Caspian, Edmund and Drinian were on deck, looking at the island. Not a Narnian flag was in sight.

Edmund ordered a landing party, but was told it was Caspian's ship.

Caspian gave an order to row longboats to shore.

Lucy got ready in her room.

Her attention was turned to knocking and opened the doors to reveal Caspian. He grabbed a purple vest while Lucy put her red one on. The Valiant Queen wrapped a leather belt around her waist and put her cordial and dagger in their respective slots.

Caspian glanced at her and asked, "Are you ready?"

Lucy nodded and Edmund walked through the doors and said, "We're ready."

The two of them followed Edmund up to the main deck. Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and some crew rode ashore in longboats. Cally and her crew were also heading to land. Reepicheep's excitement was infectious. "Onward! The thrill of the unknown lies ahead."

Caspian, Edmund and Reepicheep climbed ashore. A crew member held his hand to Lucy to help her out. Eustace remained in the boat, crossing his arms. "Could this have waited till the morning?"

"There is no honour in turning away from adventure, lad," Reepicheep told him.

"Listen," Lucy said, glancing towards the town. "Where is everyone?"

Cally walked up with a frown as she looked about the town. "Pethaps they're hiding. Hello, Highness."

"Perhaps," Lucy answered.

Caspian turned to the pirates, looking between them before focusing on the blonde. "Captain Worthington?"

A small smirk crossed Cally's face. "King Caspian."

Caspian hesitated a moment, unsur of what to say, and walked away. Reepicheep tried to help Eustace out of the boat, but he rejected.

"I'm capable of doing it myself. Oof!" Everyone turned to see Eustace fall on his face.

Caspian glanced at Eustace and said to Edmund, "And you're certain he's related by blood?"

Edmund smirked before walking off. Caspian readied his crossbow as we cautiously looked around. Something felt off and Cally couldn't quite place it, which concerned her. She pulled out her sword, hearing the town bells echo through the island. A flock of birds flew off in the sky.

Caspian glanced at the mouse. "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place. We'll head on. If we don't come back by dawn, send a party."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Reepicheep answered, walking back towards Drinian.

The three royals, the pirates and the irritating cousin walked into town to find deserted buildings. The town was incredibly decrepit. There was rubble coming up in the streets, broken shutters, and not a person in sight. Eustace peeked into a house, saw people, turned back and said moments later, "Yeah, looks like nobody is in. Do you think we should head back?"

Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Elora and Cally were standing outside what looked to be the main building. Easton and Anton had chosen to stay back towards the ships.

Edmund turned to his cousin and asked, "Do you want to come here and guard... something?"

Eustace nodded and his voice took on a bright tone. "Ah, yes. Good idea, cousin. Very uh... logical."

Edmund smirked and when he looked back at Eustace, he saw a hopeless look on his face. He tried to mask it with reassurance. "I've got it. I've got it. Don't worry."

The five of them exchanged a glance, knowing that Eustace certainly did not have it before they stepped into the building.

Cally winced as the door creaked and they entered, weapons drawn. She and Elora looked at the ropes and cages hanging from the ceiling and noticed the others doing the same. Caspian's foot stepped on something that jingled softly. He looked down to see a silver charm bracelet and bent to pick it up.

"Uh, I'm ready to go when you are!" Eustace called from the outside.

Edmund, Lucy, Cally and Elora made their way to a stand with a large book that was wide open. Edmund shined his torch upon it. Lucy studied the names and asked, "Who are all these people?"

"Why have they been crossed out?" Edmund wondered, as Caspian stepped closer to him.

Elora pointed to numbers and Lucy said, "It looks like some kind of fee."

"Slave traders," Caspian and Cally informed, the latter with a sneer.

"We pirates are much better than these lot," Cally added in a venomous tone.

Caspian frowned. "You lot aren't much better."

"We don't sell people for the sake of it. That's better than these people in my book."

The town bells rang again and they jumped their separate ways, seeing slave traders descend from the ropes.

"Look out!" Caspian yelled to Edmund.

Edmund took two of them with his sword while Caspian took another two, and Lucy, Cally and Elora each fought off the other two. They managed to hold their own until a high-pitched scream caused them to stop. Eustace was being held against his will with Caspian's dagger to his throat. The others glared at him as the doors slammed shut.

The man who had Eustace said, "Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons."

"Like a girl?" Eustace repeated in an annoyed tone.

"Now!" the man yelled, holding the dagger closer to Eustace's throat.

Edmund and Lucy threw their respective weapons to the ground while Caspian, Elora and Cally did so slowly. Edmund frowned at his cousin. "Eustace."

"Put them in irons," the man demanded.

A guard grabbed hold of Caspian. "Come here, you." Caspian's hands were put in chains.

Eustace, Edmund, Lucy, Cally and Elora were grabbed by their ears. Eustace cried out in pain.

"Get your hands off me!" Lucy and Elora cried, struggling against the two men.

Cally sneered as she tried to free herself and the man's grip tightened around her.

"Take these four to the market," the man who had captured Eustace said. He pointed to Caspian and Edmund. "Send those two to the dungeons."

Caspian tried to get out of the grasp of the two men. "Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king! Do not harm the women!"

Edmund fought against his guard and was slapped in the face. "You're going to pay for that!"

The leader walked forward and said, "Actually, someone else is going to pay, for all of you."

Lucy, Eustace, Elora and Cally were dragged towards the doors, still fighting their captors. "No! Edmund! Edmund!" Lucy cried.

"Unhand me!" Cally yelled.

"Lucy!" Edmund yelled, struggling to break free.

"No! Edmund!" Lucy yelled again as Caspian and Edmund were both hit in the head by the hilt of a sword.

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