Chapter 3

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"what happened?" Ratchet asks, confused as he walks in with Wheeljack. "Bumblebee!" Ratchet cries, running over to the mech. Bumblebee's curled up, energon seeping between his fingers and dying them blue, and a blue energon puddle underneath him. Bumblebee looks up hesitantly, wincing.

"h-he must've kicked a weak spot." Bumblebee mumbles, wincing. Ratchet and Wheeljack carefully help him up. "a-ah. easy." Bumblebee winces.

"sorry kid." Wheeljack murmurs.

"alright, c'mon, get him to the medbay, Jack. you go one I'll be right there in a few minutes." Ratchet says.

"don't do anything stupid Ratch, and be careful. please?" Wheeljack asks softly. Ratchet nods slightly, watching his bondmate help his sparkling to the medbay. Ratchet turns towards Sentinel with a fire in his optics.

"you stupid bastard!" Ratchet snaps. he quickly uses his EMP to send a painful electrical pulse at the Prime, who yelps and crumples to the floor. "don't touch my fraggin' kid!" Ratchet growls. he storms towards the medbay, annoyed. Optimus snorts, watching Sentinel twitch on the floor.

"never would've guess Ratchet was such an over protective creator to his sparklings, but it does make sense." Optimus snorts.

Ratchet grumbles storming into the medbay.

"don't let him jump up there Wheeljack, you're gonna hurt him more. help him up." Ratchet mutters. Wheeljack has just gotten Bumblebee up onto the berth when Prowl comes in quickly.

"Prowl? wh-what are you doing here?" Bumblebee asks, wincing. "you're supposed to be on patrol." Bumblebee frowns. Prowl shakes his head.

"Prime commed me and switched places with me so I could come make sure you were alright." Prowl replies. Bumblebee winces, laying on his back. "so, what happened?" Prowl frowns.

"Sentinel kicked the slag out of him, so Ratchet and I came to the rescue." Wheeljack frowns. Ratchet frowns, carefully prying Bumblebee's chassie off.

"ah, easy doc bot, that fraggin' hurts." Bumblebee winces.

"he'll be alright though, easy fix, just a couple of energon leaks." Ratchet assures. "stay still kid." Ratchet adds, looking at Bumblebee.

"m'trying. I'm really trying." Bumblebee mumbles. Prowl watches for only a moment before a dirty look crosses his face and he growls.

"I'll be right back." Prowl growls, storming out.

"where is he going?" Wheeljack asks.

"he's gonna go kick Sentinels aft." Bumblebee mumbles. Ratchet snorts.

"he's probably right." Ratchet snorts. he carefully patches the scout, before putting the scouts chassie back on. Bumblebee groans softly.

"s-so where's Burns?" Bumblebee mumbles.

"last I saw, she was trying to hug Prowl." WHeeljack frowns as he and Ratchet help Bumblebee up off the berth.

"thats not gonna end well." Bumblebee mutters. he sighs. "I should go stop Prowl from beating Sentinel before that jerk puts stasis cuffs on him." Bumblebee mumbles, heading for the door. Ratchet almost immediately stops him.

"not so fast kid, you need energon. you lost a lot and you're gonna start feeling that soon. you better go get a cube and lay down before you end up back in my medbay." Ratchet frowns. Bumblebee nods slightly, before heading for the rec room. he winces and sighs, heading down the hall.

he starts feeling dizzy about the time he gets to the main room hall way. Prowl is standing over Sentinel, who is laying on the floor.

"Prowl?" Bumblebee asks. Prowl looks up, briefly distracted by his bonded calling for him. Sentinel immediately takes advantage, knocking the ninja off his peds and onto his back with a grunt. Prowl growls, rolling and getting up. he punches the Prime hard in the face, then heads over to Bumblebee.

"come on, back to my room. Ratchet already commed me." Prowl murmurs softly, handing his bondmate a cube. Bumblebee smiles at him, cuddling up to his side as they walk to Prowls room. "you can drink that while I meditate." Prowl murmurs. Bumblebee nods slightly.

"thanks Prowl." Bumblebee murmurs. Prowl smiles at him, though Bumblebee has finished the cube by the time they get back to Prowls room.

he's stumbling when they get to his room, Prowl is easily holding him up.

"come on its alright." Prowl murmurs softly. "I've got a spare cube in here you can drink as well." Prowl murmurs. Bumblebee nods slightly and lets Prowl lead him over to the tree. he settles in his usual meditation position, carefully pulling Bumblebee down into his lap. "here." Prowl murmurs, handing him another cube. Bumblebee takes it happily, drinking it down slowly, as he curls up in Prowls lap. the ninja smiles, but doesn't break form. he's used to his bonded curled up in his lap as he meditates.

"hey wow, nice organic life." Burns says, looking up at the tree. Prowl onlines his optics immediately, staring at her.

"why are you in my room-" Prowl asks.

"oh I-" Burns starts.

"get out. Bumblebee is resting and I'm trying to meditate." Prowl frowns, glaring her down. Burns huffs.

"do you hate everyone, or like, just me?" Burns huffs.

"everyone." Bumblebee mumbless, shifting slightly. "and I'm not in stasis yet, but I'm seriously trying. I wish my tanks would settle." Bumblebee growls. Prowl chuckles softly at his bondeds grumpy attitude.

"shhh." he murmurs softly, reaching up to rub one of the horns on the smallers helm gently. Bumblebee sighs quietly, relaxing slightly, his engine letting out a soft purr as he cuddles closer to his bondmate.

"mmm." Bumblebee hums quietly. Prowl chuckles again and shifts him, lot looking up from his bondmate.

"you should go. Bumblebee needs rest." Prowl says firmly. Burns nods and leaves with a sigh.

she makes her way down to the medbay, bored and annoyed.

"hey, how come Prowl hates me so much?" Burns asks, plopping onto a berth. Wheeljack and Ratchet look up from Ratchets workbench and over to their daughter.

"he doesn't hate you." Wheeljack assures gently.

"actually he probably does. you hit a pretty sore spot with him earlier. Prowl holds a serious grudge when it comes to his sparkling hood, though with that particular sore spot, I don't really blame him. I'd hold one too. sure he doesn't know I warned you, but thats a bad topic for him." Ratchet explains.

"whats soooo back that he's got his gears all bunched up like this?" Burns frowns. Ratchet shakes his head slightly and sighs.

"Prowls a quiet mech. he's smart and stealthy, but he's quiet. its a shield. he's attempting to protect himself and push those emotions away, but its what makes him a good ninja, a good soldier. he was abused pretty badly as a sparkling. thats how he ended up the way he is. he left when he was old enough too and able to do so, but things had really gotten bad by the point he left. you brought it up, even after I warned you, and you've hit a sore spot he's been ignoring for years kid." Ratchet explains carefully. "he's been getting better since he found out they offlined, but its still a sore spot. he's generally a nice bot and usually wouldn't have reacted like that, but it's only been a few weeks since I defragged his CPU and found out about it myself. he's still pretty bitter about it and he's trying to put himself back together. it takes a while to do that when someone brings up his creators. he gets pretty distant sometimes too, I've even seen him ignore Bumblebee when it gets brought up." Ratchet frowns. Burns nods slightly.

"I... I didn't realize it was so bad." Burns says softly. Ratchet nods slightly.

"give him a few days to get himself back in order and warm up to you. if he doesn't, Bumblebee will probably slag him." Ratchet snorts. Burns snorts a little and lays back onto the berth to think.

Prowl meditates quietly. he doesn't hum, as he knows the sound bothers Bumblebee and would keep his bonded from getting the rest he desperately needs. it seems, after a while, that Prowl too has gone into recharge, not an uncommon even when he meditates with Bumblebee. he can't help it. his processor gets so relaxed, he just falls into stasis. he's content to rest with his bonded in his lap, until a loud knock on his door, jerks them both awake.

Prowl immediately looks down at his bondmate, confused, but Bumblebee looks no better than him. he looks up at Prowl confused and sleepy, not entirely sure as to whats happening until another loud knock shakes the door frame.

"who the slag beats on a door like that?" Bumblebee mumbles, cuddling against his bonded.

"Sentinel." Prowl growls quietly. Bumblebee huffs.

"think if we ignore him, then he'll go away?" Bumblebee asks.

"wishful thinking Bee, but probably not." Prowl chuckles softly. there's a third loud pound on the door.

"open up you stupid ninja!" Sentinel growls. Bumblebee huffs at the door, glaring. Prowl frowns, standing with the smaller. he cuddles the scout, making his way towards the tree.

"what are you doing?" Bumblebee asks.

"shhh." Prowl murmurs, before climbing up the tree carefully.

"Prowl-" Bumblebee starts.

"hush, lay back and be quiet." Prowl murmurs. Bumblebee huffs, but does as he's told. "if we keep quiet enough, he'll never know we're up here." Prowl explains. Bumblebee nods slightly, cuddling against him. its just getting dark outside and the roof of the building, right over Prowls room, is always the perfect spot to watch the sun setting and the moon rising. they sit quietly as they hear the door bust in.

"you better not be in that fucking tree! I swear, I'll cut it down you stupid washed up ninja!" Sentinel growls. Prowls visor flashes and he resists the urge to confront the Prime. he wants to protect the tree, but he knows Sentinel doesn have the bolts to do so. Bumblebee holds him tightly, shooting him a look. Prowl growls quietly, but stays firmly beside his bondmate. he knows Bumblebee is right. Sentinel stays for only a few minutes before storming out.

"thank Primus he left." Bumblebee sighs softly. Prowl grumbles, sitting up with him. "oh, we should stay up here and watch the stars." Bumblebee grins, looking at his bondmate. "please Prowl?" Bumblebee pouts. Prowl smiles, the sky is the only thing Bumblebee likes about Prowls nature obsession. he loves the moon and the stars.

"who would I be to deny my bondmate a chance to do the one thing he loves that has to do with nature?" Prowl snorts. Bumblebee grins, cuddling up to him happily. they sit quietly for a bit, until there's a soft thump behind them. Prowl growls softly. "fuck off Jazz." Prowl mutters. there's a snort behind them and Bumblebee turns his head.

"no way Prowler, you guys are so cute and its fun to watch you." Jazz smiles. Bumblebee waves at Jazz, smiling slightly.

"you shouldn't say shit like that Jazz, Prowl might slag you to the pits and back." Bumblebee laughs. Jazz snorts.

"nah lil Bee, Prowler wouldn't do that." Jazz snorts.

"I might if you keep calling me Prowler. I've told you a million times to knock that shit off." Prowl growls. Jazz chuckles.

"hey, what the hell did that afthead Sentinel Prime want? why was he looking for us? he broke into Prowls room and threatened to cut his tree down, what the hell did he want?" Bumblebee frowns, looking at him.

"he's probably just being nosy. no one has told him that you guys are bonded so he's probably curious as to why Prowl handed him his aft on a fragging silver platter earlier." Jazz teases grinning. Prowl huffs.

"he put his grubby servos on my bondmate, he's lucky I didn't send him to the well of Allsparks." Prowl growls, holding Bumblebee closer. Bumblebee grins at Jazz, leaning against his bondmate.

"Sentinel really doesn't know we've been bonded for... like almost 2 Earth months?" Bumblebee asks.

"well, y'have only been bonded fer like, 16 Quartex or something like that." Jazz shrugs.

"and I told everyone to tell Sentinel because I didn't want him to end up separating us." Prowl frowns. Bumblebee turns and looks at him confused.

"huh?" Bumblebee asks. "I didn't get that memo." Bumblebee says, looking confused.

"because I know you don't want us separated either and you're smart enough not to say anything to Sentinel. I know you hate it when Sentinel drags on and on and on about stupid slag that isn't any of his damn business." Prowl assures. Bumblebee laughs, leaning against him.

"wow Prowler, y' butter'em up like that t' win 'im?" Jazz asks, amused.

"actually we got together because of a bet." Bumblebee says. Jazz looks confused.

"huh? a bet?" Jazz asks, confused. Bumblebee nods slightly.

"we discovered that Ratchet and Optimus has long time bet going, basically since we landed on Earth, about which of us would confess to the other first." Prowl shrugs.

"really?" Jazz asks, shocked. Bumblebee nods.

"well, we decided not to say anything and just kinda roll with it." Bumblebee grins at Jazz.

"so they both lost the bet, but even if they hadn't we ended up winning more in the end. we started pretending to date, just horsing around and that lasted about a year before we decided, frag it and bonded." Prowl chuckles.

"we were in for the long game." Bumblebee giggles. Jazz chuckles softly. Bumblebee hums happily, shifting to sit in Prowls lap, leaning back some. Prowl shifts immediately, leaning back into a slightly more comfortable position for his bondmate.

"you guys mind if I sit up here and watch with ya?" Jazz asks, looking over at Prowl. Prowl immediately looks down at Bumblebee, to get the scouts opinion. Bumblebee doesn't even seem to be listening, watching the stars happily.

"sure, go a head. we don't mind." Prowl assures. Jazz grins and lays back on the roof. Prowl does the same, pulling Bumblebee back with him. the scout goes easily not seeming to care at all.

<u>"Burns thinks Prowler hates her. she's real upset about it."</u>

Bumblebee blinks and frowns a little as Wheeljacks words in his head suddenly. Bumblebee shifts, tilting his head back to look at Prowl.

"Wheeljack says Burns says she thinks you hate her." Bumblebee frowns. Prowl looks down at him.

"I don't hate her, but she ask a personal question." Prowl huffs.

"I know." Bumblebee murmurs with a small sigh.

"what... what did she ask about?" Jazz asks, confused.

"she ask about my creators and if she'd get to meet them." Prowl mutters. Jazz winces and nods. as one of Prowls closest friends, he knows that is not a topic to bring up with Prowl, ever. "I don't hate her, I'm just bitter and holding a grudge." Prowl mutters. Bumblebee nods.

"yeah, well, make sure you let her know that." Bumblebee warns. Prowl simply nods at him. its quiet between the three for a few minutes, before another soft thud on the roof, catches their attention.

"you guys mind if I join you...?" Burns asks, hesitantly. "I can see them a lot better up here than I can from the ground." she adds. Prowl shifts and nods.

"yeah, go a head." Prowl adds. Bumblebee grins and cuddles back into Prowl. he knows his bondmate needs some TLC and was uneasy with his sister, but he's attempting to be polite. Burns grins and sits down beside Jazz.

"thank you." Bumblebee murmurs softly, smiling up at Prowl. the bigger bot smiles back at him, kissing the top of his helm.

"of course." Prowl murmurs. "but don't you dare fall asleep on me again Bumblebee. I swear, I'll leave you up here. I'm not carrying you down again." Prowl warns.

"you totally would carry me down." Bumblebee grins, cuddling against him happily.

"no, I'll make you stay up here." Prowl huffs. Bumblebee holds back a giggle, he knows Prowls lying to him. the ninja is smirking at him.

"how long are you guys staying?" Bumblebee asks, curiously.

"well, when you ask for Wheeljack, I assumed it was a medical emergency. I told Ultra Magnus we'd be back in a week or so." Jazz murmurs, shrugging. Bumblebee nods.

"oh, hey, stay out of the fucking medbay." Burns warns, sounding horrified. "its... its getting weird." Burns mutters. Bumblebee shutters.

"I generally tend to avoid it anyway. I don't like the medbay." Bumblebee mutters. Prowl holds tighter to him gently.

"well, I'd avoid it until we leave. trust me bro, you do NOT wanna walk in on the shit I just walked in on. like Primus. I'm a sparkling! I did not need to see that." Burns huffs.

"ah. gross. it would have been bad before but like, knowing he's my creator, yeah no, it makes it so much worse." Bumblebee gags. Prowl chuckles quietly while Jazz openly laughs at the two.

"woah!" Jazz grins, watching a bright light streak across the sky. "wow, hey, what was that?" Jazz asks, watching the sky.

"humans call it a 'shooting star'." Prowl says. Jazz nods curiously.

"you're supposed to make a wish on it but there's... no point to it. wishing doesn't do anything. its pointless." Bumblebee frowns.

"huh? thats stupid. if it doesn't do anything why would the humans do it? whats the point? there's really not one." Burns frowns.

"the point is hope." Prowl says. "humans believe if they hope or wish hard enough, then things will happen, but humans are wrong and naive." Prowl shrugs. Bumblebee shifts slightly and looks at Prowl worriedly.

"soooo.... uh, hey lil Bee?" Jazz asks.

"hmm?" Bumblebee asks.

"how come y'ain't off pullin' pranks or nothing? I assumed y'would with y'finding out y'have a sister and shit. figured y'two would be out pulling pranks." Jazz says.

"I don' really feel like it." Bumblebee shrugs. Prowl holds him gently.

you alright Bee? you still don't feel good?

m'fine Prowl, just... my tanks are still churning.

"you don't feel like pulling pranks? you're going to see Ratchet in the morning. no excuses." Prowl frowns. Bumblebee frowns a little, but doesn't respond. he doesn't feel the need to. he knows Prowl will win in this argument. Prowl holds Bumblebee tightly, not willing to move before Bumblebee wants to.

"how long do you want to stay up here and watch the stars?" Prowl asks.

"I dunno." Bumblebee mumbles.

"if you're worried about me forcing you to go to the medbay right now, I'm not going to do that to you. you hear Burns. I wouldn't force you to have to witness that." Prowl assures, gently. Bumblebee huffs a laugh and cuddles up to him, yawning.

"can we go back down then? I need stasis." Bumblebee mumbles. Prowl snorts and nods, standing up. he helps Bumblebee up onto his back. "don't drop me." Bumblebee mumbles.

"don't let go. it was your fault. I can't hold onto you and the tree at the same time." Prowl frowns. Bumblebee pouts at him. Prowl carries Bumblebee back down carefully, before laying the smaller on their shared berth. he pulls himself up behind him. he's not worried about Jazz or Burns, there are several other ways the two could get down off the roof, other than going through the room.

"night Prowl." Bumblebee mumbles.

"good night Bee." Prowl murmurs. he silently sends a com to Ratchet, knowing the medic will get it later, then curls up with Bumblebee, both of them falling into recharge easily.

Bumblebee groan quietly, whining and attempting to roll over, when his bonded attempts to shake him awake.

"Proooowwwwllll" Bumblebee whines, curling up. "lemme alone." he pouts. Prowl frowns.

"Bumblebee get up, come on, Ratchet wants to see you, now." Prowl murmurs. "come on baby." Prowl sighs, trying to get him up. Bumblebee groans, getting up slowly. Bumblebee feels like crap and he looks utterly sick. "Bee?" Prowl assk, worriedly. Bumblebee groans, doubling over. he nearly stumbles onto his face, but Prowl grabs him quickly. he purges onto the floor between him and Prowl.

"fuck... sorry." Bumblebee mumbles. Prowl frowns, scooping him up gently.

"don't worry about it Bee, come on, we were going to the medbay anyway." Prowl murmurs softly. he quickly heads down the hallway, Bumblebee safely in his arms. Prowl quickly passes Jazz and Sentinel.

"watch where the frag you're going!" Sentinel snaps, glaring after Prowl.

"where are you going?" Jazz asks, looking confused.

"the medbay, Bumblebee purged in my room." Prowl mutters.

"I'll take care of that, you take care of lil yellow." Jazz says. Prowl nods.

"thanks Jazz." Prowl calls behind him.

Prowl walks into the medbay, carefully managing not to hit Bumblebee on the medbay doors.

"don't be so aggressive." Bumblebee mumbles. "gonna make me sick." Bumblebee adds.

"sorry." Prowl murmurs.

"do you have to carry him? he has legs y'know." Ratchet frowns.

"Bumblebee purged, I didn't think he could walk down here without help and I didn't want to have to scrap him off the floor, or worse, I didn't want him to fall and get hurt." Prowl frowns, heading for a berth. Ratchet frowns at him and walks over quickly. Prowl looks over confused when Wheeljack flies in quickly.

"he purged?" Wheeljack asks, worriedly. Prowl looks over confused.

"how did you know?" Prowl asks.

"Jazz ask me about the best way to clean it up." Wheeljack explains.

"s'not the first time." Bumblebee mumbles.

"what?" Ratchet asks.

"I purged again. this wasn't the first time." Bumblebee mumbles. Ratchet frowns.

"when was the first time?" Ratchet asks.

"yesterday morning." Bumblebee mumbles quietly. Prowl winces slightly.

"oh right." Prowl murmurs. "he purged yesterday morning, thats why I brought him down here, but we got distracted by the letter and completely forgot about it." Prowl frowns. Bumblebee groans softly, holding his head.

"please don't talk so loud." Bumblebee mutters.

"sorry." Prowl assures, lowering his voice gently.

"alright, I want both of you out so I can focus on my patient and not you idiots." Ratchet glares, pushing them out.

Prowl sits silently outside the medbay for nearly two hours until Bumblebee finally comes out. Prowl is up and out of the floor immediately.

"hey, find anything out? you alright?" Prowl ask. Bumblebee nods a little.

"yeah, m'okay... Ratchet thinks its just run over from that virus I had, plus too much exposure to Sari's key." Bumblebee mumbles, leaning against Prowl. "but I think its the virus, I need to find her." Bumblebee mumbles quietly.

"you want her to fix you up?" Prowl murmurs. Bumblebee nods slightly. "alright. we'll get you to the medbay." Prowl adds, scooping him up gently. he carefully carries the mech to the main room and gently sets the mech on his peds once they get there.

"shit." Bumblebee mumbles, stumbling. Prowl grabs him quickly.

"easy. don't fall over." Prowl murmurs. Sari perks up happily.

"Bumblebee!" Sari grins running over to them happily. she latches onto his leg, grinning.

"hey Sari, I'm glad you're here, I need a favor from you, is that cool?" Bumblebee asks. Sari looks confused.

"yeah, sure whats up?" Sari asks, confused.

"I just need you to use your key on me." Bumblebee murmurs.

"oh yeah! I can do that, come on down here." Sari grins, waving him down. Bumblebee smiles and crouches down, opening the little panel on his head.

"thanks Sari." Bumblebee mutters. Sari nods, happily pushing the key into the slot in the mechs forehead. "thanks... but the way, Ratchet says he thinks your key is doing some weird shit to me, we both know its not, but you know how Ratchet is, so we can't hang out for a few days." Bumblebee says, standing up and taking a step back.

"what!? what am I supposed to do if I can't hang out with you?" Sari huffs, pouting. Bumblebee shrugs at her a little.

"could hang out with Burns...?" Bumblebee offers. Sari perks up and jumps up excitedly.

"yeah! I can hang out with Burns! she's awesome! she's just like you only she's a girl!" Sari grins at him, running off excitedly. Bumblebee watches her go, before looking over. Ratchet is watching him carefully. Bumblebee waves. the medic narrows his optics and turns back to Optimus.

did he see her use her key on me?

Prowl shakes his head, heading for the couch.

no. he walked in after you stood up. he heard you tell Sari that you two couldn't hang out. do you feel any better Bee?

Bumblebee nods and smiles, sitting beside him. he cuddles up to Prowl happily.

I don't feel like I'm gonna purge anymore, so yeah, I feel pretty good!

Prowl smiles slightly, holding him tightly.

"hey hey, break it up you two. Sentinel is on his way in." Jazz warns quietly. Bumblebee sits up immediately and scoots over carefully.

"go get you a cube." Prowl murmurs softly. Bumblebee nods.

"that sounds like a pretty good idea. I probably need one." Bumblebee murmurs, carefully getting himself up off the couch. he doesn't want to move too quickly and make himself sick again. Bumblebee sighs a little, looking over at Jazz. "I'll be forever grateful you hunted down Wheeljack and my sister, but I seriously hate you brought Sentinel. you could've just let Wheeljack blow himself up again, put the pieces in a box, and sent them down here to Ratchet. he's the best medic in the universe, he could've fixed him." Bumblebee huffs. Prowl chuckles softly.

"sorry lil Bee." Jazz snorts."Optimus, why the hell is your lazy team just sitting around?" Sentinel glares. "there's patrols to be doing." Sentinel adds. Optimus rolls his optics."its hot and quiet Sentinel. unless we get a call for help or something, we'll be laying around. Teletran-1 is doing a virtual patrol and will let us know if anything happens, until then, its too hot and I won't be sending my team out to let their tires melt on the pavement." Optimus frowns."you're too soft on this lazy bunch of scrap. alright, since you can't be a leader, I will. Bumbler, you and that big lug get out of here. go patrol the city." Sentinel orders. Bumblebee pauses, not bothering to lower the cube from his face as he glances over to Optimus. the scout looks utterly annoyed. he's waiting for Optimus' order though. Optimus shakes his head slightly."Bumblebee, Bulkhead, you guys just chill. since Sentinel likes to order you guys out on a hot day while he stays back in the cool base, Sentinel and I will go out for patrol." Optimus assures. he turns to Sentinel, the other Prime glaring him down. "unless you don't think an elite can do a patrol as good as a lowly repair bot." Optimus adds."you have five nano-clicks to get out side." Sentinel snaps, storming off. Optimus shakes his head, before meeting Bumblebee's gaze."thanks Boss Bot." Bumblebee murmurs."yeah, thanks Boss." Bulkhead smiles. Optimus nods, turning and heading out of the base."I've cause a lot of trouble for you guys. I'm sorry." Wheeljack murmurs softly."don't worry about it Wheeljack." Ratchet soothes. Bumblebee sits on the couch, smiling slightly."yeah, don't worry about it Wheeljack, Sentinel is a freaking aft. besides," Bumblebee murmurs, leaning against Prowl carefully. he doesn't want to dump his cube all over both of them. "everyone deserves to spend some time with their bondmates occasionally, and I think you and Ratchet have spent enough time apart for a little while." Bumblebee smiles, slightly. Wheeljack grins happily at Bumblebee, then over to Ratchet. his bondmate glares at him."whatever it is, the answer is a fraggin' no." Ratchet warns. Wheeljack laughs happily, grabbing hold of Ratchet."too bad, I'm here and you don't get the option of saying no!" Wheeljack grins, dragging Ratchet towards the medbay."damn it Wheeljack! let me go!" Ratchet snaps. Bumblebee laughs, watching his creator get dragged off down the hallway.

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