18: The Gathering

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The moon was fully dark, which was a blessing for this evening, but not for Severus's induction ceremony. Fortunately, the Clan Tapesty had grafted Severus and Hermione as a mated pair with a singular branch growing below their conjoined branches. Remus himself was not so fortunate because of Lily's death. It was not unheard of for werewolves to take second chance mates, which Nymphadora was, but he would never move up the ranks politically because she was not his destined mate...


Flashback, the day of the Potter's wedding...

Remus loosened and retied his red tie three times already as he felt this heavy burden fall upon him to tell Lily the truth. James had been livid when he told him during the Bachelor party. But it was now or never, he felt, and so he knocked on the pastor's office which was the bridal party's base of operations.

Molly Prewett answered the door, "She's not ready, Remus. We have to finish up the pins in her hair."

"This can't wait. It's something I need to talk about with Lily alone. Please, Molly. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

She looked to almost debate him, but then proceeded to order everyone out of the room. Remus locked the door behind him silently, and put up silencing charms.

Lily was finishing up her makeup, and she looked lovely in her off white empire waisted dress with capped sleeves. She turned to face him, surprise in her green eyes. "Remus. What's wrong? Is it Jim?"

He shook his head. "Lily. I know this is a terrible time to...well, put this on your shoulders but," He blushed, "Well, I didn't want to say anything but...um...the thing is...you...me...my wolf...um...I found out last month that you are my destined mate."

Her face registered complete shock. "I--I--But Remus...I...you know I love Jim. If this is true, why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Would you have accepted it?"

"I don't accept anything without proof. Call it my ex's pragmatism rubbing off on me."

He winced at that. "I wasn't aware you and Snape were that close."

"It was before he called me a mudblood, and I coerced him into it. Well, not completely if I'm being dead, honest. We mutually agreed that we'd only lose our virginities to people we trusted, and so we did over the summer break."

"I see. Well, I suppose I can do a simple test: kiss me."

"Please, Lily."

She gathered her dress and approached him almost shyly. He carefully placed his hands on her waist, and it took every ounce of his willpower to not have Moony just pounce on her. Her scent was intoxicating, though. Their eyes met, and Lily tentatively traced his facial scars with her fingers before leaning in to brush her lips against his.

Remus shuddered, "Oh, Lily...let me in, my Luna. Let me taste you."

Her breathing quickened as her body's inborn instinct kicked in, and her arms wrapped around his neck. His lips claimed hers then more fully. His lips and tongue branding her as his. He found his hands caressing her all over as he lifted up her skirt and began to stroke her knicker clad mons, making her grab his butt so she could grind on him more easily.

"Mate..." Moony murred in her ear. "Mine..."

Lily pulled back, a tear running down her right cheek. "Y-You've proven it. But I'm still marrying, Jim."

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