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Enji Todoroki=Endeavour
Tsunagu Hakamada=Best Jeanist
Shinya Kamihara=Edgeshot
Moe Kamiji=Burnin'
Keigo Takami=Hawks
Rumi Usagiyama=Mirko

Enji Todoroki sat staring outside a foggy window, observing the swirling purple sky of Murasaki. The hypnotising shades of violet and lilac swirling and combining into the most brilliant hues of purple. The striking sky was the most notible feature of the planet, one of the reasons mankind had decided to settle here. The view was impressive and it was one of few planets that was capeble of producing crops found on the home planet, Earth.

Earth... Now a days the once lush planet was left bare, a remnant of what it once was. Humans only ever visited the once glorious planet for meetings amongst the hunters corporation, as that's where the original biulding was planted. Although a person would still be able to survive on the desolate planet, it was not reccomend. There was plenty of other planets out there capable of hosting human life, so Earth was left abandoned. Enji was broken from his thoughts by a knock on his door, a gentle knock. Probably Tsunagu.

"Come in"

The red head called out to the person at the door.

"Sorry to disturb you Captain,"

Hakamada begun, doping his head down for a moment in respect.

"I have accessed Keigo's file"

He'd announce as he straightened himself up again.

"Let me see"

The captain commanded reaching out a hand to revive the computer.

Tsunagu carefully passed the computer to the taller man, taking great care not to drop it. Once the device lay securely in Enji's hands he got to work reading over the information that was on the screen, deep in focus. The blond took this as his sign to leave, moving towards the door and shutting it quietly. He had no interest in annoying his captain, and when he was in such a deep focus if he were to be disturbed there would be hell.

The red head would admit, the file was impressive. Such a young hunter had almost maxed out on the key attributes of a hunter: Speed, Technique, Intelligence, Weapon mastery, Cooperation and Strength. Keigo's grade in them all was phenomenal only earning 'A' or 'S' except strength. He had only managed a 'C' in strength. Usually that would be a red flag when joining a hunting party, but considering his other grades it could be over looked.

He'd then move to his rank, currently the boy was left unranked, only making his debut as a hunter a few weeks prior. Strange how he had already been recruited to a hunting party, him and Miss.Usagiyama must have been friends prior. He was labeled as a pilot and his weapon of choice where throwing daggers. An interesting decision but Todoroki again palmed it off.

Enji continued reading, until he reached the usual stuff. Age, wich was 18. Sex, female-... Female? The captain took a double take, staring at the pink text on the screen as he scrolled the 'Gender' sub title came into view along with the words 'male'. He'd roll his eyes with a slight shake of his head, so transgender. Hair colour was blonde, eye colour was gold, height was 5"5. It was a little short in the man's opinion, but then again it made sense for a pilot.

The red heads eyes widened as they fell onto 'education'. He hadn't been trained by UA as most hunters had, not did he go to a private school like Enji. The young boy had been trained by the commision, the Public Hunter Safety Commission or the PHSC for short. Very few were able to train under them and even if they had been accepted there were many test to ensure the students could withstand the training.

Todoroki had only ever heard of one other person who had been gifted enough to receive training under them. He'd hold his breath for a moment at the memory of the person, giult weighing down on his chest.

Now was not the time to mourn however, he had work to get to. It was evident from this boys file that he was more than capable of being a member of a high ranked crew, and seeing as the Endeavour required a pilot... It was the perfect opportunity. The next time they'd come into contact with the Mirko crew was most likley the hunters banquet. It was a formal event where many high ranked hunting party's come together for a chance to unwind and view this year's new rankings.

Enji finally closed the computer, rising from his seat and exiting the room. They only had a week or so remaining until the banquet, so it'd be wise to prepare. Especially since they could potentially take on another member, as well as taking their space as the top hunting party AND top individual hunters.

The tall man moved through the biulding, searching for his own crew who had been lounging around for the past two weeks as their ship was fixed. It took a few minutes to rally all of the members but once they sat all together in the living area of the Enji's hotel room, he gave them the run down.

"That kid from the emergency incident?"

Shinya asked seeming unsure of the whole situation.

"Sir, he's unranked"

Hakamada reminded his captain, pursing his lips after he'd spoke. Enji was picky, only choosing high ranked hunters, so why the change? Where they that desparate for a pilot?

"I am aware"

Todoroki returned through gritted teeth, glaring over at the blond.

"I think he seems fun"

The green haired girl would add her own opinion, actually rather exited to have another member who wasn't another boring older man.

"Ofcorse you do,"

Kamihara muttered with an obvious eye roll.

"are you even sure he'd be willing to join? He seems very comfortable within his own crew already"

He'd shift the focus of the conversation back to Enji.

"Why would he not join? Straight off the bat at 18 he'd already be a member of the number 1 hunting party, boosting his indaviduals ranking and attracting more attention to himself"

The Todoroki explained, all of thsi would indeed help a new hunter out. However, Keigo did seems to be good friends with Rumi, maybe that could be a hold back but he ignored it for now.


The silver hairedan replied, having his question answered. He didn't like the idea of taking somebody so immature into their crew.

"I belive it's a great opportunity, especially considering his file"

Hakamada spoke up, combing through his shiny blond hair.

"Fuck his file, we've seen him fly, I think he's cool, I want him in"

Kamiji mentioned clearly very enthusiastic.

Everybody looked over at the silver haired man, Shinya Kamihara. He'd bite down on his own tounge, thinking. Tsunagu wated him to join, Shinya didn't want to disappoint him... Still that boy had much to go before he was nature enough to be a hunter... Kamihara took a long sigh before looking over at the man by his side, Tsunagu was trustworthy and if he thought the boy could do it, who was Shinya to judge. The silver haired man simply gave a nod of approval, sitting back up in his own chair.

"Then it's decided, we will offer Keigo Takami a space within our crew, "

The captain announced folding his own arms.

"we will discuss the situation with him at the upcoming hunters banquet, so look your best"

He'd finish up giving every member a stern look.

"You got it boss!"

The woman cheered hopping up to her feet.

Without another word, the crew dispersed, all preparing their own attire for the occasion. Well... Preparing their bags and leaving all the fashion to Hakamada, he didn't mind anyway. The hunters banquet was only a week away, so the blind had to work fast, all he could think was.

"We're going to look jaw dropping!"

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