Eustace bolted for the door but Edmund slammed it shut, stopping him from going any further. Eustace looked at his cousin fearfully as the latter said, "I have a mind to tell your father it was you who stole Aunt Alberta's sweets."

"Liar!" Eustace cried.

"Oh, really?"

Lucy watched the painting as the waves grew bigger and lapped against each other. "Edmund, the painting!"

Edmund ignored his sister. "I found them under your bed, and you know what? I licked every one of them."

Eustace grimaced. "Urgh! I'm infected with you!"

The ship drew closer and the waves splashed the girls. Lucy let out a squeal of surprise as she took a step back. Eustace got splashed and he and Edmund ceased their argument as they looked at the painting. Water spurted from the painting.

Eustace backed towards the door as he asked, "What's going on here?"

Edmund and Lucy smiled as they moved closer to the painting. "Lucy, do you think-" Edmund began as Eustace's yells drowned him out.

"It's some kind of trick!" Eustace yelled. "Stop it or I'll tell Mother. Mother! Mother!" Water flowed from the painting and water filled the room. Eustace looked about the room helplessly, terrified. "I'll just smash the rotten thing." He rushed towards the wall and pulled the painting off.

"No, Eustace, don't!" Edmund cried as he and Lucy struggled to pull it from his grasp.

"We can't stop it!" Lucy told him.

"Get off me!" Eustace demanded.

"Let go of it, Eustace! Put it down!"

More water poured from the painting, into the room. Soon, the three were drenched from head to toe. The painting had been dropped to the floor in the struggle. The room flooded as the three of them yelped and gasped helplessly. Soon, the room was filled with water. The furniture began floating in the water, bumping them as they swam up, seeking air. They emerged from the water, each gasping for air, as they realised they were no longer in a bedroom, but in the middle of the ocean.

"Edmund!" Lucy cried as she gasped for air.

"What's happening?" Eustace yelled as a loud creak sounded behind them.

The three turned and were soon overshadowed by a large wooden ship.

"Eustace, swim!" Lucy shouted as they turned and began swimming as fast as they were able.

Shouts sounded from aboard the ship and three men dove into the sea after them. One swam under the water and grabbed hold of Lucy's waist, helping her stay afloat.

"It's all right. I've got you," the man reassured.

Lucy did a double take, realising who her rescuer was and exclaimed, "Caspian!"

Caspian grinned. "Lucy!"

"Edmund, it's Caspian!"

Edmund stopped swimming as the other two men swam towards him.

"It's all right, boys. You're safe now," one man reassured as the other swam towards Eustace and kept him afloat.

Edmund smiled at the man. "We're in Narnia?"

Caspian let out a chuckle. "Yes, you're in Narnia."

Eustace struggled against the man. "I don't want to go! I want to go back to England. I'm going back to England!"

Caspian helped Lucy onto a wooden board. "Hold on." The girl gripped the rope tightly as his hands wrapped around her waist to support them as she was lifted from the water.

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