[Far Away]

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Toshinori Yagi=All Might
Mirai Sasaki=Nighteye
Sorahiko Torino=Gran Torino
David Sheild=David Sheild?

The alien slithered skilfully through the tidy tunnels dug by their kind, his spines just barley brushing the top of the winding burrow. It had been a long day of scouring and hunting for food to return to his colony, so He'd head back for some much deserved relaxation. Once he finally arrived at an opening he was greeted by the familiar faces of his friends.

"Oh- Hey, welcome back!"

A cheery femanine voice called from the corner of the den, with a few flicks of her antenna

The taller alien would look over to the blonde sat down near the main opening, the entryway to the main burrow. Where there was enough room for all of their kind to collect for any monumentous occasion. Dug by the queen with her own two hands- or maybe the correct word would be claws.

"Hey Crazy"

The male alien huffed, moving over to the corner where the voice had came from.

He stood up from his previous crawling position, the large den allowed him to streighten up. The taller alien made use of the room, standing up to his full height, a whopping 9" or so.

The alien species that the humans called the Moruari, we're able to grow to freightening heights and possessed many similarities to the humans.

They stood on two legs usually, they hand two hands, two eyes, a spine, a nose and a mouth. They were clever. They were capable of copying human thought, they could understand. This was practically unheard of. Being able to understand the complexity of the humans, the species that held so much power that they were able to conquer new planets, eradicating any species that stood in their way. They were unstoppable. Or so many Aliens thought.

A team of human hunters had been sent to the Moruari's planet with the soul purpous of murdering their queen. One left alive. The aliens had been unaware of the plot, yet still managed to retaliate and demolish what they now knew was the number 1 hunting team. The All Might crew, led by the legendary Toshinori Yagi.

The famous man had been turned into the queen's dinner. Ripped apart and left to drown in his own blood before finally being consumed. His second in command, Mirai Sasaki. He had been slaughtered by the alien known as Tomura Shigaraki. Turned to dust right before Toshinori, the look of pure terror on both of their faces was delicious. Then there was David Sheild, he had managed to run away from the main fight only to get caught by the young female Toga Himiko. God knows what that girl did to him, she wasn't know for being the most tame after all.

Then came Sorahiko Torino. The one who got away. The older man was fast, managing to speed past the group of aliens, making his escape and bolting to their ship. He was gone, he lived.

These hunters had months of training leading up to the assault, and despite that advantage only one was left breathing. This was probably down the the Moruari and their inhuman attributes.

True they had much in common with the humans, but it's important to remember that they are still alien. The species all had hard exoskeleton on top of their skin, covering places like forehead, chest, back, hips and the tops of the tail and legs. This harder shell acted as a sheild in fights, being made out of bone made it incredibly durable.

The Moruari also possessed large hands with dagger like claws, capevale of overpowering an opponent and causing damage as well as being a useful tool for digging burrows. They had a tail, long and thin with a sort of claw at the end. These were perfect for navigating dark tunnels and grabbing hold of things like prey. The antenna atop their head also allowed them to communicate with their species through flicks and clicks, a language only they would understand despite never being taught it.

Then there was their legs. Instead of being shaped like a human they took a more animalistic look, having an extra joint below the knee sort of like a deer or a kangaroo. This let them accel at high speeds and give them mor control over their height. Mandables that were used to grab hold of prey and tear it up, these usefull little tools hid thing the Moeuari's mouth. They would only become visible when they open their mouth as they are ususlaly tucked away unless agrivatrd or in use. They are freed through two holed next to the mouth, these slits are just bid enough to see inside the aliens mouth when open.

And the spines... They didn't actually serve a purpose they just look cool and intimidating. All these aspects made the Moruari a terrifying opponent, nor to mention their special 'quirks'.

These so called 'quirks' give the Moruari all a unique ability, this could be anything. However the queen is able to poses any quirks currently within their colony, making them the most powerful of them all.

The tall alien sighed, folding his legs up as he sat beside the bubbly younger girl who was playing with rocks and dirt balls. She twisted her mouth into a wide smile, pulling at the two slits on her cheeks her mandables just barley visable through the small openings.

"You okay Dabi? You seem tense"

The blonde questioned, her antenna flicking curiously as she tilted up at the tired man.

"Fine, just a long day"

He'd answer taking a sigh and resting his hair on the dirt walls, a few aspects of dust getting lost in his drak hair.

"Ah, I see,"

Toga nodded in understanding, she'd follow along with his movements, resting her head on the solid dirt.

"have you heard the news?"

She'd question yet again, glancing up at the other to get side.

"Nothing new, why?"

The dark haired man answered, lifting his head as his antenna flicked to the side.

"The Queen is sending us out to prepare in case the humans attack again"

She'd answer, seeming almost unbothered by her own statement.

"I'm sure they won't yet, they're probably still 'mourning' the loss of their top hunters"

Dabi brushed it off with an unamused eye roll.

"True, but our queen has a plan, it'll take a while to put into action so we must start early"

The younger girl encouraged him, grabbing hold of the others atm, shaking it just a little in a playful way.

"Ughhh, is this why you were waiting here?"

The taller alien inquired, glaring down at his cheery friend. It's not common for her to sit alone, especially in the welcoming den.

"Heh! How'd ya know"

She'd giggle happily before coming to stand, tapping the others head to be on him to stand.

Toga was only young so she wasn't as tall as the other members of the main group, while most stood at 8-9" Toga was only about 6" nearing 7". It'd take time for her to grow to her full size, maxing out at the age of 20. She wasn't a stranger to the way Dabi towered over her, same with Tomura, Twice, Kuroguri and pretty much everybody else. So when the man stood up taking her hand she simply smiled.

One day she'll be that tall-... Well maybe not that tall but 8" at least! She had started young, so maybe she could grow very tall.

"Cmon Toga, let's go"

The scarred man beckoned back to the girl as he started his journey into the main fen of the colony.


The younger blonde would reply with a cheery tone as she skipped up to the others side.

Humans are pests. They must be dealt with soon, and that was their job. To eradicate the species that pmauged the galaxy, like some infection spreading slowly but surely. Something that must be destroyed.

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