A crew member had seen land and Caspian was staring at the island through his spyglass.

"It looks uninhabited. But if the lords followed the mist east, the would have stopped here," he said to Drinian and Edmund.

"Could be a trap," Edmund guessed.

Caspian pushed the end down. "We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning." He handed it to Drinian.

Drinian nodded. "Aye, Your Majesty."

Cally and her crew got off their ship to check out the land.

Cally and Lucy explored the island a short while before falling asleep. The two faintly heard voices and next they knew, they were being taken somewhere and couldn't get away or scream.

Lucy and Cally were carried to a garden in a maze and fell to the ground with a grunt.

The two stood and Lucy unsheathed her dagger, pointing it in every direction. Cally pulled out a sword and held it in an attack stance. One of the invisible creatures disarmed her. Lucy's dagger fell to the ground. The two ran towards it, but were pushed back to the floor. Lucy and Cally slowly crawled towards a bush.

"There is no escape," a deep voice told them.

"Well put."



"What are you?" the girls asked.

"We are terrifying invisible beasts."

"If you could see us, you would be really intimidated," another said.

"You forgot to mention that we are very large."

"Well, what do you want?" Lucy asked again.

"You two. You'll do what we ask."

"They will," another agreed.

"Very clear."

"Well put."


Lucy and Cally rose to their feet and questioned in a confident manner, "Or what?"

"Or death," the one in charge threatened.

"Death?" numerous of them answered, taunting Cally and Lucy.

Lucy frowned. "Well, we wouldn't be much use to you dead, now would I?"

"I hadn't thought of that."

"No, you hadn't."

"Fair point."

"All right, we'll just kill them," one said, yanking Lucy and Cally'shair.

"Fine. Take me," the girls told them.


"Good idea," another said.

Cally asked in an irritated tone, "What do you want with us?"

"You two will enter the house of the Oppressor."

"What house?" Lucy questioned in a defeated tone.

"This one," the one in charge answered as a house appeared. Two double doors opened and light shined upon them. "Upstairs, you'll find the Book of Incantations. Recite the spell that makes the unseen seen."

Lucy stared at the house in awe. Cally stared at the house with a raised brow. They peeked behind the door to see more forest. It was Narnian enchantment at its finest; much like the wardrobe Lucy had encountered, leading her to the magical land.

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