chapter six (sports festival 2)

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when we got to the group he still didn't let go, so I pulled my arm away " what the hell bakugo " I said annoyed all I got was a 'tch' as a response. " I'm sorry bakugo, but I can't be on your team. you can ask mina instead " and I walk away from the bakugo team and went up to my sleep deprived baby. he's team was shoda I think and ojiro 

                        TO BE CONTINUED



there were a few more minutes, I just need another member. I was looking around but someone tapped my shoulder, when I turned around to look at the person it was l/n " shinso is it okay if I join your team ". I was surprised why would she join my team when they are others, and I was suspicious about her real motivate is she trying to mess with me

" why do you want to join my team, when there are others that want you to be on their team. " I said with a glare I didn't trust her, she must have some reason to be getting close to me


" shinso is it okay if I join your team " I ask him, he looked surprised ' do people really treat him that badly, I'm going to kill who ever hurt my baby ' " I know there are others that would like me to be on their team, but I want to be on your team " I said with a toothy grin. his eyes widen in surprised ' it doesn't matter how much you push me away, I'll always be there to support you shinso hitoshi '

there was a long silence with him staring at me, so I quickly broke the tension " so shinso can I join " I ask again. and he got back to his senses, his just responded with a nod at least I'm one step closer to became his friend

when I looked at his team, that was shoda and ojiro brainwashed. they looked like zombies, I walk to ojiro and poked his cheek, but he didn't react so I kept poking him. as I was done poking ojiro for fun I turned to shinso's direction and I saw that he was sweating a bit and looking at the ground like it's the most interesting thing in the world ' he looks like tamaki when he is nervous '

" hey shinso! " I said weaving my hand in front of him because the timer is almost up. but I already know what he's plan is " shinso, do you know why ojiro is a zombie " ' I already know it's his quirk but I don't want him to think I'm a stalker or something '
" it's my quirk I can brainwash anyone, if they answer me " he looked at me with waiting for me to say something insulting, but he's was so wrong I'll kill him with compliments about how cool his is and his quirk. as I was about to say something midnight announce that the cavalry started

and we didn't make a plan shit. I grabbed shinso's arm and went to his brainwashed teammates " okay shinso you'll be the rider and I'll be in the front " he agreed and other two were on the side. as everyone else was after izuku, shinso told me his plan was to steal the smaller points

as we were done stealing the smaller points, the part where shoto almost using his fire was going to happen in a few minutes so I asked shinso, if we can watch the rest of the cavalry play out, and since we already have enough points to pass. we were watching as everyone was trying to catch izuku, after a bit, shoto made an ice wall to prevent izuku from escaping ( I don't know how to explain fights )
mic [ one minute left! todoroki has closed in the field so that he'd get the ten million right away! or so I thought five minutes ago! but midoriya has been running away in this small area for the last five minutes.]

there was one minute left and I was watching from the side but since the ice wall was in this way, I was using my fox vision to see through the ice wall, since it was like blurry glass. as it was at the part where Iida uses his secret move to get izuku's points

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