24: Cursed Halloween

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The owl message he received from Bellatrix made it quite clear that Draco had finally succeeded in his vanishing cabinet project.

("You should let me have full rein tonight,"). His wolf suggested after emerging from his shower. ("I have no prior history with this wand user. You are forced to work alongside.")

For once, he did not mind the dark elven man's residency in his consciousness. Severus began dressing. "No, it is my problem, my task. I know it will come down to me to end Albus Dumbledore. My godson is no killer. His father? Yes, we both have done our share, but Draco is an untested boy."

Kaelin seemed to emphasize with him. ("Yes, so I have seen in your mind. But all ellons grow up. All should be tested for the right of manhood.")

"He is no elf."

Kaelin laughed, a musical pleasant sound. ("Are you certain? His father's resemblance to my kinsblood brother is uncanny. Ah, the murdereress is going to summon you right now.")

Severus felt his Dark Mark tingle, not burn as if being summoned by Voldemort himself. He touched his wand to it after rolling up his sleeve, and he hated connecting this way, but since most Deatheaters couldn't cast the patronus charm, this was the next best thing:

"What do you want, witch?"

Her cackle annoyed him already. "Easy Snapey, darling, I'm just letting you know we're inside the castle broom cupboard. Are you tired of your mud blood yet so I can play with her?"

"Funny. I was going to ask if you are going to show contrition for your sister's fate."

"Sissy had no right to bar Drake from serving the Dark Lord more fully. Most boys would be honored by the ritual. But oh well, I've always fancied myself an only child anyway, so no tough loss there. I'll see you soon, toodles!"

She cut off the connection, and Severus made his way to the Astronomy tower where Harry Potter and Dumbledore apparated to from wherever they were tonight. Leave it to Dumbledore to leave the wards wide open to exploit his position as Headmaster to apparate directly into Hogwarts from his sabbatical. Dumbledore only told him that whatever happened during his errand, he was to be at the astronomy tower by the end of the evening. He spotted the group of Deatheaters approach the tower from across the courtyard, and they had Draco with them. He was dressed in a dark business suit, and it looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.

Fenrir Greyback spotted him first and sniffed him when he joined the group. "You reek of elf, Snape, but then y' always will, I guess. Just do your part, and' no one will be the wiser."

"Whatever you say, Alpha. I'm here as a courtesy to my godson, nothing more."

Bellatrix was coaching Draco when she spotted him. "Ah, come to be a good little tin soldier at long last? I'm truly touched. I was just encouraging Draco that this job is a rare honor."

Severus rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, he is so excited, as if this were Christmas morning. Let me talk to my godson. Now."

He drew Draco aside from the others as they made their way into the tower. "You don't have to do this, Draco."

Draco scowled. "This is my task. My own. I have to earn the right to have my Mark. Like you and dad."

"And your reason for killing your Headmaster is..what?"

"He's a bloody Gryffindor."
"Does he deserve death, though?"

"He sent my dad to Azkaban. He suffered there, and he made my uncle suffer. He's a bloody traitor," Draco asserted.

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