Mdhm characters with cosplayer! s/o

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Request by: Jjkkllloiuui

My Dear Hatchet Man Characters with Cosplayer! Reader

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Alan Orion

• Alan will be confused at first when he sees you dress in one of your favorite characters, since he doesn't have internet and live in the woods

• He would definitely ask questions about cosplaying

• Has mix reactions: thinks its quite weird but interested in it

• He would help you out when you're ready to cosplay!

• If you want to make a prop for your cosplay, Alan would make it for you

• If he makes a prop for your cosplay, it will look just like the one your character has

• He is very skill when making your props

• Alan accompany with you to make sure you're safe and having a good time

• Alan would be slightly annoyed that people are taking pictures of you

• He would be overprotective of you if y'all run into anyone weird or persistent on taking pictures of you

Erika Vivian Ramos

• She'll help you get in your cosplay if you're having troubles

• Since she is interested in fashion, she'll give you some tips when cosplaying

• If you don't know how to do makeup, she's willing to help you

• She knows how to sew so sometimes she'll make your clothes for your cosplay

• When you want her to come to one of the convention with you and she refused, you practically had to beg for her to come since you didn't want to go alone

• At the convention, she'll be by your side all the time since she knows there are some creeps out here

• People are hesitant to ask you questions or a picture because Erika is standing behind you with an expressionless, serious face, but you know that's her normal face

• She'll secretly smile when you're having a good time but quickly covers it up when you look at her

• She takes pictures of your cosplay

• She'll compliment your cosplay and if you smile at her, she'll blush a bit

Stuart Cassidy

• He absolutely loves it when you cosplay!

• Stu would definitely cosplay with you, when you two cosplay, its mostly different anime couple you two love

• He'll try his best to help you with your cosplay

• Would take a bunch of pictures of your cosplay and post it on Instagram and Twitter

• Stu would say the most loving, flirting things about your cosplay

• You two go to conventions whenever there's one in the city or near by

• You both are cosplaying and having a blast there

• One time Stu dress up as Sailor Moon as you dress up as Tuxedo Mask, people love your cosplays!

• Stu would be posing with his cosplay on as you take pictures

• There would be anime debates that you and him have when some people ask questions like what's the overrated anime, favorite anime, least like character, etc.


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Originally published on: 8. 5. 23

Edited on: 6. 6. 24 

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