Chapter 1

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SO here's the first chapter rewrite, please let me know how you feel about this one and if you like it, I'll keep rewriting!


Bumblebee sighs quietly staring at the letter in his servos. he's not sure he can open this letter, but he knows he needs to he really needs to.

"Bumblebee, what are you doing?" a voice came from behind the yellow bot. the beetle immediately just two foot in the air, before whipping around. the letter in his servos is immediately hidden behind his back as he comes faceplate to faceplate with his bondmate, Prowl.

"o-oh... he-hey Prowlie." Bumblebee murmurs quietly. Prowl raises an optic ridge, watching his bondmate. the smaller is avoiding optic contact, shifting nervously. the waves of anxiety are rolling from his bondeds side. its concerning and Prowl is immediately worried.

"Bumblebee? are you alright? what are you hiding?" Prowl ask, carefully attempting to look around him. Bumblebee immediately steps back shaking his head quickly.

"n-nothing.... I-I'm not doing anything. why would you think I was doing something? do I look like I'm doing something? I'm not doing anything." Bumblebee replies quickly, faceplates flushing. Prowl gives him a dirty look and frowns feeling his bondmate block his side of the bond.

"Bumblebee." Prowl warned. "your anxious, nervous, you won't sit still, and you just blocked your side of the bond. just tell me whats wrong." Prowl frowns, stepping closer to the smaller.

"I-I swear, Prowl, it's nothing! honest!" Bumblebee says, backing up as Prowl comes closer. the ninja clearly doesn't believe him, rolling his optics.

"look Bee, if you broke something, it's okay. I won't get angry this time. I don't care what it is, I'm not going to get angry or upset, but thats only because you've been locked in the med bay for two weeks with that slaggin' virus." Prowl said. "now please tell me whats wrong." he adds softly. Bumblebee steps back, looking hurt as he watches the taller mech.

"wh-what? why would you assume I broke something?" Bumblebee ask, softly. Prowl sighs softly, before walking closer. he wraps his arms around the smaller and kisses his cheek..

"I didn't mean it like that. you usually only act like this when you've broken something." Prowl said. Bumblebee huffs softly, shoving free and stepping back quickly. he opens his mouth to argue, but suddenly realizes the letter isn't in his servos anymore. his bondmate had managed to distract him and snatch the letter right out of his servos while he wasn't paying any attention!

"hey thats not fair Prowl! give it back!" Bumblebee hisses, reaching quickly for the letter. Prowl raises his optic ridge again, carefully holding the envelope out of his bondmates reach. Bumblebee grunts reaching for it. "its not funny Prowl! give that back! its important!" Bumblebee whines.

"what could possibly be so important about this, hmmm?" Prowl ask curiously, looking over the envelope. all it had was the basic information, but Prowl could use that basic information to get a response from his bondmate, hopefully some answers as well. "Bumblebee, what is this?" Prowl ask, looking over the front of the envelope carefully. he doesn't want to miss a single detail if his bonded isn't going to share details. Bumblebee grunts, lunging for it, but Prowl uses his height to keep the scout from reaching it.

"please give it back! it's, its just important to me Prowl, please!" Bumblebee cires.

"now why would Jazz be sending you a letter?" Prowl ask. he frowns looking his bondmates face over. "hey, I'm just teasing a little, there's no reason to get so upset, here." Prowl murmurs, handing him the letter.

"you're such a fucking jerk! why would you take this? it's important! I told you it was important! I hate you sometimes! you really make me regret bonding to you." Bumblebee snaps, wiping at his face as he snatches the letter.

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