Chapter 4

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"what are you so cuddly for?" Prowl asks, huffing. Bumblebee snorts.

"I just, I feel pretty good. y'know? I reunited Ratchet and Wheeljack, with a little help from you and Jazz, and reunited Ratchet with both his sparklings. I know it brings him a good bit of relief to know we're both still alive. I just, I feel pretty good about it. I really really do." Bumblebee murmurs. Prowl chuckles softly, kissing his helm.

"I'm proud of you." Prowl murmurs softly.

"you guys are so cute together." Jazz grins, not even bothering to look over at them. Prowl huffs at him, reaching over to shove at him. Jazz chuckles.

"shut up." Prowl grumbles. Bumblebee laughs, cuddling against Prowls side, while his bonded gently plays with one of the horns on his head. the scouts engine purrs happily and he cuddles closer to Prowl happily. it was almost enough to put Bumblebee into stasis, almost. Prowl notices this and immediately stops his actions.

"huh?" Bumblebee pouts, blinking away the haze of sleep. he glares at Prowl, pouting. "hey." Bumblebee mumbles.

"sorry Bee. can't have you falling asleep." Prowl murmurs, kissing the top of his head. there's a loud explosion outside. Burns and Sari come stumbling in, Sari screaming as loud as she can. Prowl, Bumblebee, and Jazz jump up, racing over as fast as the can. Bumblebee scoops Sari up gently, worried about the little girl, while Jazz helps Burns up.

"what happened? are you guys okay?" Bumblebee asks.

"Decepticons!" Burns yelps.

"Prime! Prime we got Decepticons at the base!"

"we'll be right there Bumblebee. be safe."

"Sari you need to stay in here and stay safe." Prowl murmurs, moving the little girl to a safer area.

"all I can see is Starscream, so like, no hurry."

Bumblebee yelps as an explosion tosses him to the side hard.

"shit." Bumblebee hisses, wincing.

"ow! who the hell threw that!?" Starscream snaps, glaring around. Bumblebee winces and sits up, rubbing his head. he looks over, Prowl has thrown a shuriken and it had sliced through Starscreams weapon. Bumblebee looks over as Prowl kneels next to him. the ninja carefully looks him over, frowning.

"don't get up Bee, just stay there." Prowl murmurs, looking down at his side. Bumblebee looks down and frowns at himself. he's leaking energon from his abdominal area, side, and probably legs.

"fuck, don't worry about me, m'fine." Bumblebee mutters, pushing Prowl away. he shakily gets to his peds, blindly blasting his stingers in Starscreams direction. he looks over as Optimus and Sentinel roll up, transforming. Optimus runs past them, pausing for only to look at them.

"Prowl, get Bumblebee inside now. Sentinel and I will handle Starscream, go now!" Optimus orders, running after Sentinel. Prowl nods and helps Bumblebee up, before scooping him up carefully.

"put me down damn it, I can walk Prowl." Bumblebee mutters, shoving away from the ninja. "Prowl! look out!" Bumblebee shouts, landing on his peds. he shoves Prowl as hard as he can backwards, leaving the ninja to look up at him confusedly. Starscream suddenly slams into Bumblebee, sending him flying backwards. Bumblebee slams into a tree trunk before slumping down silently, curling in on himself.

"Bumblebee!" Prowl shouts, kicking Starscream out of his way. he kneels beside Bumblebee. "still think you can walk?" Prowl huffs. Bumblebee glares at him, but its so painful that it lacks any kind of bite. Prowl scoops him up gently, heading for the doors of the base as fast as he can. "shit!" Prowl snaps, dropping Bumblebee as he's dragged into the air by his leg. "I thought you two had him handled!?" Prowl snaps, dangling from Starscreams grip. the Con is semi crushing his ankle. Optimus is quick to catch the injured beetle before he hits the ground.

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