chapter sixteen

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" if you discovered that what was in my right hand was in my right pocket, of course, you'd rush over here happily. " compress said while he put his arm out in a theater style and was slowing going into the portal " wait! " izuku yelled while running to him with all his might. " oh, well, that's everything from me. " compress said while doing a theatre style bow

                        TO BE CONTINUED


" talking "
' thinking '


as compress was about to disappear into the portal, but suddenly aoyama's laser broke compress's mask and he coughed up the marbles. and shoji and shoto were trying to quickly grab the marbles

and shoji was able to get the marble that had tokoyami, but just as shoto was about to get the marbles that had, y/n and bakugo. dabi snatch them " that sad, right? todoroki shoto. release it. I need to confirm it. " dabi said while holding both of the marbles

" my show's ruined! " compress said annoyed and snapped his fingers, and y/n and bakugo turned back to normal and dabi held them both by the neck


' FINALLY, some fresh air ' I said in my head but I suddenly felt someones hand behind my neck ' holy shit! dabi is holding my neck! I can finally die in peace ' I yelled in my head " no problem. " dabi said in a low voice and we slowly started to disappear into the portal and izuku tried to get us " n/n! kacchan! " izuku yelled and tried to run to the portal

" don't worry about us! izuku! " I yelled with a soft smile. and me and bakugo disappeared into the portal. and we appeared into the lov base which was just a small abandoned bar, and only some of them were there and I suddenly felt someone karate chop my neck, but I didn't pass out. I just felt a little dizzy, but I pretended that I was knocked unconscious

and I felt someone put me in a chair and put restraints and some quirk cancelling cuffs. and my ears started to twitch, when I heard several footsteps coming from the door and I kept pretending that was unconscious, but I needed to sneeze and everyone turned to me " hello! my name is toga! can I have some of your blood! " toga said excitedly while waving a knife at me

and then it hit me, in the anime it looked like bakugo was only captured for a few minutes but it was actually hours. so that means I have a lot of time to hang out with my favorite characters " sure! you can have as much blood as you want! " I said happily and toga started blushing like crazy " you can use that needle thing " i said and she went to go get it

and everyone gave me an ' are you serious ' look but I ignored them because she was just misunderstood and she just wanted a friend " hey, everyone, my name is l/n y/n but you can call me n/n " I said " hey! I'm twice! it's nice to meet you! no it's not! " twice said

and when I looked to my I saw that bakugo was still out cold and he had a small scroll on his face and he was also restraint like me. and even though I had quirk cancelling-cuffs, I could easily break free because, I've been training my body for years and when I turned to look at the bar, and I saw my katana was on the table beside kurogiri

but I wasn't worried because I could easily beat the shit out of them. " y/n, do you want to become a villain " tomura asked me and I just stared at him " I don't want to become a villain or a hero. and tomura put some fuckin lotion, you crusty motherfucker " I blankly said

and twice was laughing his ass off in the background and dabi was snickering and the others were trying to hold in their laughter. and tomura was giving them a death glare, and i started to shuffle my wrist and I could feel my tanto (Japanese dagger) was still inside my sleeve

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