we dated in your school year?"

"I would like to think so, but then again, I was far more introverted than you if memory serves. Now, for brunch..."


He made the arrangements, and after changing into what we were wearing for the day, we soon sat down to a sumptuous private breakfast in front of the fireplace, which never was neglected by the castle house elves. I was soon stuffed, and our conversation was light and easy going now that we got our hot and heavy antics out of our system...for now. I didn't know if Severus's passions were amplified from being a werewolf or if he were privately this way, but I found myself liking this side of him that he only showed me.

When brunch was over, I gathered up my school items, and he escorted me to the front door of his chambers. His mood was subdued then, "The Gathering will be soon. I wish that I did not have to attend."

I hugged him, and he held me back, resting his hands on my waist. "Will they really want to know of our...progress," My cheeks flushed at the intimate subject, "So soon? I mean, it's not as if my having a child would be convenient for either of us, and even for muggles, these things take time."

He cupped my cheek with one hand, and I kissed his hand in response, "I am aware. Believe me, neither of us is prepared to take this next step. I will see what can be done to postpone this requirement."

I idly ran my fingers through his soft hair. "I trust you. We are trying, that should be enough for them."

"Indeed. We need to assimilate into our roles."

"Can I get a kiss first?"

"You're positively infested with cooties, I dare not."

I laughed. "Oh shut up, git and leave me something to look forward to before your class. Is it a coincidence that it is my last class today?"

He moved one of his hands to squeeze one of my breasts over my uniform before tracing his thumb over my lips. "Oh yes, it is pure coincidence. Wherever would I have the time to arrange for such a scandalous tryst?" He winked.

"Mmm, I don't care right now. I just know I want you to kiss me."

"I aim to please."

Our lips came together as he buried a hand in my hair as I grabbed his coat for stability, my tongue finding his as we breathed heavily, our lips moving fluidly over one another before Severus softly kissed my forehead. We both relished just being held by one another, and it was with great reluctance that he put me away from him.

He cleared his throat. "A pity our roles demand this of us."

"Yes. I love you too."
"Your words, not mine."
"This tryst isn't over."

"Yes, postponed. I'm looking forward to it..."


We nodded to one another, and I left his chambers, a big smile on my face. However, I did not account for Draco Malfoy spying on me from around the corner, and he wore a knowing smirk on his face.

"Yes, we had our full moon tryst. Go ahead and make your jokes now."

He sighed, his smirk a genuine grin now. "I was just going to say I'm glad it's you...Hermione. You know, as my technical aunt now since my dad and your hubby are cousins. Also, I think it's time we kinda buried the hatchet in light of that."

I frowned. "It's hard for me to forgive you for wishing I were dead second year, or you casually calling me a mudblood, and your friends bully me about it as well."

He nodded. "All the same, the olive branch is there."

He held out his hand, and unlike Harry first year, I shook his (surprisingly) lightly callused hand. We shared a look of understanding. "I suppose this means we'll have to play our roles as well. You know, the whole deatheater thing."

"Yeah. It sucks. But it's an act."
"Of course."

The bell for the first classes rang, and we shared an awkward first hug. "I'll see you in Charms class, I guess."

"Cool. See you around, Granger."
"You too, Malfoy."

I went through my school day laser focused on getting done in time for Potions class. Once it was done that time around, I flipped the time turner rings to before class began, and this time around I hid from my past self in the least likely spot imaginable: underneath the desk itself...

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