34: Wine And Dine

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Madam Rosmerta was wonderful in her accommodations and it was nice to be catered to like a bride should on her wedding day. Of course, she didn't have a conventional wedding day, nor night the first time around. The poor Ministry official was so scared he was going to be tortured, and the witnessing deatheaters looked creepy in their cloaks, but some of the masks were quite pretty. Did her new husband have one, or was that only reserved for high ranking people like Headmaster Snape or some of the Ministry spies? Her mum had sent her grandmother Orchidia's bridal set which was this lovely diamond and blue topaz setting, and the center blue topaz was in a pear shape so it looked like a tear drop. She knew sending the rings wasn't an endorsement of support, just acceptance that her daughter was married and maybe needed a bridal set to showcase that.

She nibbled a bit of the appetizers that were brought up, and decided to take a bath while Madam Rosmerta and Fenrir had a chat. What about she had no clue, but Lavender was sure it had something to do with their past relationship. She relaxed in the bath and bathed a bit until she just wanted to enjoy the hot scented water. She heard him coming up the stairs, and then he entered the room quietly. They stared at one another for the longest time before he began to undress to get into the mammoth tub that she had no idea how Rosmerta was able to fit in this room.

Lavender watched him, still struck that underneath all of his rugged clothes his body was nothing but corded hard muscle. She didn't normally like body hair so much on guys, but on Fenrir it fit somehow. He had shaved though, so that was nice. He was eying her over as well and he smirked, crooking a finger for her to come to him. She did, and he pulled her on to his lap so she was straddling him. He caressed her cheek and lifted her chin with his thumb so he could brush his lips against hers.

She tentatively wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed, their tongues slowly finding one another. He moved his hands to explore her body, as she was doing the same. When he got to stroking her between her legs, she moaned at the touch as his lips moved down her neck to lightly nip her there.

"Ahh," She gasped.

"Mm, you like that, sweetness?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

"Then say it. Say you want me."

He renewed his stroking between her legs, two of his fingers lightly entering her as he teased her entrance, his thumb circling that odd nub on top. He circled his thumb there and lightly pressed, drawing another gasp from her. "Ahh! Y-Yes. I want you, only you. Please, I need you..it."

"Shhh, love," More strokes, his fingers delving slowly towards her entrance. "We'll get t'that soon enough. Although, you do tempt me to just take you right here n'now."

"We can always reheat the water."
He grinned slyly. "True. Right now, I want y'know if you want to be like me."

Here was the big question, and it seemed to hang heavy in the air between them. She knew the wizarding world didn't treat werewolves very kindly due to old prejudices that were centuries old. "Do I have to be...to be bonded to you?"

He softly kissed her. "Not necessarily, although it does make your rank in the clan easier if you are."

Lavender really thought about it hard, and then decided, "Yes, do it. Will it hurt?"

He lifted one of her wrists, her left one, and kissed her inner wrist. "I'll ensure it won't, not for you. Our bond will be stronger cause' of it, so thank you for doing this."

"You sound so formal."

"It's a special night for us both. Now, I'm starved. Have you eaten?"

"Just the meats and cheeses and fruits."

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