Mdhm with sociophobe! female s/o!

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Request by: FlowerAl56

My Dear Hatchet Man Characters with Sociophobe! Female Reader

╰┈  Sociophobe: Fear of social gatherings, fear of socializing, worry about embarrassing or humiliating yourself, etc.

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Alan Orion

• When he first discover that you have sociophobe, he always makes sure to never take you somewhere that evolves talking or socializing

• Dates will always be in the woods or at one of your houses

• He would make sure you are always by his side whenever you guys are out in public so in case if you get lost, you won't have to talk to people

• Extremely overprotective of you and would never lose you sight of you in public

• If there is a time where you have to talk, he will talk for you but like in a threating tone to the person. People thinks he's scary not gonna lie

•  He'll quickly notice if you're being awkward and self-conscious by people from your college or anywhere and he'll get you out of there quickly and makes sure you're alright when you guys are far away from people

• He always wants you to feel comfortable and safe so he follows you around. Basically a dog y'know

• However, if he caught someone judging you and trying to focused you to talk, just know that person will never be seen again :)

• He will always reassures you that your appearance, attuite, etc. are beautiful and loving!

• Most dates are chosen by you and Alan doesn't mind on what you choose, he just wants to spend the rest of his life with you

Erika Vivian Ramos

• When you two first started dating, you told her about your sociophobe and she understands. She didn't mind your sociophobe at all

• She would always want you to feel safe, y'know, make sure you don't have to force yourself to socialize with people even though you feel uncomfortable

• Always be there to speak out for you to people

• Even though she's quiet and barely talks, she wouldn't hesitate to speak for you even if it's in a blunt, serious tone

• If you're at a college party, she would be by you and make sure people won't mess with you. In truth, people don't because they do not want to be confront by Erika

• Dates would be mostly be indoors but sometimes she'll take you outside where it's hardly fill with people

• One of the dates was her teaching you how to sew and you two enjoy it a lot! You were wearing a dress she made for you. You didn't notice she was flustered and happy due to her stoic, resting face

• If there is a college event about clubs and stuff, she wouldn't want go and will not force you to go if you don't want 

• She doesn't mind being alone with you, far away from people. If she's being honest, she doesn't really like being in public, she prefers to be alone...with you of course

• Despite having an unreadable expression, she worries you have to force yourself to talk when she's not there

Stuart Cassidy

• He knew you had it due to you two being childhood friends

• He didn't really mind or care if you had it, he still wanted you to be his girlfriend! 

• He will always speak for up and doesn't mind at all, he just wants you to be comfortable

• Y'all would have dates indoors, the dates will consist of video games, movies, different animes, and music!

• Would be by your side whether you guys are out in public

• If there is someone trying to talk to you and making you extremely uncomfortable, he will confront them although, he'll be swearing a bit. He's trying his best to defend you-yeah (He's downright terrified)

• He'll definitely try to help with your sociophobe, some tips work but most of them didn't. If you want him to stop, he will but will be a bit sad that he couldn't help you 

• Stu knows how to talk to people really well so its a good perk to have him by you

• One time, you had to do a speech in front of people at college and so you were obviously panicking and worry you'll embarrassed yourself. Stu took notice and decided to do your speech. He manage to do it even though he was nervous about the whole thing!

• Compliments and flirting remarks would happen every day as he wants to boost your confidence a lot

• Compliments and flirting remarks would happen every day as he wants to boost your confidence a lot

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A/N: Heya dear players! I just want to say thank you for 2.3k reads on this book! I really appreciate you all reading and enjoying this book so far!  School recently started back up so updating this book may be randomly.

  Thank you all for reading this book! I really, and I do mean really, appreciate y'all reading, voting, and commenting positive things!

Originally published on: 9. 28. 23

Edited on: 6. 6. 24

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