chapter two

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n/n has been so nice to me I need to find a way to repay her she was the only who reach out to me she's like my hero even though she looks around my age as I was thinking when will she come back I fell asleep

after my nap I woke up next to n/n playing with puppets that look like dirt " wake up sleeping head~ I got some onigiri~ " no ever cared about me before she like an angel " thank you n/n " as I was done eating n/n gave me a bag clothes " which one do you want to change into tenko-kun " I really like the the black one it had cat ears " I'll change into the black one " " okay you can change in the corner over there you can ask me if you need help okay "

after my nap I woke up next to n/n playing with puppets that look like dirt " wake up sleeping head~ I got some onigiri~ " no ever cared about me before she like an angel " thank you n/n " as I was done eating n/n gave me a bag clothes " which one...

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the hoodie was comfy and warm the only problem was putting on shoes " uhh n/n can you help me with my shoes "


" sure tenko-kun " as was tying his shoes I saw him scratching his neck and eyes " uh tenko-kun why do you scratch your neck " I ask worry laced in my tone I already why he does that but I don't want to be suspicious I am not sure if all for one is watching so I have be careful " it just feels itchy " " did the medicine I gave not work " " no the itchy stop for a while but it came back " so it was only temporary that's a bummer

it's 4 pm I'll have to bring him back soon so all for one can take him I know a lot of people would want to save him but at some point all for one will get him I don't even have a home so the best option is let All for one to take him in

I'll bring him 7 pm sharp we still have time to hang out together and I still have a lot of money on me
" tenko-kun let's go around the mall and buy stuff and we can look for some medicine so you're itchy will stop even if just for a while " my eyes full of sparkles as I try to hide my sadness and spend as much time possible with him

we had a lot of fun and he followed me like a lost puppy I almost lost track of time It was time to bring him back " tenko-kun I have something to tell you I was thinking about it for while " " what is it n/n " " where are you going to stay my parents don't have enough to take care of two " it stayed silent and I was looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing

" hey tenko-kun why not we go back to the place where I found you i know it's not much but tomorrow we'll think about a place for you to stay at " it stayed silent then I spoke again " I'm sorry I couldn't help you " and with a bow the only thing I can do right is guilt Trip him

he waved his arms frantically " no you don't have to apologize you already help me so much " he kept on saying that it's fine so I quickly putting hand over his mouth because it started getting attention so we ran out of the mall

he agreed to stay at the alley so I got him some things so he can get comfortable it won't be long before all for one will come so I gave one last hug and walk in a random direction and just pickpocket people that look rich

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